BLS Flashcards
What are the links of the chain of survival?
- Early recognition and call for help
- EarlyCPR
- Early defibrillation
- Earlyadvanced cardiac life support
What is the order in which you perform BLS?
- Danger
- Response
- Airway
- Breathing
- Circulation
- Disability
- Exposure
What would you examine to make sure there is no danger?
Check the patient’ssurroundingsaresafebefore approaching (if you injure yourself, you will not be able to help the patient, so take this seriously).
Put on gloves(and other personal protective equipment) as soon as possible.
How would you assess if a patient can respond?
Gentlyshakethe patient’s shoulders andaskloudly“Hello can you hear me?”
If there is no response from the patient you need toshout for help. This is absolutely essential, as you will not be able to effectively assess and treat the patient alone.
Position patient on their back and open airway
Assess for signs of life: chest expansion, breath against your cheek, carotid pulse
What is agonal breathing?
If the patient has occasional, irregular gaspsofbreath, this does not qualify as a sign of life as it commonly occurs in cardiac arrest and is referred to asagonalbreathing.
What would you do if there is a pulse and a low RR?
If therespirationrateisbelow12– assist ventilation withbagvalvemask(BVM) to maintain10 breaths/min(re-checking the pulse every minute to ensure it is still present).
The BVM should ideally be connected tohigh-flow oxygenas soon as possible.
What would you do if there is a pulse and a normal RR?
If you feel apulseor evidence ofgenuinebreathing, the patient would need urgent medical assessment (using an ABCDE approach) to stabilise them before further deterioration.
If there are no signs of life, what would you do?
If there arenosignsoflife, you need tocallforhelp from the resuscitation teamand commence CPR.
What do you know about chest compressions?
Placeone hand on top of the otherin thecentreof thelowerhalfofthesternum.
Aim tocompressthechestby approximatelyone-thirdof thedepthof thechest wall(5-6cm)
Perform compressions at approximately100-120 compressions per minute.
If an AED is available, where would you place the pads?
ADHESIVE PAD 1:therightof the sternumbelow the clavicle.
ADHESIVE PAD 2:themid-axillary line, with its long axis vertical and sufficiently lateral.
What would you check about the exposure of the patient?
Head to toe examination:
1. Head 2. Neck 3. Face 4. Collar bones 5. Chest and ribs 6. Abdomen 7. Pelvis 8. Legs 9. Back 10. Arms
If a patient has started breathing again, what would you after you completed ABCDE?
Recovery position