Blood Flashcards
fluid connective tissue
components of blood
Liquid plasma: nonliving fluid matrix; 55%
Formed elements: living cells 45%
Platelets: >1%
- Erythrocytes (red blood cells, RBC’s)
4-6 million
a. Transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
- Leukocytes (white blood cells, WBC’s)
i. Phagocytize bacteria
b. Lymphocyte
i. Mount immune response by direct cell attack or via antibodies
c. Monocyte
i. Phagocytosis; develop into macrophages in tissues
d. Eosinophil
i. Kill parasitic worms; complex role in allergy and asthma
e. Basophil
i. Release histamine and other mediators of inflammation; contain heparin, an anticoagulant
- Platelets
a. Seal small tears in blood vessels; instrumental in blood clotting
- Packed cell volume (PCV)
- Determined when anemia is suspected
- The percentage of total blood volume composed of red blood cells.
- 40-54% in males and 38-47% in females.
Differential white blood cell count
• 100 WBC’s are counted and classified according to type
Blood typing
• When serum containing anti-A or anti-B agglutinins (antibodies) is added to blood, agglutination will occur between the agglutinin (antibody) and the corresponding agglutinogens (antigens).
• Leukocytosis
o An abnormally high WBC count, may indicate bacterial or viral infection, metabolic disease, hemorrhage, or poisoning by drugs or chemicals
• Leukopenia
o A decrease in WBC number below 4000/mm3
o May indicate typhoid fever, measles, infectious hepatitis or cirrhosis, tuberculosis, or excessive antibiotic or X-ray therapy
• Leukemia
o A malignant disorder of the lymphoid tissues characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of abnormal WBC’s accompanied by a reduction in the number of WBC count but also a differential WBC count
• Polycythemia
o An increase in the number of RBC’s
o May result from bone marrow cancer or from living in high altitudes where less oxygen is available
• Anemia
o Decrease in the number of RBC’s
o A decreased oxygen-carrying capacity of blood that may result from a decrease in RBC number or size or a decreased hemoglobin content of the RBC’s