Board Prep Flashcards
APU in “arm” does what?
- Nosegear uplock bypassed to energize GOB
- APU load control valve disabled
- APU scissor switch relay bypassed to allow APU ops during emergencies
—IF switch in ARM—
-Ground AC and engine starting unavailable from APU
Generators produce: __v, ___phase, ___Hz
120, 3, 400
The brushless generator incorporates 3 sub generators, these are:
PMG, Exciter, Main Generator
Hyds pumps: Type, #, Output, Low Px, Temp High, Shutoff Temp
- Vickers variable displacement
- 3
- 8 gpm
- 1800 PSI
- 150*F
- 380*F
Runaround Relays located where?
Power Source?
MLC - 7,4,3,6,2,5
Supply power to MEAC/FEAC
Do not require a power source, self rectifying.
GOB powered by ____ provides the GOB relay is deenergized. This relay can be deenergized 3 ways:
GOB has no backup power source
- Place nosegear uplock switch in the “Not Up” position
- Place APU arming switch to Arm
- Pull GOB relay CB on FEDC
RAWS provides flashing red lights and an intermittent tone under the following conditions:
- 3 sec warning @ 380 +/- 20
- Continuous warning @ 170 +/- 10
- Power interrupted to radalt @ any altitude
- Radalt becomes unreliable
Conditions for Autofx
- System is armed
- Less than 500# of thrust
- Above 60* +/- 2 coordinator
- No other engine has feathered
16% switch…
Opens the fuel SOV and energized the ignition relay
1. Energizes the igniters (cams 2 + 5)
2. Energizes paralleling valve solenoid
3. Energizes fuel manifold drain valve
4. If prime selected: energizes enrichment valve solenoid
Functions of the E-Handle
Shuts off Fuel @ FCU (E/M) Closes Fuel tank emergency SOV (M) Actuates FX system (E) Moves Feather valve to FX (M) Closes Bleed air SOV (E) Closes Oil tank SOV (E) Closes Gen cooling air SOV (M) Dumps EDC & closes FWSOV (E)
Accessory Drive:
FCU Engine driven pumps Speed sense control Speed sense valve Main oil pump Oil filter Scavenge pump
Starter Tach gen Oil pump/filter( 1 main, 2 scavenge) Generator EDC
Usable engine oil tank capacity: Foaming Space: Tank volume capacity: Unusable oil: Tank px to: Drain down:
- 8.65 gal
- 5.7 gal
- 15.75 gal
- 1.4 gal
- 4.5 psi above ambient
- Oil draining into RGB/Pwr section. Requires motor over to pump the oil back to the tank
Engine brief:
- T56-A-14, single spool axial flow has turbine engine connected to RGB @13,820 rpm nominally.
- 14 stage axial flow compressor convergent in design, divergent in operation 9.64:1 ratio.
- 5th & 10th Open to relieve px during starts
- 25% of Air for combustion, 75% for cooling and flame control
LGWS actuation speeds, sound, cancellable?
-<153 +/- 3 AND PL < 48* coord — cancellable -<142 +/- 3 AND PL < 60* coord —cannot be canceled -Flaps Land —cannot be cancelled
Prop protective devices
2BA2PLAND Beta Follow Up Prop Brake Auto Feather Pitch lock Pitch lock reset Low pitch stops 45° Air Start NTS Decoupler
Prop Brake
Friction Type Cone Applied, locked, released >21% rpm and >50psi in RGB Prevents backwards spinning and windmilling Made of Brass
Beta Follow up
Stops loss of pitch caused by gradual power loss and high power settings. It’s a secondary variable low pitch stop, designed to maintain a min. blade angle based on coordinator setting.
34-68° coord = 11° blade angle
Linear increase from 68°-88°
88°+ coord = 22.5° blade angle
Reverse SHP, Fuel Gov Checks also verify this is working by checking for a min of 1500 SHP as you bring back PLs
Auto Feather
Used during T/O to autofx a malfunctioning engine.
-Power Lever > 60° coord
-No other engine feathered
-Autofx system armed
-<500# thrusts
Feathers based on P-factor effect, 4-1-3-2 low to high effect.
Limits prop over speed by preventing a decrease blade angle following an over speed or loss of fluid px.
-Cammed out below 17° to allow reverse
-Cammed out above 57° coord to allow FX
Over speed of 103.5% unseats the valve allowing teeth to touch.
