Block 5 - EA-18G Avionics/Electrical Flashcards
Explain Barometric Altimeters
Measures from sea level
Explain RADAR altimeters
Measures from ground level
Altitude up to 5000 ft
Advantages of using Fiber Optic Cables
- Immune to electrical noise
- Better signal security
- Reduced size & weight
- Environmental protection
What is the Communication Systems consisted of?
- Intercommunication Audio System (IAS)
Use of VHF/UHF
- Communications with ground support, other aircraft, shipping traffic
- Anti-jam radio equipment
Use of Intercommunication Audio System (IAS)
- Allows communication between pilot, EWO, and ground crew
- Backup communication
What does the Navigation Systems consist of? (5)
- Tactical Air and Navigation (TACAN)
- Inertial Navigation System (INS)
- Attitude Reference Indicator (ARI)
- Instrument Landing System (ILS)
Describe Inertial Navigation System (INS)
Dead reckoning navigation system
- Provides aircraft data while in flight
Describe Attitude Reference Indicator (ARI)
Gyro system
- Pitch and roll attitude reference system
- Provides a minimum of 3 minutes of attitude info with total loss of power
What is the Tactical Mission Systems made up of?
- Data Link- 2 way UHF
- Mission Computers (MC)- “Brains of the aircraft”
Systems associated with the Tactical EW System
- ALQ-227
- ALQ-99
- ALQ-165/214
- ALQ-218
What does the ALQ-227 do?
Modulates & analyzes waveforms
Can interact with ALQ-99
What does the ALQ-99 do?
Jammer in the Very Low, Low, Medium, and High band frequencies
What does the ALQ-165/214 do?
Onboard jamming system
What does the ALQ-218 do?
Analyzes RADAR emitters and signals
Describe the Multipurpose Display Group (MDG) components
Displays in cockpit
Left and Right DDI
*Left display has Night Vision
Describe the function of the Solid State Recorder (SSR)
Removable storage device
Purpose of the Deployable Flight Incident Recorder Set (DFIRS)
Black box of the aircraft
- Lasts 30 min
- Beacon lasts 72 hours
What are the different flight reference equipment?
- Pitot static system
- Indicated airspeed indicator
- Standby Pressure Altimeter
- Vertical Speed Indicator
What is the Pitot Static System?
- Temperature
- Pitot
- Static pressures
What is the Indicated Airspeed Indicator?
Displays airspeed as a function of pitot and static pressure
- Indicated in 10 knot increments from 50 to 200 knots
- Indicated in 50 knot increments from 200 to 850 knots
What is the Standby Pressure Indicator?
An instrument that displays altitude in three displays
Pointer display - 1-1000ft in 50ft increments
Drum display - 1000ft increments to 99,000ft
Four digit display - measures barometric pressure in inches of mercury
What is the Vertical Speed Indicator?
Senses in air pressure
- From climb or dive rate from 0 - 6000 ft/min
- Lower half except dive rate is indicated
Describe the functions of the Power Supply
- 2 generators
- Power Distribution System
- 2 transformers
Describe the function of the Maintenance Battery
- 28vdc power
- Must be installed to start the jet
What power does the Generator provide
- 115/200 vdc
- 400 Hz
- 3 phase electrical power
Function of the Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS)
- Autopilot
- Automatic throttle control
Purpose of the nose wheel well Digital Display Indicator (DDI)
- Shows faults in aircraft
- Located below the cockpit/underbelly of jet
Purpose of the Digital Memory Device (DMD)
Functions as a non-volatile solid state memory device
- Mission data is uploaded
- Theater-level maps
Purpose of the Flight Incident Recorder and Monitoring System (FIRAMS)
Monitors engine and airframe status for unit failures & caution/advisory conditions
Discuss the Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS)
Better HUD
- Increases aircraft survivability