Board Review Flashcards
Prominent forehead , butterfly hemivertebrae, anterior chamber abnormalities of the eye, branch pa stenosis, pulm stenosis, tof
Jag1 mutations
Hypoplasia of thymus and parathyroid, cleft palate, VSD , truncus, ToF , IAA
22q11 deletions
Upper limb anomalies, ASD, VSD
Holt oram
Tbx5 mutations
Long limbs, scoliosis, pectus, aortic root dilation, valve prolapse
FBN1 mutations
Wide spaced eyes, ptosis, low set ears, webbed neck, pectus, cryptorchidism, pulm valve stenosis, ToF
PTPN mutations
Bilateral epicanthal folds, tongue protrusion, low nasal bridge, hypotonia, brushfield spots,ASD, VSD, complete AV canal, ToF
Microcephaly, cleft lip/palate, holoprosencephaly, ophthalmic issues, ASD, VSD, PDA, dextrocardia
T13 patau
Microcephaly, small mouth, micrognathia, joint contractures, cleft lip/palate, scoliosis, VSD, PDA, valve issues, HLHS
T18 edwards
Webbed neck, lymphedema, bicuspid aortic valve, aortic stenosis, coarct, interrupted aortic arch
Turner XO
Elfin facies, stellate pattern of iris, short anteverted nose, long philtrum, prominent lips, supravalvar aortic stenosis, branch pulm art stenosis
7q11 deletion
Risk for chd in CHARGE
Risk for CHD in rubinstein-taybi syndrome
Risk for CHD in t18
Risk for CHD in t21
First line tx for intrauterine SVT
Alveolar gas equation
= fio2 (barometric P - water vapor P) - pCO2/0.8
sea level=760
Water vapor=47
A- a gradient
= fio2 (baroP - WV P) - pCO2/0.8 - paO2
>600 is bad
MAP x fio2/paO2 x 100
> 25 is bad, > 40 = ECMO
Most common type of VSD
Enzyme activated by NO
Guanylate cyclase
Most common vasc ring
Double aortic arch (40 %)
Persistent R and L 4th branchial arches
2nd most common (30%) R arch with PDA
Rhabdomyoma, ash leaf spots, intracranial tumors, eye involvement, sz, mental deficiency, enamel pits in teeth
Tuberous sclerosis
Chr9 and 16
Tuberous sclerosis chromosome
9 or 16
Tumor assoc with mccune albright syndrome
pituitary adenoma
Tumor assoc with nf
Tumor assoc with von hippel lindau
Intracranial tumors
Retinal angiomas
Cardiac med that causes cyanide toxicity
Receptors targeted by norepi
Alpha > beta 1> beta 2
Receptors targeted by isoproterenol
Beta only (1 and 2)
Receptors targeted by epi
Beta 1 and 2 > alpha
<0.3 beta
>0.3 alpha
Receptors targeted by dopamine
2 dopaminergic (renal vasodilation) 2-6 beta 1 and dopiminergic 6-20 beta 1 and some alpha
Inhibits na/k atpase and na/h pump
Receptors targeted by dobutamine
Beta 1 » beta 2
Digoxin target
Na/K atpase
Results in increased calcium infux
Decreases svr, hr, AV conduction
Milrinone target
Accumulation of cAMP , incr ca entry, INCR contractility, relaxation of vasc smooth musc
Off target side effect of milrinone
Most common cyanotic heart lesion in first week of life
Most common cardiac lesion in vacterl
VSD (>50%)
Pulmonic stenosis, hypertelorism, down-slanting palpebral fissures, low-set ears, short stature, short webbed neck, pectus excavatum , cryptorchidism, cognitive deficits, bleeding disorders, lymphedema, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Noonan, autosomal dominant
Most common cause of HCM in children under 4
Rate of recurrence for tof
Cardiogenesis begins
5 wks
Heart beats @ embryonic week ?
