Block 3 - Gastrointestinal Flashcards
Outline the anatomy involved in swallowing - ORAL CAVITY
- What is the function of the oral cavity?
- Epithelium?
- Innvervation?
- Chewing reflex? (5)
Oral Cavity:
- Function: Mastication (chewing) for mechanical breakdown of food
- Epithelium: Thick stratified squamous epithelium
- Innervation: Trigeminal nerve (CN V, sensory to teeth and motor to jaw), facial nerve (CN VII, motor and sensory to tongue and pharynx), glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX, sensory to caudal 1/3 of tongue) and hypoglossal nerve (CN XII, motor to tongue)
Chewing Reflex:
- Bolus of food in mouth
- Reflex inhibition of muscle of mastication, allowing lower jaw to drop
- Initiation of stretch reflex of jaw, allowing rebound contraction
- Jaw rises, teeth close and bolus compresses against linings of mouth
- Repeat
Outline the anatomy involved in swallowing - PHARYNX
- Function?
- Anatomy - length and relation to spine?
- Divisions?
- Epithelium?
- Muscles?
- Innervation?
- Function: Passageway for food from mouth to oesophagus
- Anatomy: Extends for about 13cm from base of skull to level of 6th cervical vertebra
- Divisions: Nasopharynx (skull to soft palate, no digestive role), oropharynx (soft palate to base of tongue) and laryngopharynx (valleculae to inferior margin of cricoid cartilage)
- Epithelium: Pseudostratified columnar epithelium (nasopharynx) to stratified squamous epithelium (oropharynx and laryngopharynx)
- Muscles: Outer circular muscle layer (superior, middle and inferior constrictor muscles) and inner longitudinal muscle layer (stylopharyngeus, salpingopharynegues and palatopharyrngeus muscles)
- Innervation: Vagus nerve (CN X) and glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
Outline the anatomy involved in swallowing - OESOPHAGUS
- Function?
- Anatomy - length?
- Epithelium?
- Muscles?
- Innervation?
- Upper oesophageal sphincter?
- Lower oesophageal sphincter?
- Function: Passageway for food to stomach
- Anatomy: A hollow muscular tube about 18-26cm long, which is collapsed between swallows and is able to distend up to 3cm laterally to accommodate food bolus (due to longitudinal folds)
- Epithelium: Stratified squamous epithelium (no serosa as retroperitoneal)
- Muscles: Skeletal muscle (proximal 1/3) and smooth muscle (distal 2/3) structured into inner circular and outer longitudinal layers
- Innervation: Motor innervation predominately by vagus nerve (CN X) and sensory innervation by vagus and thoracic sympathetic nerves
- Upper Oesophageal Sphincter: Protects airway from swallowed material and gastric reflex, and allows entry of food into oesophagus. Includes thyropharyngeal and cricopharyngeal parts of inferior pharyngeal constrictor, which are contracted at rest, with slit-like configuration creating high pressure zone about 1cm in length.
- Lower Oesophageal Sphincter: Protects oesophagus from gastric reflux and allows entry of food into stomach upon relaxation. It is a 3-4cm length of thickened circular smooth muscle which is tonically contracted at rest, creating a high-pressure zone
Describe the Physiology of Swallowing (Deglutition) = 5 Steps
- Voluntary Phase (Oral)?
- Involuntary Reflex Phase? (3)
Physiology of Swallowing (Deglutition):
- Voluntary Phase (Oral): Upward movement of tongue pushes bolus against soft palate and back of mouth, triggering reflex
Involuntary Reflex Phase:
- Pharyngeal Phase: Upper oesophageal sphincter relaxes (vagus nerve inhibited) and opens while epiglottis closes to keep swallowed material out of airway, and a fast peristaltic wave initiated by the nervous system of the pharynx forces the bolus of food into the upper esophagus. Respiration temporary suspended as swallowing centre in medulla inhibits respiratory centre.
- Oesophageal Phase: Food moves downward into oesophagus, propelled by peristaltic waves and aided by gravity. Upper oesophageal sphincter is closed.
- Gastro-Oesophageal Phase: The lower oesophageal sphincter undergoes receptive relaxation (via distension and vagus nerve acting on myenteric inhibitory neurons) ahead of the peristaltic wave, which allows easy propulsion of the swallowed food into the stomach
Describe the anatomy of the biliary tract.
- 3 Components?
- Function?
- 3 Ducts?
- Bile Flow?
Biliary Duct System:
- Components: Liver, gallbladder and bile ducts
- Function: Organs and ducts that create and store bile and release it into the duodenum. The system drains waste products from the liver into the duodenum (see diagram) and helps digestion through the controlled release of bile.
- Common hepatic duct (convergence of left and right hepatic duct)
- Cystic duct (contains spiral valves of Heister)
- Common bile duct (convergence of common hepatic duct and cystic duct)
- Bile Flow: Flows both ways between gall bladder and left and right hepatic ducts and common bile duct
Describe the anatomy of the biliary tract - LIVER
- Regions of the abdomen? Relation to spine?
- 4 Lobes?
- Bare area?
- 2 Indentations?
- Physical blood flow?
- 2 vessels in from below?
- 1 vessel out from below?
- 1 vessel out above?
