Blueprint w3: Immunity and Infection Flashcards
Staphylococcus Aureus
-Gram +
-Cellulitis, toxic shock syndrome, food poisoning, impetigo, wound and medical device infections
‒Major cause of hospital-acquired (nosocomial) infections and antibiotic resistance
-β-lactamase, an enzyme that destroys penicillin; more recently, bacteria developed a resistance to methicillin, called methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA)
-staph is an infection of the skin –> portal of entry from a skin agent that enters a broken skin area
Rheumatoid Arthritis
-Autoimmune d/o Affects Joints and Collagen
-Probable Self-Antigen: immunoglobulin G (IgG)
-T cells against type II collagen (a protein present in joint tissues) contribute to the destruction of joints in rheumatoid arthritis
-Rheumatoid arthritis causes damage mediated by cytokines, chemokines, and metalloproteases.
-DX: specific clinical, lab, & imaging
-TX: DS-modifying antirheumatic meds, physical measures (pt/ot), surgery
-Incidence-1%; F 2-3x M
-Onset: 35-50 years, but can be childhood
**Signaling Molecules for WBCs
check this info
-Hormones: send regulatory msgs throughout the body in ECF (endocrine signaling)
-Local regulators: adjacent cells/near to secretion
-Cytokines and growth factors
-Nitric Oxide
-Prostaglandin: reg. aggregation of Plts
-Paracrine Signaling
-Autocrine signaling
-Neuroendocrine signaling
-Synaptic signaling
Stages of Infection: Incubation, Prodromal, Invasion (acute illness), Convalescence
-Incubation period: The period from initial exposure to the infectious agent and the onset of the first symptoms; during this time, the microorganisms have entered the individual, undergone initial colonization, and begun multiplying but are at insufficient numbers to cause symptoms. This period may last from several hours to years. The time between exposure and symptoms is often termed clinical latency. With some infections (e.g., HIV and varicella zoster infection), there is an acute symptomatic phase, followed by a latency period that can last months or even years.
-Prodromal stage: The occurrence of initial symptoms, which are often mild and include a feeling of discomfort and tiredness; pathogens continue to multiply during this stage.
-Invasion or acute illness period: The pathogen is multiplying rapidly, invading farther and affecting the tissues at the site of initial colonization as well as other areas; the immune and inflammatory responses have been triggered; symptoms may be specifically related to the pathogen or to the inflammatory response.
-Convalescence: In most instances, the individual’s immune and inflammatory systems successfully remove the infectious agent and symptoms decline; alternatively, the disease may be fatal or enter a latency phase with resolution of symptoms until pathogen reactivation at a later time.
Hypersensitivity Reactions (general)
-It is an altered immunologic response to an antigen that results in disease or damage to the individual.
-Types I, II, and III hypersensitivity reactions are mediated by antibodies, whereas type IV hypersensitivity reactions are mediated by T lymphocytes and do not involve antibodies
Hypersensitivity-Type 1 (IgE-exagerated response
Are mediated by antigen-specific IgE and the products of tissue mast cells
The most common allergic reactions are type I reactions against environmental antigens (e.g., pollen, bee venom, nuts, medications).
-Generate an inappropriate IgE-mediated response to what would otherwise be an innocuous exposure.
-Most commonly, the term allergy indicates IgE-mediated reactions.
-The immediate reaction, occurs within minutes
Ex: Anaphylaxis, acute rhinitis, food allergy
S/s: mild, local (urticaria, rhinorrhea, itch) to life-threat (arrhythmias, shock, bronchospams, laryngeal obs.)
DX: skin testing or EOSINOPHILIA, hx of s/s, freq, triggers
TX: symptom based- anthistamines (H1 blockers), corticosteroids, epinephrine
Hypersensitivity-Type 2 (IgM or IgG)
-immune reactions against a specific cell or tissue
-Environmental antigens (e.g., drugs or their metabolites) may bind to the plasma membranes of specific cells and function as haptens, making them targets of type II reactions.
ex: hemolytic ds, rheumatic fever, bullous pemphigoid (abd/groin blistering), Goodpasture syndrome (soa, hemoptysis, hematuria), Guillian-barre syndrome (ascending paralysis), MG (weakness, ptosis, diplopia, dysphagia), Graves (tremor, insomnia, irritable, wt loss, tachy), Pernicious anemia
labs: coombs test (abo compatibility); RBC antigen, immunohistochem., diffuse radioactive iodine uptake
tx: steriods, plasmapheresis, immunosuppression
Mechanisms of type II, tissue-specific reactions
Complement-mediated lysis occurs when antibodies (IgM or IgG) bound to tissue-specific antigens cause activation of the complement cascade through the classical pathway. Formation of the membrane attack complex (C5-9) damages the membrane and results in lysis of the cell. For example, erythrocytes are destroyed by complement-mediated lysis in individuals who have received mismatched transfused blood cells (see the section on Alloimmunity).
Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) occurs when antibodies bound to tissue-specific antigens activate macrophages, neutrophils, and natural killer (NK) cells, which attack the target cells. When antibodies activate complement, there is the deposition of C3b on the target cell surface. Receptors on macrophages and neutrophils recognize and bind these opsonins (antibody plus C3b) and increase phagocytosis of the target cell. Toxic products produced by neutrophils (lysozymes and toxic oxygen radicals) also cause tissue damage. ADCC also involves NK cells. Antibodies on the target cell are recognized by Fc receptors on NK cells, which release toxic substances that destroy the target cell. Examples of ADCC include autoimmune conditions in which autoantibodies are made against antigens on platelets or red blood cells, causing them to be removed by phagocytes in the spleen.
Antireceptor antibodies do not destroy the target cell but rather cause the cell to malfunction. These autoantibodies change the function of the target receptor by blocking, overstimulating, or destroying it. For example, in Graves disease, autoantibodies called thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins (TSIs) bind to and activate receptors for thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) on thyroid gland cells. TSH normally stimulates thyroid hormone secretion but is under the control of feedback mechanisms. When TSIs bind to the TSH receptors, they stimulate the thyroid cells to overproduce thyroxine, thus producing symptoms of hyperthyroidism
Hypersensitivity-Type 3 (IgG)
Disease reactions are caused by antigen-antibody (immune) complexes that are formed in the circulation and are deposited in vessel walls or other tissues
The primary difference between type II and type III mechanisms is that in type II hypersensitivity, antibodies bind to antigen on the cell surface, whereas in type III, antibodies bind to soluble antigen that was released into blood or body fluids.
Mechanisms: Serum Sickness (Raynauds) or Arthrus reaction-vasculitis d/t repeated local exposure (celiac ds, allergic alveolitis or Farmers lungs ds/pigeon breeders ds), post-strep glomerulonephritis
s/s: fever, fatigue, rash/uticaria, protienuria, arthralgias, ulcers, pleuritis, pericarditis
labs: antibody testing, histopath,
Hypersensitivity Type 4 (T Lymphocytes, no antibodies) Delayed reaction
Tc cells directly kill target cells. Macrophages release soluble factors, such as lysosomal enzymes and toxic reactive oxygen species. Together, these responses cause tissue damage.
The response is delayed, 24 to 72 hours after antigen reexposure b/c of the time it takes for sensitized T cells to travel to the site of antigen reexposure and the time needed to produce cytokines that activate other cells including macrophages (delayed hypersensitivity).
CD4 (helper) Tcells, CD8 (cytotoxic/killer) Tcells
Ex: Graft Rejection, TB skin test reaction, poison ivy
-component may be present in autoimmune ex Rheum. arthritis; T1DM, hashimotos, MS, Celiac ds,
igE inserts itself into mast cells and eosinophils
Is the least concentrated of the immunoglobulin classes in the circulation
Acts as a mediator of many common allergic responses.
Defends against parasites.
??Antigens Vs. Antibodies
Antigens (anything that can produce an immune response AGAINST) have haptin and epitope (epitope that is recognized on the cell by the B or T cells; rest of antigen is HAPTEN!!!)-
🡪 multivalent (some cells have more than one epitope on them) proteins are recognized by other t or B cells)
Innate (resistance) vs Adaptive Immunity (acquired) AKA: Lines of Defense
- Inate: present at birth, and include the surface barriers skin and mucous membranes; Biochemical barriers; prevent damage from enviorn. and infection; epithelial cells on skin, GI/GU and resp.
–Normal flora - Inflammation: activated with injury or infectious disease. aka: first responder
-Complement system; Clotting, Kinen
-Mast Cells-degranulation;
-Macrophages: tumor-necrosis factor-a; ILL, IFN, antiinflamm cytokines - Adaptive: specific to particular antigens, and has memory.