Embryonic week of heart septation
7-8 wks
Ductus arteriosus arises from which aortic arch
Distal L 6th
Branch PAs arise from which aortic arch
Proximal 6th
Carotid artery arises from which aortic arch
R subclavian artery arises from which aortic arch
R 4th
Aortic arch arises from which arch?
L 4th
Most common cause of neonatal htn
Renal artery thrombosis
Oxygen content
(1.34 x hgb x sats) + (0.003 x paO2)
Most common std in pregnancy
Most common type of conjoined twinning
Most common indication for primary cs
Failure to progress
cleft lip and palate, depressed nasal bridge, nail hypoplasia, umbilical hernia , iugr. What drug?
La place’s law
P=2x surface tension/radius
Doubling radius will 1/2 the pressure within the alveoli
CPAP incr radius which decr pressure needed to keep alveoli inflated
Weakness, resp distress, bell shaped chest, facial diplegia (carp shaped mouth), talipes equinovarus, prenatal hist of poly and decr fetal movement
Congenital myotonic dystrophy
Up to 40% mortality
Genetics of congenital myotonic dystrophy
Autosomal dominant Triple repeat (ctg) in DMPK gene Chromosome 19 Maternal anticipation ( maternal facial diplegia, myotonic grip, cardiac conduction defects)
Genetics of spinal muscular atrophy
Smn1 gene
Chr 5
Most common craniosynostosis
Premature closure of sagittal suture
Scaphocephaly or dolichocephaly
Normal head circumference at term
Premature suture closure in crouzon or apert syndrome
Coronal (unilateral) - frontal plagiocephaly
Premature suture closure in carpenter syndrome
Bilateral coronal
Most common cause of macrocephaly
Benign familial macrocephaly
Autosomal dominant
Most common site involved in neonatal stroke
Left mca >r mca > bilateral mca
Most common cause of congenital cataracts
Hypotonia, excess sleepiness, poor suck, dolichocephaly, almond-shaped eyes, bitemporal narrowing, narrow nasal bridge
Prader willi
Hypotonia, severe mental defic, ataxia and jerky puppet-like movements, incr risk for sz, wide spaced teeth, large mouth, protruding tongue, decr iris pigment, deep-set eyes, maxillary hypoplasia
Hypotonia, microcephaly, abnl fat distrib , inverted nipples, strabismus, cardiomyopathy, protein losing enteropathy, hypoglycemia, coagulation abnorm, sz, cerebellar atrophy, mild to severe psychomotor impairment
Congenital disorders of glycosylation
Autosomal recessive
Hypotonia, resp failure, poor feeding, weakness, contractures, bitemporal wasting, mask-like facies, tented upper lip
Myotonic dystrophy
Autosomal dominant w/ anticipation
Pupillary light reflex matures
Conjugate horizontal gaze matures
Conjugate vertical gaze matures
Visual following matures
Visual evoked potential reaches adult level
Optic nerve myelination complete
Most common cause congenital hearing loss: genetic or acquired?