- Regions: Right hypochondriac and epigastric (deep to the ribs T7-T11)
- Four Lobes: Right, Left, Quadrate and Caudate (divided into 8 functional segments)
- Bare Area: Superior section of the liver that touches the diaphragm and not covered by visceral peritoneum
- Indentations: Stomach (left inferior) and right kidney (right posterior)
Physical Blood Flow:
- Two vessels in from below: Hepatic artery and hepatic portal vein
- One vessel out below: Common hepatic duct
- One vessel out above: Hepatic vein (converges with IVC)
5 Ligaments of the Liver?
Ligaments of the Liver
- Falciform Ligament: Divides right and left lobes anteriorly and suspends liver from diaphragm and anterior abdominal wall
- Round Ligament (Ligamentum Teres): Remnant of umbilical vein, free edge of the falciform ligament
- Coronary Ligament: Attaches the superior surface of the liver to the inferior surface of the diaphragm and demarcates the bare area of the liver. The anterior and posterior folds unite to form the triangular ligaments on the right and left lobes of the liver
- Triangular Ligaments: The left triangular ligament is formed by the union of the anterior and posterior layers of the coronary ligament at the apex of the liver and attaches the left lobe of the liver to the diaphragm. The right triangular ligament is formed in a similar fashion adjacent to the bare area and attaches the right lobe of the liver to the diaphragm
Lesser Omentum: Attaches the liver to the lesser curvature of the stomach and first part of the duodenum
- Hepatoduodenal Ligament: Extends from the duodenum to the liver
- Hepatogastric Ligament: Extends from stomach to the liver
Describe the anatomy of the biliary tract - GALL BLADDER
- Function?
- View?
- Regions?
- Diameter?
- Anatomy?
- Histology?
- Gallstones - Cholelithiasis?
- Gallstones - Choledocholithiasis?
Gall Bladder:
- Function: To store and concentrate (5-10x) bile prior to its expulsion into the GI Tract
- View: Right of liver, seen best from inferior posterior view, posterior end can be seen from anterior view
- Regions: Right hypochondriac region around the tip of the right 9th rib (normally impalpable)
- Diameter: 8cm long, 4cm wide, 100ml capacity
- Anatomy: Tapered greenish sac divided into three sections (fundus, body and neck)
- Histology: Simple columnar epithelium with microvilli
- Cholelithiasis: Presence of gallstones in the gallbladder
- Choledocholithiasis: If gallstones migrate into the ducts of the biliary tract
Describe the anatomy of the biliary tract - PANCREAS
- Function?
- Endocrine?
- Exocrine?
- Anatomy?
- Intra-Abdominal Relations?
- Hepatopancreatic Ampulla?
- Hepatopancreatic Sphincter?
- Major duodenal papilla?
- Blood Supply?
- Endocrine: Pancreatic Islets of Langerhans (mini-endocrine glands) release insulin and glucagon hormones that play an important role in carbohydrate metabolism
- Exocrine: Pancreatic acinar cells secrete enzyme-rich pancreatic juice into the duodenum via the main pancreatic duct (become hepatopancreatic ampulla) and epithelial cells lining the smallest pancreatic ducts secrete water and bicarbonate ions that make the pancreatic juice alkaline
- Anatomy: Soft, tadpole-shaped gland that extends across the abdomen from its tail (near the spleen) to its head, which is encircled by the C-shaped duodenum (parts incude head, neck, body, tail and ucinate process)
Intra-Abdominal Relations: Most of the pancreas is retroperitoneal and lies deep to the greater curvature of the stomach, except tail which is intraperitoneal
- Hepatopancreatic Ampulla: Convergence of bile duct and main pancreatic duct
- Hepatopancreatic Sphincter: Smooth muscle valve controlling entry of bile and pancreatic juice into duodenum
- Major Duodenal Papilla: Where the ampulla opens into the duodenum
- Blood Supply: Pancreas supplied by splenic artery (body and tail of pancreas) and common hepatic artery (head of pancreas) from celiac trunk, and superior mesenteric artery (head of pancreas)
Outline the major physiological factors that control the gastro-oesophageal junction.
- Which 3 structures contribute to the gastro-oesophageal junction?
- Function of each?
Gastro-Oesophageal Junction Contributors (Functional Sphincter):
Lower Oesophageal Sphincter:
- Tonically contracted oesophageal smooth muscle (myogenic and neurogenic factors).
- Pressure altered by hormones, nerves, foods and other agents (see image below).
- Relaxes upon swallowing or as part of the reflex called transient LES relaxation (TLESR), independent of swallowing and peristalsis, due to vagally mediated inhibition involving nitric oxide as a neurotransmitter.
Diaphragmatic Hiatus:
- An opening in the diaphragm through which the oesophagus and the vagus nerve pass.
- The right crus of the diaphragm loops around forming a sling around the oesophagus.
- This sling constricts the oesophagus, forming a functional sphincter that prevents gastric reflux, when intra-abdominal pressure rises during inspiration, and relaxes with swallowing and TLESR.
Intra-Abdominal Oesophagus and Gastric Cardia (Gastric Sling):
- With gastric distension, increased tone in “clasp” muscle fibres draws anterior and posterior surfaces together, contributing to the high pressure zone of the gastro-oesophageal junction.
Physiological Factors Controlling Lower Oesophageal Sphincter Pressure.
- 3 Hormones/Peptides that Increase LES Pressure?
- 4 Hormones/Peptides that Decrease LES Pressure?
- 3 Neural agents that Increase LES Pressure?
- 3 Neural agents that Decrease LES Pressure?
- 1 Food that Increases LES Pressure?
- 3 Foods that Decrease LES Pressure?
- Other factors?
What does Bile consist of?
What is the Function of Bile?
Bile Function:
Bile: Consists of excess cholesterol (10%), bile salts and acids (70%), proteins (5%), bilirubin (1%), and phospholipids (5%)
Assists with fat digestion and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins in the small intestine
Eliminates waste products, including bilirubin and excess cholesterol
Descibe the steps in the formation and secretion of bile =
Bile Formation and Secretion:
- Parasympathetic impulses from vagus nerve stimulate hepatocytes to produce and secrete bile.
