What are the three main branches of the celiac trunk? What embryological part of the gut does this trunk supply?
Supplies foregut structures
- Common hepatic
- Splenic
- Left gastric

What is the first branch of the left gastric artery?
Oesophageal artery

What are the greater and lesser curvatures of stomach supplied by respectively?
Lesser: Left and right gastric arteries
Greater: left and right gastroepiploic arteries

Where are gastric ulcers common? Rupture of these ulcers would result in bleeding from which artery?
Lesser curvature of stomach → bleeding from left gastric artery

A ruptured posterior duodenal ulcer would cause bleeding from which artery? From which artery does this branch?
Gastroduodenal artery → branches from common hepatic artery


Which part of the stomach do the small gastric arteries supply? Why are they vulnerable to ischaemia? From where do they branch?
- Supply fundus and upper cardiac portions of stomach
- Vulnerable to ischaemia if splenic artery occluded as no dual blood supply
- Branches of splenic artery

What are the three structures contained within the hepatoduodenal ligament?
- Proper hepatic artery (branch of common hepatic)
- Portal vein
- Common bile duct

What is this procedure?

Pringle maneuver
Large atraumatic hemostat used to clamp hepatoduodenal ligament, interrupting flow of blood through hepatic artery and portal vein, helping control bleeding from liver.