Board Flashcards
Army Leadership
ADP 6-22
What is an Army leader?
Anyone who by virtue of assumed role or assigned responsibility inspires and influences people to accomplish organizational goals—they motivate people both inside and outside the chain of command to pursue actions, focus thinking and shape decisions for the greater good of the organization
What is Leadership?
The process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization
Accomplishing the current mission is not enough—what is the leader responsible for?
Developing individuals and improving the organization for the near and long-term
What does an organization have with effective leadership?
A clear purpose, common methods, and ordered processes; sustains itself; and accomplishes its missions
Leader Requirements Model (Competencies)
Leads, Develops, Acheives
Leader Requirements Model (Attributes)
Character, Presence, Intellect
Who received the first Medal of Honor?
Private Jacob Parrott
When did Private Jacob Parrott receive the first Medal of Honor?
25 March 1863
Which field manual (FM) outlines and explains Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F)?
FM 7-22, Holistic Health and Fitness
What is the goal of the holistic health and fitness (H2F) program?
To improve each Soldier’s physical lethality and mental toughness through the linking of physical readiness, nutritional readiness, mental readiness, spiritual readiness, and sleep readiness.
What is the overarching goal of the H2F System?
Soldier readiness
What are the five domains of H2F?
1) Physical readiness.
(2) Nutritional readiness.
(3) Mental readiness.
(4) Spiritual readiness.
(5) Sleep readiness.
What is the stipulation regarding male and female soldiers wearing highlights (a uniform blend of colors) with natural colors in their hair?
As long as it represents a professional and natural appearance. Colors must blend naturally together as to not display a vast difference between shades of natural colors (for example, natural black hair with blonde highlights/streaks is not authorized).
What is the authorized minimum hair length for female soldiers?
There is no minimum hair lenghth
How is the hair-part cut into the hair of Soldiers who have a texture of hair that does not part naturally?
The part will be one straight line, not slanted or curved, and will fall in the area where the soldier would normally part the hair. Soldiers will not shape or cut designs into their hair or scalp.
What are the authorized color shades of nail polish for female Soldiers?
Colors that are authorized to wear include, but are not limited to, nude/natural shades, American manicure, and light pink.
What is the total number of combat and special skill badges authorized for wear at one time on service and dress uniforms?
Six—this total does not include special skill tabs or special skill tab metal replicas
Up to how many badges may Soldiers wear above the ribbons or pocket flap, or in a similar location for uniforms without pockets?
What Army regulation covers Salutes, Honors and Courtesy?
AR 600-25
When do you salute inside a building?
When reporting to your commander
-When reporting to a pay officer
-When reporting to a military board
-At an indoor ceremony
-At sentry duty indoors
What is the origin of the Salute?
The origin of the Hand Salute is uncertain
-In early American history, removing the hat show respect
-By 1820, this motion was modified to touching the hat & since then it has become the Hand Salute used today
When are salutes not required to be rendered or returned? (2-1i.)
Engaged in routine work if the salute would interfere
-Carrying articles with both hands making saluting impracticable
-Working as a member of a detail
-Engaged in sports or social functions where saluting would present a safety hazard
-In public places such as theaters, churches, & in public conveyances
-In the ranks of a formation
Can you salute as a prisoner?
No, you have lost the right to
Should women wearing civilian attire remove their headgear during ceremonies?
When is it appropriate for enlisted members to exchange salutes?
-When reporting to an enlisted president of a board
-When rendering reports in formation
When walking with someone that is senior to you, what position is taken?
On the senior person’s left
When meeting an officer in the open, how far away should a Soldier be before rendering the hand salute?
Approximately six (6) paces when paths will bring you close by
-Within speaking distance when making eye contact
How much gun salute does a President, Former President or President-elect, and Sovereign or chief of state of a foreign country or member of reigning royal family receive when they arrive and leave an army installation?
21 gun salute both times
Do persons meeting the flag detail salute the flag once it has been folded (cocked hat) and cased?
No. Once flag has been folded, it is treated as a cased Color & not saluted by persons meeting the flag detail
When is the flag hoisted during the sounding of reveille?
On the first note of reveille
What happens at the last note of retreat?
A gun will be fired (if available) on military installations, followed by playing of national anthem or sound of “To The Color” concurrent with lowering of the flag
-The flag will be lowered to ensure completion at last note of the music
Who sets the time of sounding reveille and retreat?