- Initially, hepatocytes secrete bile into canaliculi, which is collected by a system of ducts that flow (in the opposite direction of blood) from the liver through the right and left hepatic ducts. This hepatic bile contains large quantities of bile acids, cholesterol and other organic molecules.
- Right and left hepatic ducts drain bile into common hepatic duct, which joins with the cystic duct from the gallbladder. Bile can flow in both directions between the gallbladder and the common bile duct and the hepatic duct.
- The gall bladder stores and concentrates (five-fold) bile via absorption of water and small electrolytes.
- When chyme from an ingested meal enters the small intestine, acid and partially digested fats and proteins stimulate secretion of cholecystokinin and secretin.
- Cholecystokinin (in response to fats) stimulates contractions of the gallbladder and common bile duct, and relaxation of the hepatopancreatic sphincter, resulting in delivery of bile into the gut. Secretin (in response to acids) stimulates biliary duct cells to secrete bicarbonate and water, which expands the volume of bile and increases its flow out into the intestine.
- Bile travels from gallbladder down the common bile duct to the duodenum. As bile flows through the bile ducts it is modified by addition of a watery, bicarbonate-rich secretion from ductal epithelial cells.
- Sphincter of Oddi (hepatopancreatic sphincter) is a muscular valve that controls the flow of digestive juices (bile and pancreatic juice) through the ampulla of Vater into the second part of the duodenum.
- Bile is excreted (5%) or reabsorbed in the ileum (95%) and travels to liver via the enterohepatic circulation
Describe the physiological processes involved in gastrointestinal (GI) motility and secretion.
- 5 stimulatory signals of GIT motility?
- 6 inhibitory signals of GIT motility?
Stimulatory Signals
- Acetylcholine (PNS) and Vagal Stimulation
- Myenteric (Auerbach’s) Plexus Local Reflex
- Gastrin
- Serotonin
- Motilin Insulin
Inhibitory Signals
- Adrenaline (SNS)
- Secretin
- Cholecystokinin (CCK)
- Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP)
- Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide (GIP)
- Glucagon
Describe the physiological processes involved in gastrointestinal (GI) motility and secretion.
- 5 stimulatory signals of GIT secretion?
- 8 inhibitory signals of GIT secretion?
Stimulatory Signals
- Acetylcholine (PNS) and Vagal Stimulation
- Submucosal (Meissner’s) Plexus Local Reflex
- Gastrin
- Histamine
- Insulin
Inhibitory Signals
- Adrenaline (SNS)
- Secretin
- Cholecystokinin (CCK)
- Somatostatin
- Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP)
- Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide (GIP)
- Glucagon
- PGE2
Describe the underlying pathology of major diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT) (including mouth, salivary glands, oesophagus and stomach) and biliary tree.
- What are 7 pathologies of the oral cavity?
Pathologies of the** **Oral Cavity
- Cleft Lip and Palate: Full-thickness defect of lip or palate due to failure of facial prominences to fuse during early pregnancy.
- Aphthous Ulcer: Painful, superficial ulceration of the oral mucosa which arises in relation to stress and resolves spontaneously, but often recurs. Characterised by a grayish base surrounded by erythema.
- Behcet Syndrome: Recurrent aphthous ulcers, genital ulcers, and uveitis due to immune complex vasculitis involving small vessels, usually seen after viral infection.
- Oral Herpes: Vesicles involving oral mucosa that rupture, resulting in shallow, painful, red ulcers, usually due to HSV-1 (or Zoster and EBV). Primary infection occurs in childhood where lesions heal but virus remains dormant in ganglia of the trigeminal nerve. Stress and sunlight cause reactivation of the virus, leading to vesicles that often arise on the lips (cold sore).
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Malignant neoplasm of squamous cells lining the oral mucosa. Tobacco, alcohol and HPV are major risk factors. Floor of mouth is the most common location and oral leukoplakia (thick white patches on tongue and inside mouth that cannot be scraped away) and erythroplakia (fiery red patches) are precursor lesions.
- Oral Candidiasis (Thrush): An infection of the mouth caused by a yeast fungus candida, usually seen in immunocompromised states. Presents with white deposit on tongue which can easily be scraped away.
- Other: Gingivitis, tooth decay, periodontitis, glossitis and other
What is Cleft Lip/Palate?
Pathology of the Oral Cavity
Cleft Lip and Palate: Full-thickness defect of lip or palate due to failure of facial prominences to fuse during early pregnancy.
What is Behcet Syndrome?
Pathology of the Oral Cavity
Behcet Syndrome: Recurrent aphthous ulcers, genital ulcers, and uveitis due to immune complex vasculitis involving small vessels, usually seen after viral infection.
What is Oral Herpes?
Pathology of the Oral Cavity
Oral Herpes: Vesicles involving oral mucosa that rupture, resulting in shallow, painful, red ulcers, usually due to HSV-1 (or Zoster and EBV). Primary infection occurs in childhood where lesions heal but virus remains dormant in ganglia of the trigeminal nerve. Stress and sunlight cause reactivation of the virus, leading to vesicles that often arise on the lips (cold sore).
Squamous Cell Carcinoma?
Pathology of the Oral Cavity
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Malignant neoplasm of squamous cells lining the oral mucosa. Tobacco, alcohol and HPV are major risk factors. Floor of mouth is the most common location and oral leukoplakia (thick white patches on tongue and inside mouth that cannot be scraped away) and erythroplakia (fiery red patches) are precursor lesions.