-lymphocytes and antibodies (serum proteins)
-process starts after external barriers and inflam. activated
-slowly augments initial defenses and promote processes against re-infection
Innate Immunity (non-specific)
-1st line of defense
-Immediate response (0-96hrs)
-Cells: Natural Killer cells, macrophages, neutrophils, dendritic cells, Mast cells, basophils, and eosinophils
-Independent from antigen
-ex: Skin, hair, cough, mucous membranes, phagocytes, granulocytes
Adaptive Immunity (specific)
-2nd/3rd line of defense
-Long-term response >96 hrs
-Cells: T/B Lymphocytes
-Dependent on antigens
-ex: Pus, swelling, redness, pain, T and B lymphocyte response
Immunocompromised Patients and Infectious Risks
-A suppressed immune system is weakened to the point that it leaves an individual vulnerable to infections.
-C/b: diseases, medications, and lifestyle factors
-most common: autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or type 1 diabetes.
Dx: exam, labs (CBC)
Tx: monitoring for infections, practicing lifestyle behaviors that boost the immune system, and taking medications to treat the associated symptoms and underlying causes.
High-level Risk:
-primary combined immunodef
-rec. chemotherapy
-within 2 months organ transplant
-HIV w/ CD4<200
-daily steroid w/ dose >20mg longer than 14 days
-Biologic immune modulators: tumor necrosis factor-a (RNF-a) blocker or rituximab
Low Risk
-asymtomatic HIV w/ CD4>200
-lower daily dose of corticosteroids
-methotrexate <0.4/kg/we
-azathioprine <3mg/kg/day
-mercaptopurine <1.5mg/kg/day
Inflammatory Process: vasodilation, increased vascular permeability, and migration of leukocytes to the affected tissues.
Second line of defense
Protects the body from injury, fight infection, and promote healing
Plasma protein systems and inflammation
Complement system
Kinin system
Control and interaction of plasma protein systems
Initial cellular responders in inflammation
-Cellular receptors
-Mast cells
-Synthesis of mediators
-Tumor necrosis factor-alpha
-Antiinflammatory cytokines
Dendritic cells
The vascular response in inflammation
The cellular response in inflammation
Monocyte-derived macrophages
Other cells of inflammation
Acute and chronic inflammation
Manifestations of local and systemic acute inflammation
Plasma protein synthesis
Chronic inflammation
Active vs. Passive Immunity (Adaptive subgroups)
Active: immunity to a pathogen that occurs following exposure to all or part of that pathogen. through antibodies
-natural or through vaccination
-Produces memory cells
Passive: short-lived as the supply of antibodies is not being replenished
-Maternal or artificial
Alloimmunity vs Autoimmunity
- Autoimmunity: Is a misdirected response against the host’s own cells.
-Alloimmunity: Is directed against beneficial foreign tissues (e.g., transfusions, transplants) or in preg w/ diff Rh types b/w mother and fetus–anemia/fetal death
Benefits of Fever (choose 3 correct answers on quiz)
-Enhanced Immune Cell Function:
-Inhibition of Pathogen Growth
-Improved T-Cell Activation
-Increased Production of Immune Proteins
-Stressful Conditions for Pathogens
-Evolutionary Defense Mechanism
-Inhibits growth of microbial agents
-Enhanced Local Heat Generation-inhospitable
-Reduction of Pathogen Transmission
-Improved Immune System Coordination (IFn production)
-Natural Defense Activation: stims prod of cytokines and mediators=fight infection
Phases of wound healing-MORE
Regeneration (best)
Resolution (returning to original struc/fxn
Repair: replacement w/ scar tissue (collagen to restore tensile strength of tissue)
- Hemostasis (Coagulation): traumatic inflammation 0-3 days, red, heat,swell
- Inflammation-destructive, 2-5days, polymorphs/macrophages clear debris and stim new cell growth
- Proliferation and new tissue formation: 3-24 days, increased collagen formation
- Remodeling and Maturation: 24 days-1 yr; scar tissue decreases, granulating tissues gets stronger, changes from reddish to pale
Dysfunctional wound healing
Fibrous adhesions
Excess scar formation
*wound sepsis
ex: cellulitis/abcess/ulcers
primary infection and secondary
Wound Dehiscence-GET FROM SLIDES
Wound pulls apart from suture line
C: excessive strain @ site, infection, obesity
-occurs within 5-12 days after suture
-incr serious drng
-feels like something “gave way”
-surgery is required
Plasma protein responses of innate immunity (3 esp important to innate immunity) -
(1. Complement)
2. Clotting
3. Kinin system
-Complement: biochemical network of more than 30 proteins in plasma and on cellular surfaces, is a key component of innate immunity. The complement system elicits responses that kill invading pathogens by direct lysis (cell rupture) or by promoting phagocytosis.
