Blood Brothers Flashcards
Mrs Johnstone
“He told me I was sexier than Marilyn Monroe”
“By the time I was twent five I looked like forty two”
“Never put new shoes on the table, you never know what will happen”
“I love the bones of every one of them”
“I’ll…ill have a look i the catalogue next week.”
“I’ve made a life out here. It’s not much of one but I made it”
“You have a twin brother.I couldn’t afford to keep both of you”
“Gis a sweet//Gis a ciggie”
“That’s why I take them so I can be invisible”
“Does my child belong to you as well as everything else”
“I wish I was our Sammy”
“I’d crawl to that job for half the pay and double the hours”
“I don’t wear a hat that I could tilt at the world”
“Friends! I could kill you. We were friends weren’t we?blood brothers, wasn’t it?”
“Well how come you got everything.. am I got nothing”
Nature vs nurture
Social class
“I suppose always…loved you in a way”
“Oh leave him alone you big worm”
“You better hasn’t do anything soft like him”
“I need you, I love you but not when you’ve got them inside you”
“Linda moves in to protect Mickey who is visibly shaken”
“She’s a girl but she’s alright”
“There’s a girl inside the woman”
“We don’t use the shooters. They’re just frighteners.”
“Mam, our Sammy’s robbed me other gun” / “He robbed me toy car y’know”
He’s dead mean sometimes
“I’m gonna get a real gun soon.”
“Produces a knife”
“He’s a friggin poshy”
Me Lyons
“”There’s a stone in place of her heart”