Oral Candidiasis (Thrush)?
Pathology of the Oral Cavity
Oral Candidiasis (Thrush): An infection of the mouth caused by a yeast fungus candida, usually seen in immunocompromised states. Presents with white deposit on tongue which can easily be scraped away.
Describe the underlying pathology of major diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT) (including mouth, salivary glands, oesophagus and stomach) and biliary tree.
- What are 5 pathologies of the salivary glands?
Salivary Glands:
- Mumps: Infection with mumps virus resulting in bilateral inflamed parotid glands (parotitis). Orchitis, pancreatitis, and aseptic meningitis may also be present. Serum amylase is increased due to salivary gland involvement.
- Sialadenitis: Inflammation of the salivary gland (usually unilateral), most commonly due to an obstructing stone (sialolithiasis) leading to Staphylococcus aureus infection.
- Pleomorphic Adenoma: Benign tumor composed of stromal (e.g. cartilage) and epithelial tissue and is the most common tumor of the salivary gland. Usually arises in parotids, presents as a mobile, painless, circumscribed mass at the angle of the jaw. High rate of recurrence but rarely may transform into carcinoma which presents with signs of facial nerve damage (facial nerve runs through parotid gland).
- Warthin Tumour: Benign cystic tumor with abundant lymphocytes and germinal centers. Second most common tumor of the salivary gland and almost always arises in the parotids.
- Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma: Malignant tumor composed of mucinous and squamous cells. Most common malignant tumor of the salivary gland and usually arises in the parotids (commonly involves the facial nerve).
Pathology of the Salivary Glands
Mumps: Infection with mumps virus resulting in bilateral inflamed parotid glands (parotitis). Orchitis, pancreatitis, and aseptic meningitis may also be present. Serum amylase is increased due to salivary gland involvement.
Pathology of the Salivary Glands
Sialadenitis: Inflammation of the salivary gland (usually unilateral), most commonly due to an obstructing stone (sialolithiasis) leading to Staphylococcus aureus infection.
Pleomorphic Adenoma?
Pathology of the Salivary Glands
Pleomorphic Adenoma: Benign tumor composed of stromal (e.g. cartilage) and epithelial tissue and is the most common tumor of the salivary gland. Usually arises in parotids, presents as a mobile, painless, circumscribed mass at the angle of the jaw. High rate of recurrence but rarely may transform into carcinoma which presents with signs of facial nerve damage (facial nerve runs through parotid gland).
Warthin Tumour?
Pathology of the Salivary Glands
Warthin Tumour: Benign cystic tumor with abundant lymphocytes and germinal centers. Second most common tumor of the salivary gland and almost always arises in the parotids.
Describe the underlying pathology of major diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT) (including mouth, salivary glands, oesophagus and stomach) and biliary tree.
- What are 13 pathologies of the oesophagus?
Pathologies of the Oesophagus
- Tracheoesophageal Fistula
- Oesophageal Web
- Diverticula
- Mallory Weiss Syndrome
- Boerhaave Syndrome
- Oesophageal Varices
- Achalasia
- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD)
- Oesophagitis
- Eosinophilic Oesophagitis
- Oesophageal Strictures
- Barrett Oesophagus
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Tracheoesophageal Fistula?
Pathology of the Oesophagus
Tracheoesophageal Fistula: Congenital defect resulting in a connection between the oesophagus and trachea. Most common variant consists of proximal esophageal atresia with the distal oesophagus arising from the trachea. Presents with vomiting, polyhydramnios, abdominal distension, and aspiration.
Oesophageal Web?
Pathology of the Oesophagus
Oesophageal Web: Thin protrusion of oesophageal mucosa, most often in the upper oesophagus. Presents with dysphagia for poorly chewed food and increased risk for oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Plummer-Vinson syndrome is characterised by severe iron deficiency anemia, oesophageal web, and beefy- red tongue due to atrophic glossitis.
Pathology of the Oesophagus
Diverticula: Acquired outpouching of the oesophagus in the upper oesophagus (Zenker’s Diverticulum), at the tracheal burfications (Mid-Oesophageal Diverticulum) or at the gastroesophageal junction (Epi-phrenic Diverticulum). Presents with dysphagia, obstruction, and halitosis (bad breath). With infection it becomes diverticulitis.
Mallory Weiss Syndrome?
Pathology of the Oesophagus
Mallory Weiss Syndrome: Longitudinal laceration (tears) of mucosa at the gastroesophageal junction caused by severe vomiting, usually due to alcoholism or bulimia. Presents with painful hematemesis.
Boerhaave Syndrome?
Pathology of the Oesophagus
Boerhaave Syndrome: Transmural, usually distal esophageal rupture with pneumomediastinum due to violent retching. Subcutaneous emphysema may be due to dissecting air (crepitus may be felt in the neck region or chest wall). Surgical emergency.
Oesophageal Varices?
Pathology of the Oesophagus
Oesophageal Varices: Dilated submucosal veins in the lower oesophagus which arises secondary to portal hypertension. Distal oesophageal vein normally drains into the portal vein via the left gastric vein. In portal hypertension, the left gastric vein backs up into the esophageal vein, resulting in dilation (varices). Asymptomatic, but risk of rupture exists which is fatal (most common cause of death in cirrhosis).
Pathology of the Oesophagus
Achalasia: Disordered oesophageal motility with inability to relax the lower oesophageal sphincter (LES), due to damaged ganglion cells in the myenteric plexus (loss of postganglionic inhibitory neurons). Clinical features include dysphagia for solids and liquids, putrid breath, high LES pressure on oesophageal manometry, ‘bird- beak’ sign on barium swallow study and increased risk for oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD)?