Genetic (50%)
Acquired (25%)
Unknown (25%)
Most common genetic cause of hearing loss
Connexin 26 mutation (20-30% of congen hearing loss)
Syndromes with hearing loss
Alport treacher collins pierre robin T21 T8 Stickler Charge Klippel-feil Waardenburg
Decibel level of abnormal hearing screen
> or = 35 db
% of neonates with congenital hearing loss detected in newborn period
Reflex that appears@ 28w, established by 32w, disappears by 2-4m
Persistence assoc with athetoid cp
Palmar grasp
Prader willi genetics
Uniparental disomy (paternal deletion) @ 15q11-q13
Angelman genetics
Uniparental disomy (maternal deletion) 15q11-q13 Both copies paternal
Excess tearing, corneal clouding, decr pupillary light reflex
Congenital glaucoma
Genetics of galactosemia
Absent galactose-1- phosphate-uridyltransferase
Autosomal recessive
Cataracts, second and third toe syndactyly , anteverted nostrils, genital abnorm, microcephaly, growth restr
Smith-lemli-0pitz syndrome
Autosomal recessive
Defect in cholesterol synthesis
Syndromes assoc with lissencephaly
Walker-warburg (cerebro-ocular dysplasia syndrome)
Miller-dieker syndrome
Smooth cortex, microcephaly,ventriculomegaly, widened sylvian fissures, complete/partial agenesis of cc
Defect in neuronal migration between 12 and 24 wks
Primary neurulation defects
Anencephaly myeloschisis Encephalocele Mmc Arnold-chiari malform
Occurs@ 3-4 wks gestation
Prosencephalic development (ventral induction) defects
Agenesis of cc
Septo-optic dysplasia
Occurs @ 2-3 months gest
Neural and glial prolif defects
Micrencephaly (small brain)
Macrencephaly (large brain)
Occurs @ 3-4 months gest
Neuronal migration defects
Schizencephaly (no cortex)
Lissencephaly (smooth brain)
Pachygyria (broad gyri)
Occurs @ 3-5 months gest
Neuronal organization defects
T21 Fragile x Autism Angelman Prematurity
Timing of axonal outgrowth and prolif
3 months gest to birth
Timing of dendritic and synapse formation/organization
6 months gest to age 1y
Timing of synaptic rearrangements
Birth to years
Timing of corticospinal tract myelination
38 w gest to 2y
Last pathway to myelinate
Association bundle that connects prefrontal cortex with temporal and parietal lobes
Complete around 32y
Mcc infections conjunctivitis in 1st month of life
When is onset of auditory function in the fetus?
20 weeks gestation
Most common chd in 22q11
Conotruncal defects (and vsd), palatal abnormalities, vascular ring (or laryngeal web, subglottic stenosis), imperforate anus (or EA, hernias), thymic hypoplasia, prominent nasal bridge, micrognathia, hearing loss, developmental delay, asd (also schizophrenia, add, anxiety), rib/vertebral anomalies, gu ( hydronephrosis , renal anomalies, cryptorchidism, hypospadias), hypo ca, hypoparathyr, gh defic, lymphopenia
22q11 deletion syndrome
Sga infant, petite features, micrognathia, clenched hands, rocker bottom feet, chd (vsd,pda)
Also- prominent occiput, low set ears, small mouth, high arched palate , horseshoe kidneys
ToF with long appearing fingers and toes, hypocalcemia
22q11 deletion syndrome
Upslanting palpebral fissures, midface hypoplasia, protruding tongue, mild hypotonia, bilateral single palmar creases, sandal gap
T 21
Risk of intestinal atresia in t21
Risk of tmd in t21
Risk of hearing problems in t21
Risk of cataracts in t 21
Hypertelorism, downslanting palpebral fissures, low set ears, cafe au lait spot
Also- wide spaced nipples, short stature , short webbed neck, ps , hcm, cryptorchidism, developmental delay, coag defects, lymphatic dysplasias
Noonan syndrome
Most common cardiac defect in noonan syndrome
Pulmonary valve stenosis
Genetics of noonan syndrome
Autosomal dominant
Ptpn11 mutation in 50%