Installation Commander
Who exits a military vehicle first?
The senior person, then in ascending order
What personnel makes up a Full Military Funeral Honors?
Nine (9) member team (six pallbearers and/or firing party, a chaplain, and officer and/or NCO in charge, and a bugler [if available])
When is the only time that a Soldier does not remove his/her headgear when reporting to an officer indoors?
When under arms
When is a Soldier considered to be under arms?
When carrying a weapon in hand, by sling, or by holster
Can the flag of the United States ever be dipped by way of salute or compliment while on land?
At retreat, when will lowering of the flag be completed?
Completion at the last note of the retreat music
How do Commanders apply the operations process to training?
Plan, prepare, execute, and assess
What does the Acronym TADSS stand for?
training aids, devices, simulators, and simulations
Who is responsible for training units and developing leaders?
What does Train as you will fight mean?
means training under an expected operational environment for the mission
What is the definition of a METL?
METL (Mission Essential Task List) is the doctrinal framework of fundamental tasks for which the unit was designed
What are the TLPs (Troop Leading Procedures)?
- Receive the mission 2. Issue the warning order 3. Make a tentative plan 4. Initiate movement 5. Conduct reconnaissance 6. Complete the plan 7. Issue the operations order 8. Supervise and refine
What are the codes used to rate task proficiency?
T – Trained, P – Needs Practice, U- Untrained
What Army publication is known as “training the force”?
ADP 7-0
What does the Army’s program SHARP stand for and why does it exist?
Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) program—it exists so that the Army can prevent incidents of sexual harassment and sexual assault before they occur
What is the SHARP’s mission?
To promote an Army culture and command climate that ensures adherence to the Army Values and ensures that every Army team member will be treated with dignity and respect at all times and in all circumstances
What is the Army’s campaign to combat sexual assaults by engaging all Soldiers in preventing sexual assaults before they occur?
Intervene, Act, and Motivate (I. A.M.) STRONG
What is Sexual Harassment?
Verbal, Nonverbal, Physical contact
What is Sexual Assault?
The intentional sexual contact characterized by the use of force, threats, intimidation, or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent
What is a Reprisal?
Taking or threatening to take an unfavorable personnel action, withholding or threatening to withhold a favorable personnel action, or any other act of retaliation, against a military member for making or preparing a protected communication
What is Quid Pro Quo?
Conditions placed on an individual’s career or terms of employment in return for favors
What are five (5) options that Soldiers can use when dealing/confronted with Sexual harassment at the company-level?
Direct Approach
Indirect Approach
Third Party
Chain of Command
Anonymous Formal/Informal Complaint
Informal Complaint:
An informal complaint is any complaint that an individual does not wish to file in writing—typically how may informal complaints be resolved?
Formal Complaint:
A formal complaint is one that a complainant files in writing and swears to the accuracy of the information—what are the characteristics of a Formal sexual harassment complaint?
What occurs when a victim of a sexual assault files an Unrestricted Report?
The SARC, VA, HCP, chain of command, and law enforcement, will be notified that the crime occurred
An official investigation will be triggered and the alleged offender may be prosecuted
Once the victim files an unrestricted report, he or she cannot change to a restricted report
What is a Restricted Report?
reporting option that allows military sexual assault victims to confidentially disclose the assault to a SARC, VA, or HCP and receive medical treatment, including emergency care, counseling, and assignment of a SARC and VA, without triggering an official investigation
Who can receive a restricted report?
SARC, VA, Healthcare Personnel, Chaplain
Force Multiplier
Increase confidence of soldiers that if wounded in battle they will receive timely and effective medical care to speed recovery and reduce long term disabilities
Casualty Evacuation
Movement of casualties onto non medical vehicles or aircraft
Which field manual (FM) outlines and explains Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F)?
FM 7-22
What is the goal of the holistic health and fitness (H2F) program?
To improve each Soldier’s physical lethality and mental toughness through the linking of physical readiness, nutritional readiness, mental readiness, spiritual readiness, and sleep readiness.
What is the overarching goal of the H2F System?
Soldier Readiness
What are the five domains of H2F?
1) Physical readiness.
(2) Nutritional readiness.
(3) Mental readiness.
(4) Spiritual readiness.
(5) Sleep readiness.
