Blooooood Flashcards
What type of tissue is blood?
Connective tissue
Basic components of blood
Plasma (fluid matrix) - water, ions, dissolved molecules, plasma proteins such as albumins, globulins, fibrinogens
Cellular portion - erythrocytes, leukocytes (include basophils, eosinophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes)
Types of plasma proteins
Albumins - major contributor to colloid osmotic pressure
Globulins - clotting factors, enzymes, antibodies
Fibrinogen - forms fibrin thread during blood clotting
Transferrin - iron transport
Organic molecules present in blood plasma
Amino acids, proteins, glucose, lipids, nitrogenous waste
How are blood cells generated?
Multipotent stem cells in the bone marrow differentiate to become different types of blood cells. Multipotent stem cells become either lymphoid stem cells (which become B and T lymphocytes) or myeloid stem cells (which become WBC/leukocytes and RBC)
Stem cells are self-renewing (undergoing mitosis)
RBC production is stimulation by EPO (hormone)
Where do platelets come from?
Fragments of megakaryocytes in the bone marrow break off into circulation
Sequence of steps in RBC maturation
- Multipotent stem cell
- Myeloid stem cell
- Becomes reticulocyte
- Reticulocyte expels nucleus
- Mature erythrocyte squeezes through endothelium to join circulation
Which two organelles do RBCs lack?
Nucleus, mitochondria
What causes the bi-concave shape of RBCs?
Mean corpuscular volume
Mean RBC volume