Blue Flashcards
No menstrual periods until 1 wk ago when she had episode of light vaginal bleeding for 7 days.
Taking Tamoxifen since 3 years ago for adjuvant chemotherapy on her breast malignancy. What is the cause for the recent bleeding?
Endometrial POLYP formation due to the TAMOXIFEN
Most effective antibiotic to use locally for a patient with a mucopurulent eye discharge and a red eye?
Pain in her Left shoulder when hanging out washing and raising the arm above the head away from the body. Unable to lift the arm up at all. Limit on abduction of the arm. Deltoid muscle contracting. The arm can be moved passively to full abduction. Diagnosis?
Rupture of the Supraspinatus Tendon
Acutely Painful defecation with spotting of blood in the toilet paper. Diagnosis?
Anal Fissure
Profuse blood loss
Meckel’s diverticulum
Blood is mixed with the stool not in the paper
Juvenile Polyp
Painful joints, abdominal pain and vasculitic rash
Henoch Schonlein Purpura
20yo, Pap smear done , grade 3 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 3), Mgt?
Eight week history of pervasive sadness, bouts of crying, anorexia and weight loss, a feeling that his life is not worth living, fatigue and disrupted sleep. Which of the ff abnormal sleep patterns is the most likely to complain?
Early waking after initial sleep - Middle Insomnia
Diagnosis: Depression
14 days return from hitchhiking through Asia. He complains of explosive, watery and foul-smelling diarrhea of six to eight motions daily. Weight loss, afebrile and abdominal distention. The stool examination shows greasy and contains mucus. Diagnosis?
Overcrowding and poor sanitation
Fecal Oral spread, stool culture, tx: Ciprofloxacin
Fecal Oral, Tx: Metronidazole
Traveller’s diarrhea, self-limiting without treatment
Enterotoxigenic E coli infection
Immunossuppression patients (HIV or patients on Chemotherapy)
Cryptosporidial infection