H2F System is divided into five critical elements that are critical in creating a system for Soldier readiness. What are they?
Equipment and facilities
Leadership Education
What are the critical components of physical readiness and the tasks they support?
Muscular Strength
Muscular Endurance
Aerobic Endurance
Anaerobic Endurance
What are the Structural capabilities that allow a Soldier to perform physically?
Load Tolerance
Static Balance
Body Composition
Bone Density
What is Nutritional readiness?
The ability to recognize, select, and consume the requisite food and drink to meet the physical and nonphysical demands of any duty or combat position, accomplish the mission and come home healthy.
What is the goal of nutritional readiness?
To promote optimal performance readiness.
What range of factors does Mental readiness depend on?
- Character.
- Behavior.
- Resilience.
- Cognitive skill.
- Social acuity.
What program is a commander’s tool designed to identify and reduce Soldiers’ high-risk behaviors? High risk behaviors are behaviors that place the individual or others in danger or harms’ way, for example areas of substance abuse, suicide, and crimes against property.
Risk Reduction Program
What are some warning signs of suicide?
- Talk of suicide or murder
- giving away property
- withdrawal
- relationship problems
- bizarre behavior
- Financial problems
- Reservists that have lost a job
- Soldiers leaving the service
What are the predominant emotions that are risk factors for suicide
Hopelessness and Helplessness
What suicide risk factor presents itself by impairing judgement?
Alcohol and Substance Abuse
How do soldiers that are at a high risk of suicide often perceive their situations?
That it is all bad and there is no way out
What does ACE stand for?
Ask, Care, Escort
What should a Soldier do under the Ask portion of ACE?
Have the courage to directly ask: “Are you thinking of killing yourself?”
What should a Soldier do under the Care portion of ACE
- Control the situations without being forcefull
- Actively listen
- Remove any means of self injury.
What should a Soldier do under the Escort portion of ACE
- Never leave your buddy alone
- Escort to the CoC, behavioral health, Chaplain or Primary Care Provider
- Call Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
What regulation covers Army programs?
TC 7-22.7 Chapter 8
What covers the counseling process?
ATP 6-22.1
Officer and NCO Relationships
TC 7-22.7 Chapter 7
What two characteristics enhance the relationship between officers and NCOs?
Mutual Trust and Common Goals
MWR Programs
AR 215-1
Army Training and Leader Development
AR 350-1
The Army Safety Program
AR 385-10
The total army sponsorship program
AR 600-8-8
Army Command Policy
AR 600-20
The Army Substance Abuse Program
AR 600-85
Army Retention Program
AR 601-280
Army Community Service
AR 608-1
Army Continuing Education System
AR 621-5
Army Emergency Relief
AR 930-4
What is ACS
ACS is to facilitate the Commanders ability to provide comprehensive, coordinated, and responsive services that support readiness of Soldiers, civilian employees, and their families.
What is ACES?
The ACES provides programs and services to promote lifelong learning opportunities and to sharpen the competitive edge of the Army.
What is AER?
AER is the Army’s own emergency financial assistance organization and is dedicated to to “Helping the Army take care of its own.”
What is ASAP?
The ASAP exist to strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness of the Army’s workforce, to conserve labor and enhance combat readiness of the soldiers.
What is SUDCC?
SUDCC is an outpatient substance abuse treatment service available to all active duty personnel.
What Army Techniques Publication addresses Feedback and Counseling?
ATP 6-22.1
What is Counseling?
Counseling is the process used by leaders to engage subordinates to improve substandard performance as well as recognize superior performance in an area.
What is the purpose of counseling?
The counseling process ensures subordinates are aware of expectations, progress toward meeting expectations, and gain insight into their potential, strengths, and developmental needs.
Three major categories of developmental counseling
• Performance counseling.
• Professional growth counseling.
• Event counseling.
What is the four-stage counseling process?
• Identify the need for counseling.
• Prepare for counseling.
• Conduct the counseling session.
• Follow-up.
AR 623-3
What are the six mandatory evaluation reports for rated NCOs who have completed at least 90 calendar days in the position under the same rater during the same rating period?
Change of Rater
Extended Annual
Change of Duty
Depart Temporary Duty, Special Duty, or Temporary Change of Station
Temporary Duty, Special Duty, or Temporary Change of Station
What three NCO evaluation reports are submitted at the option of rating officials, providing all requirements are met?
