Block 7 - Endocrinology Flashcards
General Endocrine History Protocol? (9)
General Endocrine History Protocol
1. Introduction
2. Age & Occupational History
3. Presenting symptoms
4. Past Medical History
5. Treatment/Medications
6. Allergies
7. Social History
8. Family history
9. Systems Review
General Endocrine History - Introduction? (4)
General Endocrine History - Introduction
1. Washes hands
2. Introduces self
3. Explains history taking & Gains verbal consent
4. Confirms Name & Age
“Hi, my name is Kitty, I’m one of the medical students. I’ve been asked to come and take a history from you if thats ok? This will involve me asking you some questions about what’s brought you in today as well as your past medical history, family medical history and a bit about your lifestyle? Does that all sound ok to you? Great, before we get started please can I confirm your name and age?”
“What’s the reason for your visit today?”
What are the possible presenting symptoms of an endocrine disorder?
- Endocrine abnormalities and typical symptoms and signs?
General Endocrine History - Presenting Complaint: Changes in Apetite and Weight?
Increased apetite & weight loss
1. Thyrotoxicosis
2. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
**Increased appetite with weight gain
**1. Cushings
2. Hypoglycaemia
3. Hypothalamic disease
4. Pregnancy
LOA & Weight Loss
1. Adrenal insufficiency
2. Anorexia nervosa
3. Gastrointestinal disease
4. Malignancy
LOA & Weight gain
1. Hypothyroidism
General Endocrine History - Presenting Complaint: Changes in Bowel habits?
Diarrhoea & Increased bowel frequency = hyperthyroidsim & adrenal insufficiency
Constipation = hypothyroidism & hypercalcaemia
Autonomic dysfunction (diarrhoea or constipation) = diabetes
General Endocrine History - Presenting Complaint: Changes in Sweating?
- 5 differentials?
General Endocrine History - Presenting Complaint: Changes in Sweating
1. Hyperthyroidism
2. Hypoglycaemia
3. Acromegaly
4. Anxiety
5. Menopause
General Endocrine History - Presenting Complaint: Changes in Hair Distribution?
- 5 differentials?
Changes in hair distribution
Hirsutism refers to an increased growth of body hair in women. The absence of facial hair in a man suggests hypogonadism, whereas temporal recession of the scalp hair in women occurs with androgen excess. The decrease in adrenal androgen production that occurs as a result of hypogonadism, hypopituitarism or adrenal insufficiency can cause loss of axillary and pubic hair in both sexes.
General Endocrine History - Presenting Complaint: Lethargy?
- 8 differentials?
General Endocrine History - Presenting Complaint: Changes in Skin & Nails?
General Endocrine History - Presenting Complaint: Changes in Pigmentation?
General Endocrine History - Presenting Complaint: Changes in Stature?
General Endocrine History - Presenting Complaint: Erectile Dysfunction?
General Endocrine History - Presenting Complaint: Galactorrhoea?
General Endocrine History - Presenting Complaint: Amenorrhoea?
General Endocrine History - Presenting Complaint: Polyuria?