Defense Visual Flight Rules
“Refers to the type of flight plan that will be operating VFR in and around ADIZ or restricted air space (such as an oil platform with ADIZ boundary)
On flight plan instead of “I/V” file as “D”
*Operating Due Regard w/in ADIZ wont be within tolerances.
Symptoms of a pitchlocked prop
- RPM follows Power Lever movement.
- RPM stabilized at fuel topping gov 104.2-106.7%
- ASR (+-+)
- T/O = Power loss, over speed
- Landing = No Beta light, high SHP, Swerve.
Pitchlock Reset
Used to reset pitchlock to 109% whenever blade angle is >10° and coord is <28° such as an aborted takeoff. De-energized when blade angle < 10°
Horizontal Wx Depiction
Natops 7-2: “All overwater flights SHALL request HWD”
- Forecasted altimeter settings and min altimeter settings on station
- Ditch Headings
- Winds aloft
- Can request from FWB
Low Pitch Stops
Mechanically limits the blade angle to 13°.
It is released by full decrease px. Backup valve opens when power levers < 28° coord allowing the Main And Standby Regulating Valve to sense the demand for elevated px in the decrease pitch lines to break the Low Pitch Stops. Successful release of LPS indicated by a BETA light @ 10° blade angle.
Runway Environment In Sight
- Approach Lighting System
- Threshold Lights
- Threshold Markings
- Runway Lights
- Runway Markings
- Touch Down Zone Lighting
- Touch Down Zone Markings
45° Airstart
Backs up NTS during an airstart by maintaining Blade Angle above 45°.
- Fx Button Unfeathered
- PCO not depressed
- Blade Angle < 45°
System operation energizes Airstart control relay, illuminates NTS INOP, and energizes FX valve solenoid causing FX valve to go to FX.
Decision Speed
Minimum engine failure speed from which a safe takeoff can still be completed within runway length remaining.
Refusal Speed
The maximum airspeed from which the air craft can abort a takeoff and stop within runway length remaining.
Rotate Speed
Airspeed at which the transition from ground run attitude to climb out attitude has begun.
Results when the prop drives the engine and creates drag. Negative Torque can create enough drag to threaten controllability. Sensed in the RGB, once a certain value is reached a ring gear moves forward compressing several springs and extending the NTS pushrod. As Power levers are > 24° coord the linkage shifts the FX valve to FX resulting in increased pitch and less negative torque.
Physically disconnects the engine from the RGB between -500 to -1700 SHP.
- SHP will read 0 or wandering (unreliable <43%)
- If pitchlock decoupled you will fuel chop once clear of the active.
Stuck Power Lever - Likely an over rotates alpha shaft, clean up speed up
Plunger stuck extended - Rapid decay of RPM, SHP increasing. Clean up bleeds and e-handle
Weather Watch
SHALL not fly into, unless Storm has not progressed as forecasted AND:
- Able to maintain VFR or,
- Able to maintain IFR with aircraft Wx Radar, or
- IFR in positive control areas and VMC can be maintained, or
- Aircraft performance allows for flight above Wx layers
Fuel Log Requirements
SHALL be done when:
- Greater than 500 NM from nearest “suitable landing” field
- Flight duration > 6 hours
- Fuel gauge failure
- PPC discretion
Entries shall be either hourly or 5,000# increments.
Allows FE to detect fuel gauge malfunctions
On Top Requirements
Alternate not required: Fuel from T/O to destination plus a reserve of 10% of planned fuel req
Alternate Required: Fuel from T/O to destination IAF then to alternate plus 10% of planned fuel requirements
*In no case shall the planned fuel reserve after landing be less than 20 minutes at 10k’ at max endurance
- Aircraft SHALL be operated in VMC
- Aircraft SHALL be operated within surveillance and radio/satellite comms of a surface/airborne facility.
- Aircraft SHALL be equipped with airborne radar sufficient to provide separation between them selves, other aircraft, and any aircraft they may be controlling.
- Aircraft SHALL be operated outside of controlled airspace.
* PPC assumes responsibility*
GP ch. 6
Military Assumes Responsibility for Separation of Aircraft:
Relieves ATC of separation burden.
I.E. Formations, AR
Command prerogative, not to be invoked by individual pilots
Minimum Operational Safe Altitude
1000’ above highest obstacle (rounded up to nearest 100’) within 30 NM.