Complete the Record
Senior-Rater Option
60-day Option
When will a Soldier NOT be penalized by mention of Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) participation in an evaluation report?
A rated Soldier who voluntarily enters ASAP for an alcohol or drug abuse problem that has not been detected by the chain of command
What is DA Form 2166–9–1A?
NCOER Support Form
What is DA Form 2166–9-1?
NCO Evaluation Report (SGT)
What is DA Form 2166–9-2?
NCO Evaluation Report (SSG–1SG/MSG)
What is DA Form 2166–9–3?
NCO Evaluation Report (CSM/SGM)
What is DA Form 1059?
Service School Academic Evaluation Report
What is DA Form 1059–1?
Civilian Institution Academic Evaluation Report
What are the five parts of the NCOER [DA Form 2166-9-1?
Part I. Administrative Data
Part II. Authentication
Part III. Duty Description
Part IV. Performance Evaluation, Professionalism, Attributes, and Competencies
Rater Overall Performance
Part V. Senior Rater Overall Potential
What are the five parts of the NCOER [DA Form 2166-9-2 (SSG-1SG/MSG]?
Part I. Administrative Data
Part II. Authentication
Part III. Duty Description
Part IV. Performance Evaluation, Professionalism, Attributes, and Competencies
Rater Overall Performance
Part V. Senior Rater Overall Potential
What Army publication covers the history of the Noncommissioned Officer?
TC 7-22.7, Noncommissioned Officer Guide
During the American Revolution, who trained selected Continental troops to drill, lead, and most importantly to teach others, thereby laying the foundation for the modern NCO Corps?
Prussian Baron von Steuben
In 1803, what land purchase gave rise to the need for an Army to explore and safeguard this new territory, which for much of the 19th century became the main role of the Federal Army?
Louisiana Purchase
In the post-Vietnam era, what system created a pathway to an NCO Corps that combined all the expertise of the Specialist with the leadership skills of the combat NCO?
The Army-wide NCO educational system (NCOES)
From the European tradition, an NCO was one who had some level of command authority but did not hold an officer’s commission from a sovereign. What were these NCOs, appointed by a commissioned officer, largely assigned to do?
Discipline and train Soldiers. An NCO dealt with men, while an officer did not.
Who was the first SMA?
SMA William Woolridge
Spiritual Readiness is covered in which manual
FM 7-22 Chapter 10
What is Spiritual Readiness?
The development of the personal qualities needed to sustain a person in times of stress, hardship, and tragedy. These qualities come from religious, philosophical, or human values and form the basis for character, disposition, decision-making, and integrity
What Army regulation covers the Equal Opportunity program?
AR 600-20
What is the DA Form 7279?
Equal Opportunity and Harassment Complaint Form
What is the purpose of the Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) Program?
The MEO program formulates, directs, and sustains a comprehensive effort to maximize human potential and to ensure fair treatment for all persons based solely on merit, fitness, and capability in support of readiness
What is the Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) philosophy based on?
Fairness, justice, and equity
What is the U.S. Army’s Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) policy?
To provide an environment that is free of unlawful discrimination
When does discrimination occur?
Discrimination occurs when someone, or a group of people, is harassed, intimidated, insulted, humiliated, or is treated less favorably than another person or group, because of their race, color, sex (to include gender identity), national origin, religion, or sexual orientation. It includes use of disparaging terms with respect to a person’s race, color, sex (to include gender identity), national origin, religion, or sexual orientation which contributes to a hostile work environment.
What is the definition of Prejudice?
An attitude, judgment or opinion, without regard to pertinent fact, that is typically expressed in suspicion, fear, hostility, or intolerance of certain people, customs, and ideas.
What is the definition of Race?
division of humans identified by the possession of traits that are transmissible by descent and that are sufficient to characterize persons possessing these traits as a distinctive human genotype.
Who is an Equal opportunity leader?
A military member who is collaterally appointed to serve at the company and battalion (or equivalent) to assist commanders in carrying out the MEO Program within their unit, as an additional duty.
When are Soldiers required to follow Military equal opportunity (MEO) policies?
Both on and off-post, during duty and non-duty hours.
What are three reporting options within the Military Equal Opportunity and Harassment Complaint Processing System?