Cluster of vesicles on erythematous base between 7-14 days of life
Histologic dx of hsv
Tzanck smear with multinucleated giant cells
Histologic diagnosis of etox
Wright stain with eosinophils
How does etox look different than hsv
Wider erythematous base
Single white central papule/ pustule
Lesions@24-48 hours of life (and up to 10 days)
Eb simplex mutations
Autosomal dominant
Mutations in keratins, pectins (upper layer epidermis)
Junctional eb mutations
Autosomal recessive
Mutations in laminin, pectin, integrins ( components of epidermis/dermis junction)
Dystrophic eb mutations
AR or AD
Mutations in type 7 collagen ( lower dermis)
Solitary well-circumscribed lesion on face/neck/scalp, no hair growth, flat pink or slightly raised orange waxy plaque
Nevus sebaceous
Made of extra oil glands
Dry thickened skin, temp instability, incr insensible water loss, incr risk of infection
Thickened skin= buildup of dead skin and keratin
Treat with emollient or retinoids
Milia contents
Keratin protein
Highest risk window for neonatal varicella
5 days before and 2 days after delivery
No time for maternal antibody transfer
Postnatal exposure, can use cellular immunity to protect from resp droplet exposure (vs hematogenous spread)
Histologic findings in cmv
Cells with perinuclear vacuolization around centrally placed nuclei
Owl’s eye inclusion bodies
Gaucher’s disease defect
Anemia, tcp, hepatosplenomegaly
Christmas tree cataract
Myotonic dystrophy
Gene involved in aniridia (no iris)
Pax 6
Chr 11
part of wagr syndrome = wilms tumor, aniridia, genital anomalies, range of developmental delays
Cxr with signif cardiomegaly
Ebstein’s anomaly
Cxr with boot shaped heart
Cxr with “egg on a string” appearance
Broad distal phalanx of big toe and syndactyly, irregular craniosynostosis, hypertelorism, midfacial hypoplasia , cardiac and neuro defects
Apert syndrome
Autosomal dominant
Fgfr 2
Genetics of holt-oram
Autosomal dominant
Absent sternal head of pectoralis, hypoplasia of breast/nipple and defic of subcut tissue, ipsilateral syndactyly or hand malformation
Poland syndrome
Port wine stain over 1st or 2nd division of trigeminal nerve, st, hemiparesis contralateral to facial lesion, ipsilateral tramline intracortical calcifications (leptomeningeal angiomas), ipsilateral eye abnormalities (optic atrophy, glaucoma, buphthalmos)
Sturge weber syndrome
Inheritance pattern unknown
PHACES defects
Posterior fossa abnorm. Hemangioma (large segmental lesion usu on face) Arterial anomalies Cardiac anomalies Eye anomalies
Male: female distribution in omphalocele
Male: female distribution in gastroschisis
Imprinted syndromes (9 total)
Angelman Prader-willi Russell-silver Beckwith-wiedeman Maternal hypomethylation syndromes Maternal and paternal uniparental disomy of chr 14 Psendohypoparathyroidism type 1b Transient neonatal diabetes
Inheritance: cf
Inheritance: alpha-thal
Inheritance: beta-thal
Inheritance: sickle cell
Inheritance: 21-hydroxylase defic
Inheritance: congenital muscular dystrophy
Inheritance: protein c and s defic
Inheritance: spherocytosis
Majority are AD, minority are AR
Inheritance: gilbert disease
Inheritance: von willebrand disease
Inheritance: congenital myotonic dystrophy
Inheritance: nf
Inheritance: apert syndrome
Inheritance: crouzon syndrome
Inheritance: holt-oram syndrome
Inheritance: Marfan
Inheritance: noonan
Inheritance: stickler syndrome
Inheritance: treacher-collins
Inheritance: aplasia cutis
Inheritance: bullous ichthyosis and ichthyosis vulgaris
Inheritance: eb simplex
Inheritance: Keratosis pilaris
Inheritance: partial albinism
Inheritance: peutz-jegher syndrome
Inheritance: waardenburg syndrome
Inheritance: adult polycystic kidney disease
Inheritance: familial polyposis
