bms final Flashcards
receive input from other nerves
when dendrites receive input from other nerves…
action potential is sent
where 2 nerves meet but don’t directly touch
wraps nerves and moves messages quicker, but niot all nerves have it
nerves shift between 2 states
resting potential and action potential
resting potential:
doesn’t have to be passing messages all the time
could be making ATP and preparing to divide
doesn’t have to always be electrically active
ready for action potential
-70 milivolts
in resting potential what ions are charged
sodium and potassium
action potential process
dendrites->cell body->axon->synapse
action potential ion channels
lets sodium through but not potassium
during resting potential where is most of the sodium
outside the cell, potassium is mostly inside
action potential millivolts
ion channels cannot be where _____ is
myelin, must be where myelin is not
brain, spinal cord
everything else is peripheral nervous system
2 brain hemispheres
corpus collosum, wrinkles and folds on surface
corpus collosum
middle of the brain where it can crossover
wrinkles + skin folds on surface
increased surface area + fit more nerves
allows stimuli to be recognized, signal is sent to nerve then brain
human senses
hearing, sight,taste,smell,touch
receptors receive waves of pressure
moves back and forth when hit by waves
3 small bones in middle ear
what are the 3 small bones in the middle ear
hammer, anvil, strip
filled with fluid and hair cells, when fluids moves around it moves the hair cells which generate an action potential
Eustachia tube
from inner ear to back of throat, periodically opens and closes and allows the ear to repressurize so middle parts at atmospheric pressure
compound eyes
insects, spiders
Camera eyes
Humans, dogs,cats, zoo animals
compound eyes
have lens and photoreceptors but many little eye units, good for a wide view but its pixelated which makes it easy to see when something moves
camera eyes
light comes in from one location
white of eye, blocks light, protective and has tough connective tissue
hole in eye (black tiny dot)
clear layer to protect pupil and let light through
colored part of the eye to adjust amount of light entering
focus light to photoreceptors in back of the eye
back of the eye that hold photreceptors
where photoreceptors are most densely located in retina
low wavelength light (dim light), grayscale aspects of vision
color vision, higher wavelength, mostly active during the day
optic nerve
a bundle of nerve fibers that carries visual information from the retina at the back of the eye to the brain
taste is ___
Smell is___
Taste and smell both use ____
components of taste
sweet, salty, sour, bitter, savory
chemicals leak and tell nerves something need to be fixed
jellyfish, sea animals, allow some moment like a water balloon on the inside, meant to help fight current
hinge joints
flex and extension (elbow and knee)
ball and sack joints
can twist, 360 range of motion (hips and shoulders)
4 muscle contractions and relaxation
primary proteins (actin and myosin), accessories proteins, calcium, ATP
synapse acetylcholine
chemical muscles will respond to tellsit to release calcium from sarcoplasmic reticulum
accessory proteins move from____ when ____ is present, myosin ear now binds to actin
actin , calcium
endocrine system
types of hormones you can make and how cells respond
produce hormones and place them in circulation
types of hormones
amino acid based, protein based , lipid base
alertness/metabolic activity
thyroid glands (thyroxine )
very large enlargemnt of thyroid gland
thyroid gland- calcitonin
parathyroid hormones
take calcium from bones
not enough calcium from diet, it takes from bones and weakens them
pancreas : insulin
insulin takes glucose and puts some in storage, glucose uses some to make ATP
pancreas glucagon
breaks glycogen into glucoses
general responses, two things trying to invade, always the same, adaptive/acquires responses, after 2-3 times after having something new immune system will be able to protect from it
what cells does immunity have
B cells and T cells
what do B cells do
make antibodies
what do T cells do
Protect from immune diseases