Board Notes "D" 1-25 2012 Flashcards
Sine qua non
Without which, nothing
Qualis artifex pereo.
I’m dying as a great artist
Dictum ac factum
Said and done
Sui iuris
Of its own law
Quo die Orcas Acheronte mortuos amiserat
When the devil releases the dead
Quis significat hoc verbum?
What does this word mean?
Quam ob rem Latine discis?
Why are you learning Latin?
Ut libros Latine scriptos legere possim.
To read books written in Latin.
Ut loquar cum iis, qui Latine sciunt
To speak with those who know Latin.
Quid admisi sceleris?
What did I do wrong?
Name Meanings: Women. (Amanda, Cara, Carmen, Clara, Claudia, Dolores, Gloria, Mira, Regina, Silvia, Vera, Victoria.)
Loveable, dear, song, famous, lame, pain, glory, amazing, queen, forest, star, truth, victory.
Name meanings: Men (Calvin, Dexter, Clarence, Benedict, Felix, Leo, Mark, Peter, Rex, Victor, Patrick, Quinton, Vernon)
Bald, right hand, famous, speaks well, lucky, lion, war, rock, king, champion, father, the 5th, spring.
Arma virumque cano
I sing of weapons, and a man
Ars est celare artem.
It is art to conceal art.
Ars longa, vita brevis.
Art is long, life is short.