board prep Flashcards
What are the promotion requirements for e-1 to e-2?
6 months TIG/TIS
What are the promotion requirements for e-2 to e-3?
4 months TIG and 12 months TIS
What are the promotion requirements for e-3 to e-4?
6 months TIG and 24 months TIS
What are the promotion requirements for e-4 to e-5?
DLC 1 and 12 months TIG
What school has to be completed for an e-4 to be pinned as an e-5?
What are the promotion requirements for e-5 to e-6?
DLC 2 and 18 months TIG
What school has to be completed for an e-5 to be pinned as an e-6?
What are the promotion requirements for e-6 to e-7?
DLC 3 and 36 months / 8 years TIS
What school has to be completed for an e-6 to be pinned as an e-7?
What are the promotion requirements for e-7 to e-8?
DLC 4 and 36 months TIG / 12 years TOS
What school has to be completed for an e-7 to be pinned as an e-8?
What are the promotion requirements for e-8 to e-9?
DLC 4 and 36 months TIG / 16 years TIS
What school has to be completed for an e-8 to be pinned as an e-9?
what does Army Directive 2015-31 allow for NG soldiers?
To be promoted into an open vacancy in the grade above without completion of the subsequent school. A soldier has 24 months to complete the school and be pinned before they lose their spot
What is SRM?
The Sustainment Readiness Model
What does the SRM do?
It is a visual model that allows unit planners to normalize phases of training to support overall readiness. It uses data from all like-ujirs Army wide to determine how METL-based training should be applied.
What are 3 characteristics of SRM?
1) Provides common standards Army Wide
2) Clear representation of a unit’s readiness
3) Synchronizes resources, decisions, and unit activities
How long is an SRM module?
1 quarter of the year (3 months)
What are the 3 basic SRM modules?
Prepare (yellow), Ready (green), Mission purple)
Descripe a unit that is in Prepare (yellow) status on the SRM?
These are units that are recovering, transitioning, or preparing for a mission at either a C4 or C3 level
Describe a unit that is in Ready (green) status on the SRM?
Units are ready and available for immediate deployment at either a C2 or C1 level of readiness
Describe a unit that is in Mission (purple) status on the SRM?
Units are executing a joint order mission and are required to be a C1 or C2 action readiness
What is the focus of a unit in year 1?
Plan and prepare readiness objectives
year 1 is looking at the ODM and determining where the unit is in comparison to where they should be / where all other units are and coming up with a plan of action that is METL focused to bring the unit in line.
What is the focus of a unit in year 2?
Focus on established readiness objectives from year 1
Year 2 is putting the plan into action so that the unit becomes ready and prepared for any Mission.
What is DPRO?
A comprehensive information management system that acts as a customizable reporting tool
What does DPRO contain and how can it be used?
See unit formation, filled positions and vacancies
What does DPRO stand for?
Director’s Personnel Readiness Overview
Describe your current physical fitness training
I currently have given myself a goal of being able to complete a half-marathon and am training to accommodate that goal. I generally run 5-6 days a week on varying distances. Every other day will be a short run (4 miles) while the remainder of the days get increasingly further in distance.
What is your philosophy on physical fitness training
Generally, however, I am a supporter of a total body fitness regime. To be a better runner, a Soldier needs to build their core strength so that the legs and hip-flexors are less taxed. Likewise, a strong core helps to support the weight of the body during pushups, making the overall body function smoother. Everything works together. Having a full time career and being a mother to a young child, I understand the time constraints many Soldiers face but have also found a way to balance without sacrificing the most important elements.
How does your physical fitness philosophy fit into a unit training environmment?
Creating avenues of accountability for our Soldiers throughout the month will help keep them on track. Provide support by creating plans that focus on each Soldiers individual needs and connect them to other Soldiers who have similar support needs. Doing a little PT on drill weekends will not suffice - it as to be encouraged and supported in the time between in order to keep Soldiers ready.
What does CUSR stand for?
Commander’s Unit Status Report
What is CUSR used for?
It is used for rating METL proficiency
What are the levels on the CUSR?
T - fully trained T - trained P - Practiced P - Marginally Practiced U - Untrained
Define Fully trained
Fully trained is complete task profieciency
90% Go or higher on performance and leader performances measures and 100% on critical performance measures
Define Trained
Trained is advanced task proficiency
80% GO or higher on performance and leader performance measures and 100& on critical performance measures
Define Practiced
Practiced is basic task proficiency
65% GO or higher on performance measures
80% GO on all leader performance measures
>100% on critical performance measures
Define Marginally Practiced
Marginally practiced is limited task proficiency
51% Go or higher on performance measures
80% GO on all leader performance measures
>100% on critical performance measures
Define Untrained
Untrained means a unit cannot perform the task
>51% GO on performances measures
>80% on all leader performace measures
>100% on all critical performance measures
How many levels above you should you be trained on?
2 levels above
Who are you responsible to train within your unit?
Two levels down as well as all Solderis in your care, but make sure two levels down are ready for your job
What are the CUSR Categories?