PRIOR to descending below MOSA, NAV must give bearing, distance, safe alt, and safe heading from “prior to descending below MOSA checklist”
Mando calls, “30, 25,…,10,9,8,…” nm
Calls may be waived by PPC
- Notify Tower to sweep runway
- Notify QA, MX, and Safety
- Over water departure/approach if possible
- When in safe area attempt to punch lost cont buoys
- Use AIMS to verify item lost
Low Altitude Limits
Radalt ; RAWS 200’ 300’
Updated Baro 300’ 500’
Nothing 500’ 1000’
Configurations D and E
- Drag count 700+
- Increase 1.3 ; 1.35 by 5 kias
- Increase landing distance by 10%
- Max Range now 180 + 1/2GW - 2(ALT)
Overweight conditions
- Gross weight > 82,400/82,000# (BMUP)
- Takeoff weight > 139,760#
- VD > VR
- Distance to liftoff > runway remaining
- Critical obstacle cannot be cleared with 3ROC
- Distance to liftoff w/ eng fail at refusal > RWY rem.
Lightening Strike Procedures
Flash blindness possible, turn flood lights on if necessary.
- Controllability check
- Safe altitude and heading
- Set 4
- If time allows set 3
- Consider aborting due to unknown damage
Air Defense Identification Zone
-Airspace over land/water within 12nm (inner) in which ID of aircraft is of national security
Must have: -Flight plan on file with est time & point of pen. -ID prior to entering -2 way radio comms -Transponder with Mode C -Position Reporting 1 if by land (+/-5 min, +/-10 nm, on alt) 2 if by sea (+/-5 min, +/-20 nm, on alt)
Unknown Rider
283 card will give proper identity maneuver if required
Hemstitching and PADRA
Hemstitching: multiple penetrations of ADIZ
PADRA: Pass to Air Defense Radar (Local warning areas, PADRA assumed if canned route)
Thunderstorm Penetration
Around-Avoid by 20 NM
Over- 1,000’ above for every 10 kts of wind
Under- bottom 1/3, don’t turn around
Through- Fly 220/190 (Extreme/light)
Recognition: AS+/-15, VSI+/-500, ATT+/-5°,GS+/-1°, unusual Power Requirements *1.Max Power-Set *2.Pitch-10° up and hold *3.Gear-Up *4.Flaps-Maintain
Delay approach, go to alternate, change RWY, shoot precision approach, carry 5-10KIAS but land on speed, REPORT IT.
Mandatory for all flights unless with CO’s approval
Trips at 2.5G
Mission should be aborted
If other than a landing, hazrep it.
Filing Minimums
Alternate is required if Wx at destination is less than 3000-3 +/- 1 hour of arrival
DEST ALT 0-0 up to mins 3000-3+
Mins to 3000-3 NP:m+300-1 P:m+200-1/2
3000-3+ NO ALT REQ
Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Facility
- Controls military working/warning areas
- Shall be used to max extent practicable
- Acts as go-between for A/C and ATC
- Must have comms with FACSAFAC (Beaver, Sealord, and Giant Killer)
Flight Information Service
Advice and useful info for safety of flight
Sigmets, NAVAID status, airfield conditions
Alerting Service
Notifies appropriate orgs regarding aircraft in need of SAR and assists as able.
Flight Information Region
Airspace of defined dimensions in which Flight Info Service and alerting service is provided.
All portions of airspace belong to some type of FIR
Exposure Suits
Recommended below 50°F water temp and below 32°F (w/ wind chill) air temp, CO’s discretion.
Minimum Enroute Safe Altitude
- 1,000’ non mountainous terrain
- 2,000’ mountainous terrain
- Within 30nm of entire route of flight
Minimum Safe Altitude
-Approach plate
Minimum sector Altitude within 25nm of navaid with at least 1000’ clearance
Sectors must be at least 90° in scope
Minimum Reception Altitude
-Lowest Altitude at which an intersection can be determined
Minimum Enroute Altitude
-Lowest published Altitude between fixes that ensures acceptable navaid coverage and obstacle clearance
Minimum Crossing Altitude
-Lowest Altitude an aircraft must cross a fix when proceeding in direction of higher Minimum Enroute Altitude
Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude
-Lowest published Altitude on VOR airways which ensures navaid signal and obstacle clearance within 25 nm of a VOR
Off Route Obstruction Clearance Altitude
Obstruction clearance of 2000’ (mountainous) and 1000’ (non-mountainous).
May not ensure NAVAID, radar, or comms coverage.
LOW/HIGH chart
Maximum Elevation Figure
- Large sector cut on VFR sectionals denoting highest terrain, obstacle, or other.
