Blocks 1-5 Pathology Spot Test Revision Flashcards
Abdominal aorta - thrombosed aneurysm
Adrenal - cortical adenoma
Adrenal - phaeochromocytoma
Aorta - atheromatous abdominal aortic aneurysm containing thrombus
Aorta - coarctation
Aorta - fatty streaking
Appendix - acute appendicitis
Appendix - normal
Arch of aorta - aortic dissection
Bladder - transitional cell (papillary) carcinoma - benign
Brain - cerebral (berry) aneurysm
Brain - intracerebral haemorrhage
Brain - old cerebral infarct with gliosis
Brain - ruptured cerebral (berry) aneurysm
Brain - small vessel (lacunar) infarcts
Breast - fibroadenoma
Breast - fibrocystic disease (benign mammary dysplasia)
Breast - invasive ductal carcinoma (scirrhous)
Breast - Paget’s disease nipple (ductal carcinoma)
Cerebral arteries - Circle of Willis-thrombosed internal carotid
Cerebral artery - thrombosis left internal carotid
Circle of Willis - Aneurysm anterior communicating artery
Colon & Liver - metastatic carcinoma colon
Femur - healed fracture
Femur - Osteosarcoma with pathological fracture
Femur - Paget’s disease of bone
Hand - rheumatoid arthritis
Head of femur - osteoarthritis
Heart - acute haemorrhagic pericarditis
Heart - acute rheumatic endocarditis (aortic & mitral valves)
Heart - atheroma in coronary arteries
coronary thrombosis with myocardial infarction
atherosclerotic coronary artery with atherothrombosis
Heart - atherosclerotic coronary artery with atherothrombosis
Heart - bivalvular replacement (Bjork-Shiley valve)
Heart - chronic rheumatic endocarditis (Mitral stenosis)
Heart - chronic rheumatic endocarditis
Heart - coronary atherosclerosis & recent infarct
Heart - coronary atherothrombosis
Heart - high ventricular septal defect
Heart - high VSD with acute infective endocarditis
Heart - hypertensive concentric hypertrophy
Heart - LV aneurysm & old MI
Heart - MI and ruptured papillary muscle
Heart - myocardial infarct at 1 week
Heart - normal
Heart - old MI and LV aneurysm
Heart - old MI with LV fibrosis
Heart - patent ductus arteriosus (Eisenmenger’s syndrome)
Heart - patent ductus arteriosus
Heart - post-infarct ruptured IV septum
Heart - recent infarct
Heart - stenosis of pulmonary, tricuspid & aortic valves & ASD
Heart - subacute bacterial endocarditis (Mitral valve)
Heart - Tetralogy of Fallot & patent ductus arteriosus
Heart - Tetralogy of Fallot
Humerus - healed fracture with mal-union
Internal mammary arteries - aortic coarctation
Kidney - chronic glomerulonephritis
Kidney - hypertensive nephrosclerosis
Kidney - normal
Kidney - Renal Cell Carcinoma
Knee - rheumatoid arthritis - excised synovial tissue
Leg - atheroma & ischemic ulcers
Liver - chronic venous congestion
Lung - abscesses-suppurative bronchopneumonia
Lung - Asbestosis
Lung - bronchial asthma
Lung - bronchogenic squamous cell carcinoma & bronchopneumonia
Lung - fibro-caseous tuberculosis
Lung - Lobar pneumonia (red hepatisation)
Lung - Miliary tuberculosis
Lung - Silicosis
Lung- panlobular emphysema
Lung - acute bronchopneumonia
Oesophagus - squamous cell carcinoma
Peritoneum - foreign body reaction
Rib - healed fracture
Ribs - grooving from enlarged mammary arteries - aortic coarctation
Skull - Paget’s disease with osteosarcoma
Spleen - chronic congestive splenomegaly
Stomach - chronic gastric ulcer & haemorrhage
Stomach - gastric carcinoma
Uterus - cervical squamous cell carcinoma