P - Personnel Readiness
T- Training
E- Equipment Readiness
S - Equipment on Hand
What is the Battle Ready Campaign?
We utilized the Battle Flag to show t=which Soldiers might be deficient in standards and allows us to recognize them in order to help. The standards are APFT/ACFT, Height/Weight, NCOES, no disciplinary flags, and MOSQ
Suppose there is a breadown in your unit. What would you have to do to fix the breakdown and bring about a resolution?
I have a very specific example of this happening. As the NCOIC of the Ceremonial Band, I defer the conducting responsibilities to other Soldiers who have more expertise in the field. Those assignments have either been based on sections that had more personnel and were more flexible, or rank priority. During AT 2018, a SGT in the percussion section, a complex instrument group of only 2 persons, felt they had been snubbed for conducting duties and instead of voicing their complaint to me, became obstinate in their interactions. After a conversation with one of my SSGs, I was informed that another conductor had offered a particular piece to this SGT to conduct but during our planning meeting did not reveal that to me. This breakdown in communication led to poor behavior and discord within the ensemble. Once all the pieces had finally been laid out, I worked with our conducting team to reappropriate a few pieces that could be performed with only 1 percussionist and offered conducting duties to the SGT. In the end, everyone was appeased but so much grief could have been spared if communication had not been stymied.
Suppose morale is low due to your performance and management style. How would you go about working this issue?
I use a lot of anonymous forms to allow Soldiers to express their opinions about specific topics or general ideas so that they can give their thoughts freely without it being tied to them. This allows me to receive information in a way that is unbiased and cannot be skewed. If I find that my Soldiers seem to be unresponsive to a directive or lacking in desire to complete missions, I can use this tactic to refocus and restructure.
In general, communication between Soldiers and Leaders is essential to making the mission work. Open-door policies open avenues for discussion. I will always make an effort to integrate some ideas and suggestions into my habits so that Soldiers know that I listen and react.
At this management level, one must handle stress on the job. How would you balance with the landscape of your position and the need to develop the unit?
At this critical moment, development of the unit should take priority. Goals need to be redefined so that they are realistic and attainable for the personnel of the unit. Soldier care is a definitive quality that needs to be prioritized so that long-term development of the unit can be possible.
As the 1SG, I feel that I would need to be prepared to support the capablilites of my team, as long as we are hitting the metrics we have defined as manageable.
Describe an obstacle within your unit and how you propose to overcome this obstacle.
The biggest issue the 119th faces at this time is being able to reach and sustain 100% retention. Trying to ask other Soldiers to reclass into this MOS is daunting due to the length of the reclass school. I believe that we need to find ways to recruit to high school or college students who are in journalism departments and pitch the 46S MOS to them. State level conventions where the most qualified students will be congregating would be great hot spots for recruitment.
What is the state motto?
Be your best
What is DRM?
Deliberate Risk Management
What are the steps of DRM?
Identify the hazard Assess the hazard Develop controls Implement controls Supervise and Evaluate
What are the levels of NCOERs
Direct (E5)
Organization (E6-E8)
Strategic (E9)
What is your Chain of Command
1SG Tony Luzzi CSM Crawford - Battalion CSM CSM Michau - Brigade CSM CSM Smith - State CSM CSM Guden - TRADOC CSM CSM Grinston - CSM of the Army
When does the state classify NCOERs as overdue?
After 90 days from the end of the rating period
What is the battalion directive on overdue NCOERs
NCOERs should be signed the day after the rating year has closed or NLT the following drill cycle
What is SHARP?
Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention
What is a restricted report?
talk to someone without triggering an official investigation
What is an unrestricted report
An offical investigation with counseling services, etc and a victim advocate to help through the process
Who is the the state SARC?
Jessica Hamilton
What is a SARC
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator
Define sexual assault
Sexual assault can be verbal, nonverbal, unwelcomed physical contact, hostile environment, or quid pro quo scenario
What is the STEP program?
Select, train, educate, promote
What is MRC?
Medical Readiness Code
What are the 4 levels of MRC?
1 - Good to go
2 - missing immunization
3 - dental
4 - unknown or no PHA
What is CSDP
Command Supply Discipline Program
What do we do with APFT failures?
Counsel, two consecutive fails will separate
What are the ACFT events
Maximum deadlift, standing power throw, hand release push up, leg tuck (alt 2 min plank), sprint drag carry, 2 mile run - alt bike, swim, row
What is EES
Entry evaluation system (NCOERs and support forms)
What is DA Form 2166-8
What is DA Form 2166-8
NCOER Support Form
What is DD638
An award application form
What is covered in AR 670-1
Wear and Appearance of the Uniform
Where can you find info about the placement of items on the dress uniform?
PAM 670-1
What is in AR 600-9
Weight Control Program
What is DA Form 5501?
body fat worksheet
What is DA form 705
APFT score card
What is covered in AR 600-1
Army Profession and Leadership
What is covered in ADP 6-22?
What is in DTMS?
Soldier data (APFT, Weight, weapon qual, AWT) and unit data (AARs, training schedules)
What is T&EO
Training and evaluation outline