block viii aircraft handling fundamentals Flashcards
what is SE used for in aircraft handling?
to service, test, and troubleshoot aircraft systems
list the danger areas for aviation?
hazmat, exhaust, intakes, flight conrols, eyes,hearing, explosives
state the procedure for grounding aircraft.
hook up a grounding strap to a certified ground and then to the aircraft.
why is it necessary to static ground the windshield?
100,000 volts of electrical charge may build up and stored in the windshield.
what is:
a) initial tie-down
b) normal weather tie-down
c) moderate weather tie down
d) heavy weather tie-down
a) 6 chains
b) 9 chains
c) 14 chains
d) 20 chains
what are the mandatory hand signals regardless of aircraft type?
emergency stop
towing speed shall not exceed?
how many personnel are needed on a move? explain each position.
move director- assembles crew, qualified,brief/safety
tractor- safe and slow movement of aircraft
brakerider- pre move inspection of brakes
chock walker- carrys chocks
safety observer- ensures aircraft is ready to be moved
can develpop enough suction to pull individual
exhaust (engine and APU)
fuel can accummulate which can ignite flames
walk around do not approach
rotor blades
do not approach while being engaged or disengaged
hot brakes
dont face side of wheel, approach fwd or aft at 45 degree angle
wind indicator
issuance of wind directions/ velocity to pilots
airfield rotating beacon
used to identify the airports location
TACAN system
tactical air navigation system - determines aircraft position and distance (carrier based aircraft)
instrument landing system- provides exact alignment and descent of aircraft to a runway
for navigation and approach guidance
highly accurate three dimensional position and time data