BLS Blue Book Flashcards
High-quality CPR includes: Name at least 3
- Start compressions within 10 secs within recognition of cardiac arrest
- Compress at least 100/min with depth of 2 inch for adult, about 2 inch for children, and 1.5 inch for infant
- Allow Chest recoil
- Minimize interruption
- Give 2 breaths
- Avoid excessive ventilations
5 steps in Adult Chains of Survival
- Recognition of cardiac arrest and call 911
- Early CPR and emphasis of compressions
- Rapid AED use
- Advance life care
- Post cardiac arrest care
Before cardiac arrest in child and infants:
Respiratory arrest and shock. Identifying these problems will reduces chances of cardiac arrest.
5 steps in Pediatric Chain of Survival
- Prevention of arrest
- Early CPR
- Rapid activation of EMS
- Advance life support
- Post-cardiac arrest care
Changes in the 2010 AHA guidelines
- ABC to CAB: change cause of delayed compressions
- Changing rate from about 100/min to at least 100/min
- Increased focus on providing CPR as a team
- Removal of look, listen, and feel for breathing. New sequence allows
- De-emphasis of pulse check by changing the time to check pulse.
- Routine use of cricoid pressure in cardiac arrest is not recommended since it blocks ventilation
Team means
Simultaneous actions done
Initial BLS steps
- Assess victim for response
- If alone, activate 911 and get AED if possible
- Check pulse for at least 5s but no more than 10s
- If no pulse, start 5 cycles of compressions and breaths (30:2 ratio) (CAB)
Step 1- Assessment and scene safety
- Check Scene
- Tap victim’s shoulder and shout “Are you alright?”
- Check for breathing than call 911
Step 2- Call 911 and get AED
- If you’re alone shout for help
- If nobody responds, call 911, get AED and return to victim to check pulse and start CPR
Step 3- Pulse check
- Locate the trachea, using 2 fingers
- Slide fingers into groove
- Feel pulse for 5secs but no longer than 10sec
- No pulse = CPR
Step 4- Begin cycles of 30/2 compress
- Position yourself at the side of victim
- Make sure victim is lying face up on firm surface
- Heel of hand on center of chest on the lower breast bone (Sternum)
- Other hand on top
- Straight arms
- Push hard and fast, at least 2 inches and 100/min
- Allow chest to recoil so blood flows
- Minimize interruptions
Head Tilt-Chin Lift
- Hand on victim’s forehead and push back
- Put finger under jaw
- Lift jaw to bring the chin forward
Head Tilt-Chin Lift Precautions
- Don’t press deeply on soft tissue (blocks airway)
- Don’t use thumb to lift
- Don’t close victims mouth completely
Adult Mouth-to-Barrier Device Breathing
- Use for standard precautions
- Has 1-way valve that diverts exhale air, blood, or bodily fluids away from rescuer
- OSHA requires health care workers to use these standard precautions during CPR
US Occupational Safety and Health Administration