Pathology of the Oesophagus
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD): Reflux of acid from the stomach due to transient relaxation of the LES or increased intrabdominal pressure. Risk factors include alcohol, tobacco, obesity, fat-rich diet, caffeine, and hiatal hernia. Clinical features include heart burn (chest pain), asthma and cough and damage to enamel of teeth. Complications include ulceration and Barrett’s oesophagus.
Pathology of the Oesophagus
Oesophagitis: Associated with reflux, infection in immunocompromised such as with Candida (white pseudomembrane), HSV-1 (punched-out ulcers) or CMV (linear ulcers), caustic ingestion, or pill esophagitis (bisphosphonates, tetracycline, NSAIDs, iron, and potassium chloride).
Eosinophilic Oesophagitis?
Pathology of the Oesophagus
Eosinophilic Oesophagitis: Infiltration of eosinophils in the oesophagus often in atopic patients. Food allergens cause dysphagia. Oesophageal rings and linear furrows often seen on endoscopy and unresponsive to GORD therapy.
Oesophageal Strictures?
Pathology of the Oesophagus
Oesophageal Strictures: Narrowing of the oesophagus, typically occurs when stomach acid and other irritants damage the lining of the oesophagus over time resulting in inflammation and scar tissue. Associated with caustic ingestion and acid reflux.
Barrett Oesophagus?
Pathology of the Oesophagus
Barrett Oesophagus: Metaplasia of the lower oesophageal mucosa from stratified squamous epithelium to non-ciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells, which is a response of lower oesophageal stem cells to acidic stress. May progress to dysplasia and adenocarcinoma. Adenocarcinoma most common.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma?
Pathology of the Oesophagus
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Malignant proliferation of squamous cells which usually arises in upper or middle third of the oesophagus. Major risk factors include alcohol and tobacco (most common causes), very hot tea, achalasia, oesophageal web or oesophageal injury. Presents late with poor prognosis, and symptoms include progressive dysphagia (solids to liquids), weight loss, pain, and hematemesis. May also present with hoarse voice (recurrent laryngeal nerve involvement) and cough (tracheal involvement). Lymph node spread depends on the level of the esophagus that is involved (upper third to cervical LNs, middle third to mediastinal or tracheobronchial LNs and lower third to celiac and gastric LNs).
Describe the underlying pathology of major diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT) (including mouth, salivary glands, oesophagus and stomach) and biliary tree.
- What are 9 pathologies of the stomach?
Pathologies of the Stomach
- Pyloric Stenosis
- Hiatus Hernia
- Sliding Hiatal Hernia (Most Common)
- Para-Oesophageal Hernia
- Gastropathy (Chemical or Hypertrophy): Mucosal injury without inflammation due to alcohol, NSAIDs, bile reflux, drugs etc.
- Ménétrier Disease
- Acute Gastritis
- Chronic Gastritis
- Autoimmune Gastritis
- H. Pylori Gastritis
- Peptic Ulcer Disease:
- Duodenal Ulcer
- Gastric Ulcer
- Gastric Polyps
- Gastric Carcinoma
- Intestinal Type
- Diffuse Type
Pyloric Stenosis?
Pathology of the Stomach
Pyloric Stenosis: Congenital hypertrophy of pyloric smooth muscle. Classically presents two weeks after birth as projectile non-bilious vomiting, visible peristalsis and olive-like mass in the abdomen, more common in males.
Hiatus Hernia?
Pathology of the Stomach
Hiatus Hernia: Stomach herniates upward through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm.
- Sliding Hiatal Hernia (Most Common): Gastroesophageal junction is displaced upward (hourglass stomach), the distal oesophagus and part of the cardia herniate up into the thorax. Sphincter impairment and acid reflux.
- Para-Oesophageal Hernia: Gastroesophageal junction is usually normal. Fundus protrudes into the thorax. Generally sphincter undisturbed and no reflux.
Ménétrier Disease?
Pathology of the Stomach
Ménétrier Disease: Hyperplasia of gastric mucosa leading to hypertrophied rugae, excess mucus production with resultant protein loss and parietal cell atrophy with decreased acid production. Precancerous.
Acute Gastritis?
Pathology of the Stomach
Acute Gastritis: Acidic damage to the stomach mucosa due to imbalance between mucosal defenses (mucous, bicarbonate secretion, normal blood supply) and acidic environment. Risk factors include severe burn, hypovolemia (decreased blood supply), NSAIDs (decreased PGE2), heavy alcohol consumption, chemotherapy, increased intracranial pressure (Cushing ulcer, stimulation of vagus nerve leads to increased acid) and shock. Acid damage results in superficial inflammation, erosion (loss of superficial epithelium), or ulcer (loss of mucosal layer).
Chronic Gastritis?
Pathology of the Stomach
Chronic Gastritis: Chronic inflammation of stomach mucosa due to chronic autoimmune gastritis (destruction of gastric parietal cells) or chronic H. pylori gastritis. Mucosal inflammation, often leading to atrophy (hypochlorhydria and hypergastrinemia) and intestinal G-cell metaplasia (risk of gastric cancers).
- Autoimmune Gastritis: Autoantibodies to parietal cells and intrinsic factor. Clinical features include atrophy of mucosa with intestinal metaplasia, achlorhydria with increased gastrin levels and antral G- cell hyperplasia, megaloblastic (pernicious) anemia due to lack of intrinsic factor and increased risk for gastric adenocarcinoma (intestinal type).