Inheritance: gardner syndrome
Inheritance: alagille syndrome
Inheritance: retinoblastoma
Some with variable penetrance
Sporadic in 60%
Inheritance: achondroplasia
Inheritance: postaxial polydactyly
Inheritance: osteogenesis imperfecta
Inheritance: thanatophoric dysplasia
Inheritance: fabry disease
Inheritance: hunter disease
Inheritance: menkes disease
Inheritance: ornithine carbamyl transferase
Many heterozygote FEMALES affected, likely due to x inactivation
Inheritance: glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase defic
Inheritance: Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
Inheritance: hemophilia a and b
Inheritance: red-green color blindness
Inheritance: duchenne muscular dystrophy
Inheritance: hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
Inheritance: x-linked ichthyosis
Inheritance: nephrogenic DI
Genetic disorders associated with advanced paternal age
Achondroplasia Apert syndrome Crouzon syndrome NF OI Thanatophoric dysplasia Possibly klinefelter and t21
Conditions with female > male
Choanal atresia (2:1) Choledochal cysts (2.5:1) Congenital hip dysplasia (5.5:1) Ureterocele (5-7:1) T18 (3:1) ASD (2:1) PDA (3:1) Anencephaly (3:1) Congenital hypothyroid (2:1)
Risk of chd if 1 previous child with chd
Risk of chd if 2 prior children with chd
Risk to next child if: 1 child cleft lip and unaffected parents
Risk to next child if: 1 child with cleft lip and 1 parent
Risk to next child if: 1 child with cleft palate
Risk to next child if: 1 child with club foot
2% if 1st child male
5% if 1st child female
Risk to next child if: 1 parent with club foot and 1 child
Risk to next child if: 1 child with hip dysplasia
0.5% if male
6.3% if female
Overall, 3-4%
Risk to next child if: 1 child with hirschsprung
Risk to next child if: 1 child with neural tube defect
Risk to next child if: mother with pyloric stenosis
19% if son, 7% if daughter
Risk to next child if: father with pyloric stenosis
5.5% if son, 2.4% if daughter
Risk to next child if: 1 child with pyloric stenosis
3% (4% if male, 2.4% if female)
Risk to next child if: mother has balanced t21 translocation
Risk to next child if: father has balanced t21 translocation
Risk to next child if: prior child with t21 and no parent with translocation
1% risk to sibling until risk from ama is higher than 1% (after 37yrs)
Incidence of CF carrier status in caucasians
1 in 25
Deep creases in palms/soles, camptodactyly (flexion of pip joint), thick lips, deep set eyes, prominent cupped ears, prominent forehead, hypertelorism, micrognathia, short/webbed neck, mild to severe mental deficiency, pelvic dysplasia, hip dysplasia, uteral-renal anomalies, may have cardiac abnormalities
Tri 18
Usu mosaic
VSD>PDA, cutis aplasia, polydactyly, narrow hyperconvex fingernails, cleft lip/palate, small eyes, colobomas, retinal dysplasia, sloping forehead, bulbous nose, umb/ing hernia, cryptorchidism, abnl scrotum, bicornuate uterus, microcephaly, holoprosenaphaly, sz, severe mental deficiency, deafness, pelvic dysplasia, apnea, persistence of fetal hemoglobin, incr neutrophils with nuclear projections
Tri 13 Triple screen not helpful 80% with complete trisomy, extra chr of maternal origin , remainder with translocation 90% die in 1st year of life Diagnose with karyotype
Tri 18 male-female ratio
I male: 3 female
VSD, PDA> bicuspid av , ps, coarct, tof
Overlapping fingers and clenched fist, hypoplastic nails, rocker bottom feet
Micrognathia (+/- pierre robin sequence) , small mouth, small eyes, small palpebral fissures, malformed low-set ears, occipital prominence
Umb or ing hernia, cryptorchidism
Narrow bpd, choroid plexus cyst, mental defic
Single umb art, iugr, short sternum
Tri 18
