Block 4 Questions Flashcards
How much oxygenmustthe passengers be provided with?
10 minute supply of oxygen
(True or False) The passenger supplemental oxygen is the same (comes from the same source) as the crew supplemental oxygen.
How can the pilot check the oxygen quantity?
Oxygen service panel
When will the passenger oxygen masks automatically deploy?
Above 14,000 cabin pressure altitude
(True or False) The passenger oxygen masks can be deployed from the cockpit.
How many oxygen masks are located in the lavatory?
Enter thetotal numberofpassenger oxygen masks
Enter thetotal numberof fire extinguishers on
When will the Emergency Lights come on?
When the cockpit EMER LTS switch is placed in the ON position
When the cockpit EMER LTS switch is placed in the ARM position and the DC Essential Bus loses power.
When the flight attendant EMER LTS switch is placed in the ON position
All of the above
Enter thetotal numberof PBE locations on the CRJ
(True or False) The EMER LTS are powered from the Main Battery.
Which of the following are limitations of the CRJ 200 door?
1000 lbs. maximum weight limit
4 passengers at one time limit
Handrails must be up to board passengers using the stairs
All of the above
(True or False) The passenger door is a Type II door
True or False) The service door can only be opened from the inside.
Which of the following doors does not show up on the Doors Synopsis Page?
Crew Escape Hatch
Which row are the Emergency Exits located at?
. Which door is not part of the pressure vessel?
Aft Equipment Bay
Which door is not part of the pressure vessel?
Nose Equipment Bay
(True or False) The pilot will be alerted if the cargo door handle opens in flight?
(True or False) The CRJ200 does NOT have ice protection on the tail.
Icing conditions is defined as visible moisture and
5°C or less
What is the difference between a ICE advisory message (green) and an ICE caution message (yellow)
Green ICE advisory means the aircraft is accumulating ice and the anti-ice systems are ON.
Yellow ICE advisory means the aircraft is accumulating ice and the anti-ice systems are OFF.
Both of the above are correct
How many ice detectors does the CRJ 200 have?
With the wing anti-ice switch in the NORM position the controller will modulate to maintain a wing temperature of
With the wing anti-ice switch in the STBY position the valve modulates full open and closed to maintain a wing temperature of
In order to maintain sufficient bleed air flow to the wing anti-ice protection, the N2 has to be maintained above
(True or False) In order to prevent over-pressure of the cowl anti-ice ducts, the wing anti-ice should be selected ON before turning the cowl anti-ice duct ON.
The maximum speed to use the Windshield wipers is
A “cold soaked” aircraft is one that has been sitting in temperatures at or below 30°C for at least
8 hours
Theminimumlength of time an ICE message will persist on ED1 or ED2 is
60 Seconds
Which of the following are supplied with 14thStage bleed air?
Thrust Reverse
Both a and d
Which of the following are supplied with 10thStage bleed air?
Engine Starting
Air Conditioning
Both b and c
(True or False) The 10thstage SOVs are normally closed if electric power is lost.
(True or False) The 10thstage SOVs require both electrical power and pneumatic air pressure to open.
(True or False) The 14thstage SOVs are normally closed if electric power is lost.
(True or False) 14thstage bleed air can be supplied by the APU.
The maximum altitude for APU bleed air extraction, to supply pneumatic air to the air conditioning packs is
The maximum altitude for operations with a single pack operating is
. The maximum altitude that the APU can be used for engine starting is
The ______(left/right) pack supplies conditioned air to the cockpit.
(True or False) The 10thstage SOVs must be closed for takeoff and landing if the engine anti-ice systems are on.
During 2 pack operations, what pressure does the PRSOV regulate pneumatic air entering the pack to?
30 PSI
Which of the following is NOT true with regards to the RAM-AIR button on the Air Conditioning panel?
It sends outside ambient air to the cockpit supply duct
The passenger compartment will also receive ambient air through the distribution manifold
It must only be used when the aircraft is unpressurized
The outflow valves are preset to open at a differential pressure of______ ±0.1 PSI.
8.6 PSI
(True or False) There are 2 Cabin Pressure Controllers and the pressure controllers automatically switch over when the airplane is on the ground for 3 minutes.
. Altitude limit controllers limit cabin altitude to______feet ±750 feet in the case of a rapid decompression.
(True or False) The CPAM gets Air Data from ADC 2 normally, and ADC 1 is used as a backup.