Blood vessels 1 Flashcards
The large or conducting arteries allow
rapid blood flow and their elastic laminae help to smooth out pressure differences with distance from the heart.
The medium or distributing arteries
have a slower blood flow and the flow can be controlled by regulatory factors such as chemical or neural input to regulate flow to various organs.
What are the three concentric layers or tunics surrounding the lumens of blood vessels above precapillaries?
Tunica intima, tunica media, tunica adventitia
Tunica intima:
The intima consists of the endothelium, basal lamina, and a subendothelial layer of loose connective tissue that may contain an occasional smooth muscle cell.
Internal elastic lamina
In arteries an internal elastic lamina (sometimes considered part of the media) borders the media. This is a fenestrated layer of elastin.
Tunica media:
The media is composed of smooth muscle and variable amounts of elastic fibers and lamellae, reticular fibers, and proteoglycans.
The extracellular matrix of the tunica media is synthesized by?
the smooth muscle cells. External elastic lamina Larger vessels have an external elastic lamina.
What replaces the media in capillaries and postcapillary venules?
Tunica adventitia:
The outermost layer is composed of fibroblasts and longitudinally oriented type I collagen and elastic fibers.
Larger blood vessels have a
vasa vasorum (?vessels of the vessel?) in the adventitia and a portion of the media that provides nutrients via small vessels to the vessel wall.
Which has a more extensive vasa vorum; veins or arteries? Why?
Veins have a more extensive vasa vasorum because of the low nutrient and oxygen content of venous blood.
What is the function of the intima?
The intima forms a permeable or semipermeable barrier.
What is the function of the media?
the media controls diameter and blood pressure and movement.
What is the function of the adventitia?
The adventitia provides physical support, attaches vessels to tissue, and carries vessels and nerves.
Endocardium: Homology? Location? Composition?
it is homologous to the intima of blood vessels. The endocardium lines the atria and ventricles. It is composed of an endothelium and a subendothelial layer of connective tissue.
Myocardium Homology? Composition?
is homologous to the media of blood vessels. It is the thickest layer of the heart wall and composed of cardiac muscle that is thicker in the ventricles than in the atria.