- add 100’ to man made obst(>200’), and round up to nearest hundred
- add 200’ to natural terrain for obstacles not depicted and round up to nearest hundred
Mandatory T/O Computations
RWY Length Obstacles Slope Elevation
A/C Gross weight Abort SHP Takeoff SHP TIT
WIND Probable RCR Ambient temp T/W component H/W component X/W component
Refusal, Rotate, V504, V503, 3ROC
MANDO IF ADVERSE CONDITIONS (Vro<5kts above Vr) -> 4 eng acceleration distance to 80 kts, refusal, rotate, and LO
But what do we care about? Vr, Vro, Vd, V503, V504, 3Roc
Minimum airspeed at which "directional control" can be maintained with critical engine inop Based on: -5° dead up 2.6KIAS/° -T/O flaps -Max Power -T/O Trim -1/4-1/2 ball into the good side
Windshield Heat High Setting
Warm up in low for 10 mins: -Ice begins to form on windshield (Once ice builds up, thermal shock is possible) -When icing is anticipated at OAT -25° to 0°C -10K or less with birds and OAT <0°C -Antifogging in flight "BIAA" *If heat must be left off: -Maintain <10k’ and <240KIAS -Don’t fly into known/anticipated icing
Single Engine Out Considerations
3710, 7-5
Nature of Malfunction and any other difficulties that could occur because of it
- Altitude, Weight, Usable Fuel at time of eng fail
- Terrain/wx Enroute and suitable landing points
- ATC congestion
- Pilot familiarity with field
Warning Area Restricted Area MOA Prohibited Alert
Warning Area-May be hazard to non participants
Restricted Area-Invisible Hazards
MOA-Military ops
Prohibited-Security/Nat’l wellfare
Alert-Large volume of training or unusual activity
Class A Airspace
- FL180-600
- Must have: Mode C, Inst Rated, IFR, 2 way coms
- 2,000’ separation vs 1,000’ RVSM (290-410)
Class B Airspace
-Surface to 10k MSL
-30NM mode veil
Must have - CCCC
MODE C, CLEARANCE, 2 way comms, hold a pilot cert, IFR speeds (250 within, 200 below)
-3 sm and clear of clouds
Class C Airspace
- SFC to 4,000’ AGL w/ 5nm radius
- 1,200 to 4,000’AGL w/ 10nm radius
- Requirements: Mode C, 2 way comms (call sign), airspeed limit of 200 KIAS
- 3SM and 500,1000,2000
Class D Airspace
- SFC-2500’AGL and 5nm radius
- Towered field
- Requirements: 2-way comms (call sign)
- Airspeed 200KIAS
- 3SM and 500,1000,2000
Class E Airspace
- Any airspace not A,B,C,D, or E
- Below 10k’MSL: 3SM and 500,1000,2000
- Above 10k’MSL: 5SM and 1000,1000,1SM
Wx Brief Void Time
Valid for 3 hours past brief, or 30 min past departure time
Standard Instrument Rating
Special Instrument Rating
- 50 hours instrument (Sim only 1/2)
- Natops check current
- 6 months: 6hrs, 6p, 6n
- 12 months: 12hrs, 12p, 6np
- 5 years flying (3 years mil)
- 2,000 hrs (1500 p/cp
- 100 hrs actual Inst time
- Exceptional judgment
Mandatory Abort Reasons
Maverick fails to launch Antenna separation (HF) NTS malfunction Prop pump light after 55% during IF restart Lightening strike Unresettable gen off Gen mech fail Zero fuel weight exceeded
Max Range Formula
Loiter Speed Formula
MR= 205 + 1/2GW - ALT L= GW + 90
Max Range wind correction
Headwind = TAS + (.3 x HW)
Tailwind = TAS - (.2 x TW)
Required IMC flight equipment
Pitot heat Electrical power to flight instruments Airspeed Altimeter Visit Clock Compass Heading De-icing equipment in icing conditions
Minimum distance from civil aircraft
500 feet vertically, 1 mile laterally
Oxygen use above 10,000 feet
When cabin altitude exceeds 10,000, all occupants on board shall use supplemental oxygen.
Loss of pressurization
If loss of pressurization occurs and oxygen systems are suspect, an
immediate descent shall be made as soon as possible to a cabin altitude at or below 10,000 feet. If oxygen
systems are not suspect, immediate descent shall be made to a cabin altitude at or below 18,000 feet.
During loss of pressurization all occupants shall use oxygen.