- H. Pylori Gastritis: Clinical features include epigastric abdominal pain, increased risk for ulceration (peptic ulcer disease), gastric adenocarcinoma (intestinal type), and MALT lymphoma. Treatment involves triple therapy.
Peptic Ulcer Disease?
Pathology of the Stomach
Peptic Ulcer Disease: Solitary mucosal ulcer involving proximal duodenum (90%) or distal stomach (10%)
- Duodenal Ulcer: Almost always due to H. pylori (> 95%) and presents with epigastric pain that improves with meals. Diagnostic endoscopic biopsy shows ulcer with hypertrophy of Brunner glands. Usually arises in anterior duodenum, but when present in posterior duodenum, rupture may lead to bleeding from the gastroduodenal artery or acute pancreatitis.
- Gastric Ulcer: Usually due to H. pylori (75%) or NSAIDs and bile reflux. Presents with epigastric pain that worsens with meals. Ulcer is usually located on the lesser curvature of the antrum and rupture carries risk of bleeding from left gastric artery.
Gastric Polyps?
Pathology of the Stomach
Gastric Polyps: Growth of tissue that projects above the level of surrounding mucosa, which may develop as a result of epithelial or stromal cell hyperplasia, inflammation, ectopia or neoplasia. Chronic inflammation/gastritis leads to reactive hyperplasia and polyp growth. Fundic gland polyps can occur spontaneously and can be due to PPI use and parietal gland growth.
Gastric Carcinoma?
Pathology of the Stomach
Gastric Carcinoma: Malignant proliferation of surface epithelial cells (adenocarcinoma) which presents late with weight loss, abdominal pain, anemia, and early satiety. Spread to lymph nodes can involve the left supraclavicular node (Virchow node) and distant metastasis most commonly involves liver.
- Intestinal Type: More common and presents as a large, irregular ulcer with heaped up margins, most commonly involves the lesser curvature of the antrum. Risk factors include intestinal metaplasia (e.g. due to H. pylori and autoimmune gastritis), nitrosamines in smoked foods (Japan), and blood type A. Distant metastasis include periumbilical region (Sister Mary Joseph nodule).
- Diffuse Type: Characterised by signet ring cells that diffusely infiltrate the gastric wall, desmoplasia results in thickening of stomach wall (linitis plastica). Not associated with H. pylori, intestinal metaplasia, or nitrosamines. Distant metastasis include bilateral ovaries (Krukenberg tumor).
Discuss how bile secretion is deranged in cholelithiasis and outline the complications of this condition.
- What is Cholelithiasis?
- Cholesterol stones?
- Black Pigment Stones?
- Risk Factors (6 Fs)?
- Clinical Features?
Cholelithiasis: Presence of gallstones in the gallbladder
- Precipitation of Cholesterol: Cholesterol supersaturation, not enough salts, acid or phospholipids and/or cholesterol stasis
- Cholesterol Stones (80%): Abnormal hepatic cholesterol metabolism → Increased cholesterol concentration in bile and decreased bile salts and lecithin → Hypersaturated bile → Precipitation of cholesterol and calcium carbonate → Cholesterol stones or mixed stones
- Black Pigment Stones (10%): Hemolysis → Increase in circulating unconjugated bilirubin → Increased uptake and conjugation of bilirubin → Precipitation of bilirubin polymers (and calcium) and stone formation
- Mixed Brown Pigment Stones (10%): Bacterial β-glucuronidase hydrolyzes conjugated bilirubin and lecithin in the bile → Increased unconjugated bilirubin and fatty acids → Precipitation of calcium carbonate, cholesterol, and calcium bilirubinate in bile
- Risk Factors: Six F’s (Fat, Female, Fertile, Forty, Fair-Skinned and Familial)
- Clinical Features: Mostly asymptomatic. Biliary colic (constant, dull RUQ pain lasting < 6 hours), pain post-prandially which may radiate to the epigastrium, right shoulder and back, nausea, vomiting, early satiety, bloating and dyspepsia.
What are the Complications/Implications of Bile Secretion Stasis?
Bile Secretion Implications:
- The biliary system normally has low pressure and allows bile to flow freely through
- Gallstones act as an obstruction and impair the flow of bile
- The obstruction can occur throughout the biliary system (gallbladder, cystic duct, common bile duct, or hepatopancreatic ampulla/sphincter) resulting in a number of complications
12 Complications of Cholelithiasis?
Complications of Cholelithiasis
- Recurrence of Gallstones
- Choledocholithiasis: Presence of gallstones in the common bile duct (causes biliary colic and obstruction)
- Cholecystitis: Inflammation of the gallbladder that most commonly occurs after cystic duct obstruction from cholelithiasis (bacterial infection may or may not occur)
- Ascending/Acute Cholangitis: Ascending bacterial infection of the biliary tract facilitated by bile stasis (bacteria ascend from the duodenum following partial obstruction of the hepatopancreatic sphincter by gallstones)
- Acute (Gallstone) Pancreatitis: Inflammation of the pancreas due to obstruction of the Ampulla of Vater (hepatopancreatic ampulla)
- Bacteraemia, Septicaemia and Sepsis: Usually a complication of cholangitis
- Gallstone Ileus: Mechanical bowel obstruction by a gallstone that has eroded through the biliary system into the gastrointestinal system, creating a fistula.
- Gallbladder Empyema: Accumulation of pus within gallbladder.
- Hepatic Abscess: An enclosed collection of pus within liver caused by a bacterial infection.
