blood Flashcards
ABO group discrepancies
forward and reverse grouping don’t match
Anti-reagent antibody
due to dyes in anti-A or B
Preservatives in reagents
Solve by washing patient/reagent cells
B(A) phenotype
high conc of B glycosyltransferase
has weak expression of A on RBCs, anti-A antibodies produced
detected when using MHO4 anti-A monoclonal antibody
solve by using different grouing reagent
Acquired B
Group A with gut problems. bacterial remove acetyl group
some anti-B reagent binds to the non-acetyl -> weak pos
solve by using diff reagent or decrease pH
Cell problem that result in weak reaction in forward group
B(A): group B, weak A
acquired B: group A, weak (not true) B
1 allele AB, 1 allele O
decrease glycosyltransferase production -> weak reaction
usually produce weak anti-B
solve by doing family studies
2 different population of RBCs in circulation
Cause of natural chimerism
multiple births: blood flow b/w twins of diff group
dispermy: 2 sperm, zygote fuse to one
fetal-maternal blood
natural chimerism
reaction depends on degree of chimera
solved using history
molecular methods to Id chimera
acquired chimerism
out of group transfusions
BM/SC transplant
exchange transfusion ( replace fetal cells w/ donor cells)
steps in resolving ABO discrepancies
wash cells and re-test
Check history (age, disease state, transfusion)
discrepancies in forward or reverse
know what’s in reagents
test for specific cause
type of transplant
Autologous: own cells, disease in remission
Allogeneic: other person, cant donate own cell due to chemo ect.
Syngeneic: identical siblings
sources of HPCs
Cord blood
sample prep for transplant
flow for CD34 (marker for HPCs)
BM filtered to remove fat, debris
Separate buffy coat
recipient marrow/immune ablated
donor cell infused
ABO incompatible OK, HPCs dont express ABO antigen