Blood Films and Cases Flashcards
The 4 values you really want to look at on a CBC
WBC HGB (hemoglobin) MCV PLT (platelets) Tells you about the 3 cell lines and the RBC size
How big should a normal red cell usually be?
About the same diameter as a lymphocyte nucleus
How do we clinically diagnose anemia?
If a patient’s Hb is low
What is the main cause of a lifelong microcytic anemia?
Basophilic stippling is found in what anemia?
Are retics high or low in thalassemia?
Its a type of hemolytic anemia
What physical findings are common in thalassemia?
2 cardinal features of anemia of chronic disease
MCV slightly low
Retics are not increased
2 causes of macrocytic anemia with increased retics
What do WBCs look like in a megaloblastic anemia?
From B12 deficiency or drugs
What is a cardinal sign of B12 deficiency
Macrocytic anemia with a very high MCV
Retics would not be increased
What would the cause of a non-megaloblastic anemia be if the bone marrow was
- Normal
- Abnormal
- Alcohol excess, liver disease, hypothyroidism, marrow suppression
- Failure (MDS), infiltration (acute leukemia)
Schistocytes + thrombocytopenia =
MAHA (microangiopathic hemolytic anemia)
Destruction of RBCs due to shearing across occluded small blood vessels
Forms schistocytes
2 main causes of MAHA