- Gangrenous Cholesystitis and Rupture: Secondary to gallbladder distension, causing increased tension and pressure on the gallbladder wall, which can lead to ischemic changes and necrosis and perforation of the gallbladder wall
- Emphysematous Cholecystitis: A rare, severe complication of acute cholecystitis caused either by primary or secondary infection of the gallbladder with gas-forming bacteria or necrosis of the gallbladder wall.
- Gallbladder Carcinoma: Invasive carcinoma arising in the gallbladder (most commonly adenocarcinoma)
Review the importance of history in determining the cause of abdominal pain.
- 5 Extra-abdominal causes?
Abdominal Pain: There are many causes of abdominal pain, and careful history taking will often lead to the correct diagnosis (see image below for different causes of abdominal pain)
Extra-Abdominal Causes of Pain:
- Cardiac: Inferior myocardial infarction can give epigastric pain
- Respiratory: Base of lung pneumonia or pneumothorax
- Neurological: Radiculopathy (spinal nerve root pathology such as pinched nerve or tumour)
- Metabolic: Porphyria (a group of disorders caused by an over-accumulation of porphyrin which is essential for the function of haemoglobin)
- Musculoskeletal: Costochondritis
Type/Character/Site of Abdominal Pain
- What is Visceral Pain?
- Parietal/Somatic Pain?
- Referred Pain?
- Colicky Pain?
Type/Character/Site of Abdominal Pain
Visceral Pain: Dull, poorly localised achy pain due to distention or stretching of an organ. Produces vague discomfort often felt in the midline. Mediated by splanchnic sympathetic nerves.
Parietal/Somatic Pain: Sharp localised pain due to irritation to the parietal peritoneum. Mediated by pain fibres which pass to spinal cord via segmental nerves.
Referred Pain: Pain felt at a distance from the site of origin. Pain that radiates through to the back suggests pancreatic disease, AAA or a penetrating peptic ulcer. Pain due to inferior diaphragmatic irritation may radiate to the tip of the shoulder and that due to oesophageal reflux or spasm may radiate to the throat.
Colicky Pain: Pain coming and going in waves (intermittent) and related to peristaltic movements, due to muscular contractions of hollow tubes (i.e. biliary system, ureters, colon). Arises because of complete or partial blockage of the bowel (commonly small intestine) which triggers intestinal receptors.
Causes of Acute and Severe Abdominal Pain?
- 7 of GI origin?
- 6 of Non-GI origin?
Acute and Severe Pain:
GI Origin:
- Appendicitis
- Bowel obstruction
- Perforation
- Bowel ischaemia
- Diverticulitis
- Pancreatitis
- Biliary colic/cholecystitis
Non-GI Origin:
- Ruptured aortic aneurysm
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Leak from ovarian cyst
- Renal tract calculus
- Inferior myocardial infarction
- Basal lung pathology e.g. basal pneumonia
Explain the clinical distinction between functional and structural gastrointestinal (GI) disorders.
- Definitions of each?
- Symptoms?
- Classification systems?
- Routine investigations for each?
- Examples of each?
Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders: Disorders due to abnormal functioning of the GI tract and where symptoms (persistent and recurring) cannot be explained by the presence of a currently identifiable structural, biochemical or tissue abnormality.
- Symptoms include abdominal pain and cramps, excess gas, bloating and change in bowel movements.
- Rome IV classification system used for diagnosis.
- Routine investigations such as x-ray, CT scan, colonoscopy and biopsy are generally negative
- Examples: Functional heartburn, functional dyspepsia (indigestion), functional constipation, functional diarrhoea, functional bloating, gastroparesis and irritable bowel syndrome
Structural Gastrointestinal Disorders: Disorders due to a structural abnormality of the GI tract.
- Symptoms can be similar to functional disorders, but may also include obstructed bowel movements, unexplained weight loss and fatigue, significant changes to bowel habits and unusual pain or even bleeding.
- Routine investigations such as x-ray, CT scan, colonoscopy and biopsy commonly reveal pathology
- Examples: Haemorrhoids, diverticular disease, colon polyps, perianal abscess, anal fissures and fistulas, colon cancer, inflammatory bowel disease and colitis
Describe the selection and interpretation of gastrointestinal (GI) investigations for common upper GI symptoms
- What are the 5 Principles of GI Investigations?
Principles of GI Investigations:
- Start with the least invasive and safest tests
- Start with the least unpleasant and cheapest tests
- Appropriate amount of testing for the clinical scenario
- Choice of tests can depend on the patient and their co-morbid conditions
- Most tests assess for structural abnormalities. Less options to assess the function of the gut
Investigations for GI Symptoms
- Blood Tests?
- Routine = 5
- Semi-Routine = 6
- Disease-specific Serology & Markers = 4
- Full Blood picture (FBP): Haemoglobin, WCC, platelets, size of cells (MCV, MCH, MCHC) and a comment on film
- Urea and Electrolytes (U&E): Na+, K+, urea and creatinine
- Liver Function Tests (LFT): Albumin, bilirubin, ALT, ALP, GGT
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR): Marker of inflammation
- C-Reactive Protein: Marker of inflammation
- Calcium and Phosphate: To assess mineral homeostasis and absorptive function
- Thyroid Function Tests: To assess function of thyroid gland
- Iron Studies: Measure ferritin and transferrin saturation
- Vitamin B12, Folate and Vitamin D: Some measure of gut absorption
- Amylase and Lipase: Acute pain due to pancreatitis?
- Lipid Profile: High triglycerides as cause for pancreatitis?