95% of conceptions result in sport abortion
50% mortality in 1st wk, 90-95% die in 1st year
Triple screen: low hcg, low estriol, low afp
Tri 18
Inhibin a normal
Proportion of tri 21 born to mothers <35 yrs
Due to higher reproductive rate
Quad screen: high hcg, low estriol, low afp, high inhibin a
Tri 21
Cri du chat genetics
5p deletion
Majority de novo
Deleted portion is paternal origin in 80%
Transverse palmar crease
Hypertelorism, downward slant of palpebral fissures, round facies, epicanthal folds, strabismus, low-set ears
Severe mental deficiency, cat-like cry , microcephaly, hypotonia
Lbw , FTT
Cri du chat syndrome
5p deletion
IQ in tri 21
Proportion of tri 21 with hearing loss
Proportion of tri 21 with robertsonian translocation
Usu chr 13,14,15
Thumb hypoplasia, 5th finger clinodactyly, short big toe, talipes equinovarus
Colobomas, incr risk retinoblastoma (usu bilat), small eyes
Microcephaly, micrognathia, large malformed and low set ears, high nasal bridge, hypertelorism, ptosis, epicanthal folds
Hypospadias, cryptorchidism
Mental deficiency
Iugr, focal lumbar agenesis
Deletion 13q syndrome
Genetics of wolf- hirschhorn syndrome
4p deletion
87% de novo
13% with 1 parent with balanced translocation
Phenotype depends on length of deletion
High forehead, broad or beaked nose, hypertelorism, low set simple ear with preauricular dimple, prominent glabella, supraorbital ridge continuous with nasal bridge, short philtrum, micrognathia
“Greek warrior helmet” appearance
Microcephaly, cranial asymmetry, hypotonia, severe cognitive defects, sz
IUGR, hypospadias, cryptorchidism, cardiac abnorm
Wolf-hirschhorn syndrome
Deletion 4p syndrome
Genetics of angelman syndrome
70% are deletion of 15q 11-13 with deleted piece of maternal origin
<5% paternal uniparental disomy
20-30% point mutations or other abnorm of maternal 15q11-13
Inappropriate bursts of laughter, wide spaced teeth, large mouth, protruding tongue, decr iris pigment, deep-set eyes, maxillary hypoplasia, microbrachycephaly
Initial hypotonia, severe mental defic, delayed motor skills, absent speech or <6 word vocab, ataxia and jerky movements,sz
Angelman syndrome
Deletion of maternal 15q11-13 or paternal uniparental disomy
Anatomic etiology of 22q 11.2
Defect in 4th brachial arch and derivatives of the 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouches
Most common chromosomal deletion
22q 11.2
Autosomal dominant
Arch abnormalities,vsd, pda , tof
Cleft palate, prominent nose with square nasal root and harrow alar base (bulbous), hypertelorism, protuberant ears, micrognathia, short philtrum, short palpebral fissures, small mouth
Diaphragmatic hernia, impert anus, esoph atresia
Hypoplastic parathyroid glands with hypocalcemia, deficient cellular immunity, choanal atresia, abundant scalp hair, microcephaly, slender and hyperextensible hands and fingers, developmental delay
22q 11.2 microdeletion syndrome
Genetics of Prader-Willi syndrome
75% with deletion of 15q 11-13 with deleted piece of paternalorigin
15-20% result from maternal uniparental disomy of 15q
5% from mutation of imprinting center or chromosomal translocation of 15q- these can recur
Small hands and feet
Almond-shaped palpebral fissures, may be upslanting
Thin upper lip, light-colored hair and eye color
Hypogenitalia, undescended testes
Infantile hypotonia (profound), poor suck, mild-severe mental defic, behavioral problems
FTT in infancy, followed by obesity, typically breech position @ delivery
Risk for hypothyroid
Prader-willi syndrome
Paternal 15q 11-13 deletion
Rate of hypothyroid in prader-willi
Diagnosis of prader-willi/ angelman
Methylation analysis
Can also do high resolution chromosome analysis to for look translocation which is impt for recurrence risk