-destroy pathogens directly
-Activates/collabs w/ every other component of the inflamm response
-Classical: Antibodies & antigens
-Lectin: mannose-containing bacterial carbohydrates
-Alternative: Gram- bacterial and fungal cell wall polysach’s
-Fxn: anaphylatoxic activity—>Mast cell degranulation; leukocyte chemotaxis; opsonization; cell lysis.
Plasma protein responses of innate immunity (3 esp important to innate immunity) -
1. Complement
(2. Clotting)
3. Kinin system
Clotting (coagulation) System
-Forms fibrinous mesh at injured/inflam site (main substance=fibrin)
-Prevents spread of infection
-Keeps microorgs and foreign bodies at site, for removal
-Forms a clot that stops the bleeding = homeostasis
-Provides framework for
-Extrensic: activated by tissue factor outside of the vasc. space
-Intrinsic: activated in the vasc space when vessel wall is damaged
Plasma protein responses of innate immunity (3 esp important to innate immunity) -
1. Complement
2. Clotting
(3. Kinin system)
Kinin System
-Fxn: activate & assist inflam cells
-Kinases degrate kinins
-Causes vasodilate, pain, smooth m. contract, vasc perm, and leukocyte chemotaxis.
Cell mediators
-mast cells
-granulocytes (neutrophils, eosino, baso’s)
-Monocytes & Macrophages
-Natural killer (NK) cells & lymphocytes
-cellular fragments (platelets)
Cytokines (biochemical mediators)
TNF-a, interleukins, and interferons (1)
Cytokines constitute a family of intercellular signaling molecules that are
-secreted by macrophages
-bind to specific membrane receptors
-regulate innate and adaptive immunity.
-Pleiotropic: same molecule may have lg variety of biologic activities based on its target cell
Macrophages release both proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines
The most important proinflammatory cytokines secreted by macrophages are tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukins, and IFNs
Cytokines-interleukins (ILs)
-Produced by macro & lympho in response to microorg/stim by other products of inflamm
-Help regulate inflamm
IL-1: proinflam—causes fever
IL-6: proinflam–helps w/ healing
IL-10: antiinflam:
TGF-b: (transforming growth factor)-antiinflam
-Protect against VIRAL infect
-produced/released by virally infected host cells in response to viral double-stranded RNA
-Do no directly kill viruses but prevent them from infecting additional healthy cells
INF-a and INF-b:
induce production of antiviral proteins
incr microbiocidal activity of macroph.
Mast cells-degranulation releases histamine
-cellular bags of granules located in loose connective tissue close to the blves. (skin, gi, resp tracts)
-Physical injury, chem agents, immune processes, and TLRs
-Released 2 ways
-Synthesis of lipid-derived chem mediators
Humoral (B cells) vs. Cellular Immunity (differentiates T cells)
Humoral: B cells & circulating antibodies cause direct INACTivation of microorg or ACTivates the inflam process
Cellular: differentiates T cells; protects against bacteria and viruses
They work together to provide immunity and MEMORY and the body will respond faster and more efficient in subseq exposures
Degranulation of Mast cells: releases histamines (H1 and H2 receptors)
-Histamine further degranulates into more histamines
-causing temporary & rapid CONSTRICTION of lg blvs. and DILATION of postcapillary venules
-Endothelial cells that line the capillaries are retracted
-H1: proinflam, in sm music of bronchi-causing bronchoconstriction
-H2: antiinflam: parietal cells of GI mucosa—->secretion of gastric acid
Chemotatic factors:
-Neutraphil chemotatic factor–attracts neutraphils
-(ECF-a) esoinophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxsis
Opportunistic Pathogens
Harmless under normal conditions, but can cause disease in immunocompromised individuals
ex: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a normal Microbiome that protects the skin from infection, but in severe burns or critically, ill patients where the integrity of the skin and mucus memories, is compromised it can enter the bloodstream causing sepsis
Dysbiosis-associated diseases
defined as an “imbalance” in the gut microbial community that is associated with disease. This imbalance could be due to the gain or loss of community members or changes in relative abundance of microbes.
Negative changes in the Microbiome
Mental health disorders, obesity, hypertension, heart, failure, asthma, emphysema, rheumatologic, disorders, diabetes, bowel, disease, and cancer
Transplantation (HLA tissue type)
- Cells in txp tissue from one kind. have a diff set of MHC surface antigens than those of the recipient
- the recipe. can mount an immune resp against foreign MHC molecules
- The more similar 2 find are in HLA tissue type=incr success
- Haplotype: a specific combo of alleles at the six major HLA loci on 1 chromosome: (A, B, C, DR, DQ, & DP)