Rest and sleep
Crew rest includes free time for meals, transportation and rest and must
include an opportunity for 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep time for every 24-hour period.
Crew rest does not begin until after termination of official duties and is required prior to reporting for
preflight preparations. Flight personnel should not be scheduled for more than 18 hours continuous
required awake. If it becomes necessary to exceed the 18 hour rule, 15 hours continuous off-duty time
shall be provided
Flight time
Flight Time- 1 day = 12 hours, 7 days=50 hours, 30 days=120 hours. If exceeded, personnel shall
be closely monitored and specifically cleared by the C.O. with recommendation from the Flight Surgeon.
Adiz position reporting requirements
IFR- normal reporting
Dvfr- The estimated time of ADIZ penetration must be filed with the aeronautical facility at least 15
minutes prior to penetration except for flight in the Alaskan ADIZ; in which case, report prior to
Inbound aircraft of foreign registry- The pilot must report to the aeronautical facility at least 1 hour prior to ADIZ penetration
VFR flights shall not be flown when…
Night Over congested area less than 1000 feet above highest obstacle or when obstacles within a radius of 2000 feet Very fast Above FL180 Ridiculous low- 500 feet above surface
Crew Resource Management
The use of specifically defined behavioral skills as an integral part of every flight to improve mission effectiveness by minimizing crew preventable errors, maximizing
crew coordination, and optimizing risk management.
Minimum Fuel
Term to indicate no undue delays can be accepted. Not an
emergency, but undue
delay may make it an emergency. Both, minimum fuel advisories and emergency fuel declarations shall
be reported each time control is passed to another controller. Pilots should not expect special handling
from ATC when declaring minimum fuel.
ICAO 1801 equipment codes
ILUVHOTDRFZ Inertials Localizer UHF VHF HF vOr Tacan DME R- Meets PBN RNAV RNP requirements adF Z- other (listed in notes)
/C Mode C txpdr
When does the rudder power illuminate?
no system pressure regardless of flap position (none)
both system pressure with flaps below 60% (too many)
1 system pressure with flaps above 60% (too little)
RBSV fails to open above 60% (fail)
Different positions of the LGSV
Up- Disables NWS and brakes, enables in flight brakes
Neutral- Enables brakes, Disables IFB
Down- Enables NWS, still have brakes
14th stage bleed air usage
WEEBOC Wing de-ice engine anti-ice engine starting Bomb Bay heating Oil cooler augmentation Closes 5th and 10th stages
Items on FEAC
POSSFIRE Pitot heat Outflow Valve Stby vert gyro Stby attitude indicator FDI IFF Radalt Ess indicator light
Items on FEDC
BUGGPITIPCAG Bell Utility light Gen 4 aux control GOB inverter Pwr relay IFF T (removed) INS 1+2 Pitchlock Reset CDU-7000 ADDU GPS Amplifier
Power Section Accessories
FESSMOS FCU Engine driven pumps (3) SSC SSV Main oil pump Oil filter Scavenge oil pump
RGB Accessories
STOGE Starter Tach Gen Oil pump/Filter assembly Gens EDCs
Return fuel planning (worst to best)
- Loss of pressurization, so return at 10k
- Loss of pressurization and loss of engine 10k
- 3-engine at 3-engine operation ceiling
- 4-engine at 4-engine operating ceiling
How many buoys can you carry?
84-> 36 in wine rack, 48 in the belly
If you lose MonAc, what 3 things will swap over to Feac?
Standby Vert Gyro
Red Inst lighting
ICAO lost comms
- If VMC, shall stay VMC and land at the nearest suitable field.
- If IMC or you cannot complete your flight plan, (a) maintain last assigned speed and alt(or higher) for 20 mins and adjust in accordance with flight plan, (b) proceed via flight plan to navaid at destination and hold until descent, (c) Commence descent from above as close as possible to expected approach time or eta, (d) complete normal instrument approach for the navaid designated, or (e) land within 30 minutes of eta or expected approach time
What happens when you pull ground air sensing CB?
Bypass the SPEAR
Blower Bypassed Strobes off (both) Prop de-ice off EMP de-ice off Auto-pilot returns Radar off
depressurization pneumatically
Part of smoke/fume elimination checklist
Altitude- not more than 12,000 feet
Cabin altitude- set 10,000 feet
Barr knob- 28 inches
Rate knob- maximum
Bad start causes
Wind up the ass Poor air supply Fuel supply is rich Incorrect blade angle Stalled/stagnated start Temp outside is super duper hot