Bloody chamber Flashcards
leaves ‘white enclosed quietude’ for
‘the unguessable country of marriage’
feels ‘pang of loss’ ‘ceased to be her child in
becoming his wife’
‘great pistons
ceaselessly thrusting the train’
‘I was 17 and knew
nothing of the world’
‘it must have been my innocence
that captured him’
‘I longed for him.
And he disgusted me.’
‘lovely prison of which I was both
the inmate and the mistress.’
‘With my stunning marriage I
had exiled myself.’
‘tell-tale stain’
‘brilliance of the heart on a playing card’
‘infinitely dishevelled
by the loss of my virginity.’
‘There is a striking resemblance between the act of love
and the ministrations of a torturer.’
‘face was acquiring… a lacquer of that invincible prettiness
that characters certain pampered cats’
‘All the natural laws of the world were
held in suspension.’
‘she could not control an
instinctual shudder of fear.’
‘Here trance before
the mirror broke.’
‘possessed by a sense of obligation
to her father.’
‘I could not see a single soul… since all the best religions in the world state that
not beasts or women were quipped with them.’
‘special madness
strikes travellers.’
bought and sold,
passed from hand to hand’
allotted ‘only the same kind of
imitative life amongst men’ as the automata
‘perform the part
of my father’s daughter’
‘white meat of
‘The lamb must learn to run
with the tigers.’
she feels ‘at liberty
for the first time.’
‘His touch both consoles
and devastates me.’
‘like a skinned
‘I had no wish to join
the whittling congregation.’
‘pelts of
black foxes’
screams, falls’
‘thrust his virile membrane into
the dead girl’
‘like the trace of
a fox’s kill.’
‘he has the special quality of
‘to ride a bicycle is in itself
some protection against superstitious fears.’
‘perennial sadness of a girl who is both
death and maiden.’
‘cave full of echoes, system of repetitions,
closed circuit.’
‘red eyes,
grizzeled chops’
‘soon it came to snow so thickly… that any footsteps
that might have been upon it were obscured.’
‘invisible pentacle of
her own virginity.’
‘children do not stay young in this savage
country for long.’
‘it is as if the fur she thought she wore had
melted into her own skin’
‘no direct notion of past, future or of duration,
only of a dimensionless immediate existence.’
white dress is a sign
‘of her indifference’
‘knows no better than
to do his chores for him.’