Anonymous Complaint
Formal Complaint
Informal Complaint
Heat Injuries
Heat Exhaustion
Heat Stroke
Heat Cramps
Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion
(a) Dizziness
(b) Headache
(c) Loss of appetite
(d) Nausea
(e) Weakness
(f) Clumsy/unsteady walk
(g) Profuse sweating and pale (or gray), moist cool skin
(h) Normal to slightly elevated body temperature
(i) Muscle cramps
(j) Heat cramps
What are the first aid measures for Heat exhaustion?
(a) Rest Soldier in shade
(b) Loosen uniform and remove head gear
(c) Have Soldier drink 2 quarts of water over 1 hour
(d) Seek medical aid
(e) Evacuate if no improvement in 30 minutes, or if Soldier’s condition worsens
Symptoms of Heat Stroke
a) Hot dry skin
(b) Headache
(c) Convulsions and chills
(d) Dizziness
(e) Nausea
(f) Weakness
(g) Pulse and respirations are weak and rapid
(h) Vomiting
(i) Confusion, mumbling (do mental check questions to see if brain is working correctly)
(j) Combative
(k) Passing out (unconscious)
Nonmedical units use this to refer to the movement of casualties aboard nonmedical vehicles or aircraft without en route medical care
Medical evacuation is the process of moving any person who is wounded, injured, or ill to and/or between medical treatment facilities while providing en route medical care. Also referred to as MEDEVAC in relation to the 9-line medical evacuation request
What are the two prescribed formations for the squad, platoon, battalion, and brigade?
Line and Column
In what cadence are all marching movements executed?
The cadence of Quick Time (120 steps per minute), except the 30-inch step, which may be executed in the cadence of 180 steps per minute on the command Double Time, MARCH
What is the primary value of drill, historically?
To prepare troops for battle
What does H2F stand for
Holistic, Health, and Fitness
What is the goal of the holistic health and fitness (H2F) program?
To improve each Soldier’s physical lethality and mental toughness through the linking of physical readiness, nutritional readiness, mental readiness, spiritual readiness, and sleep readiness.
What is the stipulation regarding male and female soldiers wearing highlights (a uniform blend of colors) with natural colors in their hair?
As long as it represents a professional and natural appearance. Colors must blend naturally together as to not display a vast difference between shades of natural colors (for example, natural black hair with blonde highlights/streaks is not authorized).
BN Commander
LTC Gumabon
CSM Detrich
Commander in Chief
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden
Secretary of The Army
Christine E. Wormuth
Secretary of Defense
Lloyd Austin
What six major topic areas, taught in NCO Professional Military Education (PME), are common to all Noncommissioned Officers regardless of Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), rank, or position? They comprise the NCO common core competencies.
- Readiness
- Leadership
- Training Management
- Communication
- Operations
- Program Management
What should an NCO expect of an officer?
Have personal integrity and high morals
Be fair be consistent and have dignity
Be compassionate and understanding
What should an officer expect of an NCO?
Be loyal to the officers position
Possess endurance and motivation that matches officers
Possess intestinal fortitude and courage
AR 600-25
What provides the ways, means, and ends to realize an Army of competent and committed NCOs of character with the skills and attributes necessary to meet challenges of the 21st century and beyond?
Army Leader Development Strategy (ALDS)
What is Leader development?
It is a process that aligns training, education, and experience to prepare leaders for their current position and progressive positions as well.
What must leaders be according to Army doctrine?
Able to demonstrate their core attributes and competencies and able to lead change in the Army
Army leader development model (domains)
Institutional, Operational, and Self-development
What do successful leaders recognize as the key to the long-term health of the Army?
Continuous development of their subordinate leaders
What is the essential means for successful leader development?
Will and time
What is the Army’s program to administer, manage, and integrate leader development
The Army’s Leader Development Program
What are some traditional NCO activities which remain at the core of NCO roles and responsibilities?
- Taking care of Soldiers
- Communicating
- Supervising
- Training
- Teaching
- Mentoring
Under the Army’s lifecycle approach all Soldiers will receive counseling within 30 days of arrival to their first permanent duty station. As part of this counseling process, what will Soldiers create in the Army career tracker (ACT) with the assistance of the first line leader?
Individual development plan (IDP)
What does ADP 7-0 cover?
Training Units and developing leaders
BDE Commander
COL. Jones
BDE Commander
COL. Jones
CSM Philaija