BME quotes Flashcards
What is a key quote from the beginning of ‘Ozymandias’?
‘I met a traveller from an antique land’
What is a key quote from the middle of ‘Ozymandias’?
‘Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!’
What is a key quote from the end of ‘Ozymandias’?
‘The lone and level sands stretch far away.’
Which poem begins with ‘Half a league, half a league, half a league onward’?
‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’
What is a key quote from the middle of ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’?
‘Into the valley of Death rode the six hundred.’
What is a key quote from the end of ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’?
‘Theirs not to make reply, theirs not to reason why.’
What is a significant quote from the beginning of ‘Exposure’?
‘The snow-drenched land’
What is a key quote from the middle of ‘Exposure’?
‘But nothing happens.’
What is a key quote from the end of ‘Exposure’?
‘For love of God is dying.’
What is a key quote from the beginning of ‘London’?
‘I wander thro’ each charter’d street.’
What is a key quote from the middle of ‘London’?
‘And the hapless soldier’s sigh runs in blood down palace walls.’
What is a key quote from the end of ‘London’?
‘The youthful harlot’s curse blasts the new-born infant’s tear.’
What is a key quote from the beginning of ‘My Last Duchess’?
‘That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall.’
What is a key quote from the middle of ‘My Last Duchess’?
‘She had a heart—how shall I say?—too soon made glad.’
What is a key quote from the end of ‘My Last Duchess’?
‘Notice Neptune, though, taming a sea-horse.’
What is a key quote from the beginning of ‘Storm on the Island’?
‘We are prepared: we build our houses squat.’
What is a key quote from the middle of ‘Storm on the Island’?
‘The sea is company, exploding comfortably.’
What is a key quote from the end of ‘Storm on the Island’?
‘When it blows full, it’s a different story.’
What is a key quote from the beginning of ‘The Prelude’?
‘I dipped my oars into the silent lake.’