Blood product transfusion Flashcards
• Blood product transfusion products are human sources, and given only when there is no safer alternative available
What are the different forms:
o Red cells
Packed cells with plasma removed
o Platelet
o Fresh frozen plasma
Produced from freezing plasma within 6 hours of donation to preserve all coagulation factors
o Cryoprecipitate
Produced from thawing FFP overnight in 4 degrees Celsius
Concentrated form of fibrinogen, factor 8, vWf, factor 13 and fibronectin
o Prothrombin complex concentrate: concentration of factors II, IX and X – used to treat bleeding in haemophilia B
What are the indications for red cells:
What are the indications for FFP:
o Bleeding and abnormal coagulation tests (PT, APTT)
o Reversal of warfarin e.g. for urgent surgery
o Warfarin overdose
o Liver disease
What are the indications for cryoprecipitate:
o Massive bleeding with very low fibrinogen
o Hypofibrinogenaemia
What are the indications for platelets:
o Bone marrow failure patients o Massive bleeding o DIC o Surgery in patient with low platelets o Reversal of anti platelet drugs for urgent surgery
Early complications:
o Acute haemolytic reactions o Anaphylaxis o Bacterial contamination o Febrile reactions o Allergic reactions o Fluid overload o Transfusion related acute lung injury
Delayed complications:
o Infections
o Iron overload
o Post transfusion purpura