Blue Book: Aetiology Agents Flashcards
What is a known carcinogen agent for
a) Burkitt’s Lymphoma?
b) leukemia
a) Epstein Barr Virus (EBV)
b) radiation
Name the main categories of etiological agents that can cause cancer.
1) Inherited
2) Chemical
3) Physical
3) Infective
4) Environment/exposure
5) Diet
6) Drugs
7) Immune deficiency
What familial cancers are caused by germline deletions of one allele and mutation in the remaining allele?
Adenomatous polyposis coli
Familial breast cancer (BRCA1 & BRCA2)
Von-Hippel Lindau syndrome
Mutations in p53 gene causes which cancer syndrome?
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome
Name the cancers associated with these chemicals:
a) cigarrete smoke
b) aromatic amines
c) Benzene
d) wood dust
e) vinyl chloride
a) p53 tumour suppressor gene
b) bladder cancer
c) leukemia
d) nasal adenocarcinoma
e) angiosacromas
Which type of cancer does a low fibre diet cause? And by which mechanism?
Colorectal cancer. Slows the transit time through the bowel thus increasing exposure to carcinogenic substances.
What diet related cancer do Japanese people get?
Smoked food → Gastric cancer
Cytotoxic drugs can cause characteristic translocations by inducing …… inhibitor leading to acute leukaemia. Name the inhibitor.
topoisomerase inhibitor
a) Which HPV virus can inactivate p53?
b) Via which intermediate protein?
c) Which cancers does this commonly cause
a) HPV16
b) E6 protein
c) Cervical and Anal
a) Epstein Barr Virus is associated with which cancer
b) By which most common genetic mechanism?
a) non-hodgkin’s lymphoma (and other lymphomas)
b) EBNA ( EB nuclear antigen) → 14:8 translocation → porto-oncogene on chromosome 8 (c-myc) become contronlled by immunoglobulin genes of chromosome 14
Hep B is associated with which cancer
b) how much is the risk ↑
hepatocellular cancer
b) 100 x
HTLV1 (a retrovirus) causes which cancer?
By which mechanism?
T-Cell Lymphoma
b) over expression of oncogene
H Pylori is associated with which cancer
Mucosal associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) tumours.
Describe which and how immune deficiencies can cause cancer.
The immune system is involved in tumour surveillance.
1) Drugs causing immunodeficiency
2) Infections: HIV
3) congenital abnormality of immune system: particularly T cells