Treatment options for prader-willi
Hcg for cryptorchidism
Gh to improve linear growth and lean muscle mass
Ssri for behavioral issues
Genetics of rubenstein-taybi syndrome
Microdeletion @ 16 p 13.3
Encodes cAMP regulated enhancer binding protein (CREB)
Majority are sporadic
Broad thumbs with radial angulation, broad 1st toes, 5th finger clinodactyly, flat feet, joint hypermobility
Downward slanting palpebral fissures, hypoplastic maxilla, narrow palate, prominent beaked nose, deviated nasal septum, low-set ears with dysplastic helices, long eyelashes, heavy eyebrows, eye anomalies (nasolacrimal duct obstr, ptosis, glaucoma, strabismus, refractive error)
Hirsutism, cheloid formation
Microcephaly, speech difficulties, stiff unsteady gait, hypotonia, cryptorchidism, developmental delay , postnatal growth defic, incr risk braintumor/leukemia (usu
Rubenstein-taybi syndrome
16 p 13.3 deletion (creb)
Genetics of wagr syndrome
Microdeletion@ 11 p 13
Usu de novo
Phenotype variability because of diff sized deletions
Wilms tumor
GU anomalies
Moderate to severe mental deficiency
Prominent lips, micrognathia, malformed ears, congenital cataracts, nystagmus, ptosis, blindness
Hypospadius, cryptorchidism
Microcephaly, short stature, renal failure, gonadoblastomas
WAGR syndrome
11p13 deletion
Wilms tumor in 50%
Genetics of williams syndrome
7q11.23 deletion
Deletion of elastin gene
Majority sporadic
Supravalvular subdortic stenosis > PPS,VSD,asd, coarct
Hypoplastic nails
Prominent lips with open mouth, hoarse voice, blue eyes, stellate iris pattern, periorbital fullness, enamel hypoplasia, depressed nasal bridge, short palpebral fissures, epicanthal folds, long philtrum
Mental defic (iq 41-80), mild microcephaly
Renal asymmetry, pelvic kidney
Hypercalcemia (usu transient), mild perinatal growth restr
Williams syndrome
7q 11.23 deletion (includes elastin gene)
Cardiac anomaly assoc w/ williams syndrome
Supravalvular subaortic stenosis
Syndrome assoc with supravalvular subaortic stenosis
Williams syndrome
7q 11.23 deletion (includes elastin gene)
Genetics of achondroplasia
Fgfr3 mutation
Autosomal dominant
80-90% new mutation
Glucose intolerance
Trident hands
Short limbs
Depressed nasal bridge, prominent mandible, frontal bossing
Megalocephaly, mild hypotonia, small foramen magnum (may lead to hydroceph), caudal harrowing of spinal cord
Abnl vertebrae , short stature, spinal complications, narrow chest, flattened vertebral bodies (platyspondyly)
Fgfr 3 mutation
Autosomal dominant
Intelligence in achondroplasia
Apert syndrome genetics
Fgfr 2 mutation
Autosomal dominant
Crouzon syndrome genetics
Fgfr 2 mutation
Autosomal dominant with variable expression
Hypertelorism, maxillary hypoplasia, shallow orbits, ocular proptosis, frontal bossing, curved parrot beak nose, strabismus
Premature craniosynostosis (esp coronal, sagittal,lambdoid)
Decr visual acuity, conductive hearing loss
Cronzon syndrome
Fgfr 2 mutation
Hypertelorism, midface hypoplasia, shallow orbits, abnl skull shape, large fontanelles, flat facies, down-slanting palpebral fissures, small nose, maxillary hypoplasia, narrow palate, dental anomalies, strabismus
Broad distal phalanx of thumb and big toe, syndactyly of hands and feet
Irregular craniosynostosis (esp coronal)
VSD, PS, overriding aorta
Mental defic, neuro defects
Acne, fusion of cervical vertebrae
Apert syndrome
Fgfr 2 mutation
Genetics of beckwith -wiedemann syndrome
11p 15,5 50% hypomethylation of centromeric imprinting center 15% uniparental disomy 10% mutation in CKN1C imprinting center 5% loss of imprinting of IFG2
Usu sporadic
15% with autosomal dominant transition with variable expression and incomplete penetrance