Disease-Specific Serology and Markers
- Helicobacter Serology: Detects specific IgA and IgG antibodies
- Coeliac Serology: Tissue transglutaminase IgA and genetic study (HLA DQ2/DQ8)
- Liver: Viral hepatitis, auto-immune (anti-smooth muscle for autoimmune hepatitis, anti- mitochondrial for primary biliary cirrhosis), caeruloplasmin, alpha-1 anti-trypsin
- Tumour Markers: CEA (colon), alpha fetoprotein (liver), CA19-9 (pancreaticobiliary)
Investigations for GI Symptoms
- Stool Tests? (5)
- Microscopy, Culture and PCR: To determine presence/cause of infection
- Faecal Calprotectin-Colonic Inflammation: Such as ulcerative colitis
- Faecal Elastase: To assess pancreatic function
- Faecal Electrolytes: To evaluate chronic diarrhoea
- Faecal Occult Blood Test: For average risk colorectal cancer screening and to detect tiny traces of blood in the stool
Investigations for GI Symptoms
- Urine Tests? (4)
- Microscopy and Culture: To determine presence/cause of infection
- 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid (5-HIAA): To help diagnose and monitor carcinoid tumour (may be significantly increased when a person has a carcinoid tumour that produces serotonin)
- Urinary Porphyrins: For genetic disorders, metabolic disturbances and diseases, anaemias, oxidative stress, and high-level exposure to toxic chemicals or metals
- Urinary Copper Excretion: For Wilson’s disease
Investigations for GI Symptoms
- Breath Tests? (3)
- Urease Breath Test: For Helicobacter pylori infection
- Lactose and Fructose Malabsorption Breath Tests: To detect absorptive function particularly with functional gastrointestinal disorders
- Lactulose Breath Test: For small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
Investigations for GI Symptoms
- Endoscopic Tests? (4)
- Gastroscopy: A gastroscope is inserted into the mouth and used to examine the upper parts of the digestive tract (oesophagus, stomach and first part of the small intestine)
- Flexible Sigmoidoscopy: A shorter tube is used to examine just the lower part of the colon (the sigmoid colon)
- Colonoscopy: An endoscope is inserted into the anus and used to examine lower parts of the digestive tract (rectum and colon)
- Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography (ERCP): An endoscope is inserted through mouth, oesophagus, stomach and into duodenum to find duodenal papilla, where a small catheter is then put down through the endoscope and used to inject special dye into the pancreatic and bile ducts. Used to view (and biopsy) the gallbladder, bile duct, pancreas, and pancreatic duct.
Investigations for GI Symptoms
- Radiology/Nuclear Medicine? (10)
GI INVESTIGATIONS - Radiology/Nuclear Medicine
- Plain Films: To detect faecal loading or bowel obstruction
- Ultrasound: Allows for visualisation of solid organs, bile ducts, gallbladder for the detection of abnormalities
- CT Scan (Enterography and Colography): Allows visualisation of solid organs, biliary tree, colon for the detection of abnormalities
- CT Angiogram: For acute bleeding
- Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP): Produces detailed images of pancreatic and bile ducts
- Magnetic Resonance Enterography: Produces detailed images of the small intestine
Barium Studies: Swallowing a liquid suspension of barium sulphate before a series of X- rays are taken of your upper digestive tract, the barium then coats the walls of the digestive tract, which allows the shape of your upper digestive tract to be outlined
- Barium Swallow/Meal: For oesophagus and stomach
- Small Bowel Study: For the small intestine (mostly gone) - Barium
- Enema: For colon (mostly gone)
- Red Cell Scan: For bleeding
- Gastric Emptying Study: For suspected delayed gastric emptying
- PET Scan: For tumour localisation
Investigations for GI Symptoms
- Other Tests? (5)
- Liver Biopsy: To assess liver damage or disease
- Hepascore Blood Test and Hepatic Elastography (Ultrasound Based): As alternatives to detect advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis
- Endoscopic Ultrasound: Endoscopy with mini-ultrasound probe to assess digestive system, also enables fine needle aspiration for mass lesions below the mucosal surface of GI tract
- Capsule/Double Balloon Enteroscopy: Allows for extensive examination and endoscopic treatment of abnormalities found in the small intestine
- Oesophageal pH Studies and Manometry: To assess oesophageal function and muscle function
Outline the distribution of conditions causing upper abdominal pain in the community, focusing on variations by age and gender.
Discuss the psychosocial aspects of functional gastrointestinal disease.
- Examples of Psychosocial Factors?
- Importance of Psychosocial Factors?
- Impact of Psychosocial Factors?
Psychosocial Aspects of Functional GI Disease:
Examples of Psychosocial Factors: Stress, history of sexual and physical abuse, psychiatric disorders, coping style, and learned illness behaviours
Importance of Psychosocial Factors: Influence gut physiology, the symptom experience, health behaviour, and outcome. These psychosocial factors are influenced by and influence GI symptoms in a bidirectional manner as mediated through the brain-gut axis (CNS and ENS pathways).
Impact of Psychosocial Factors: Affect gut function, the experience of pain, health-related quality of life, work absenteeism, health care use, and medical and societal costs
Psychosocial Aspects of Functional GI Disease
- Life stress?
- Sexual and Physical Abuse?
- Anxiety Disorders?
Psychosocial Aspects of Functional GI Disease - Specific Examples:
Life Stress: Severe life stress has been found immediately before the onset of functional bowel disorders and plays an important part in explaining exacerbation of symptoms and treatment-seeking.
Sexual and Physical Abuse: A history of abuse is not etiologic for functional gastrointestinal disorders, but is associated with a tendency to communicate psychological distress through physical symptoms. It may also lower gastrointestinal symptom threshold or increase intestinal motility and modify the appraisal of bodily symptoms (i.e. increase medical help-seeking) due to altered cognitions (e.g. feeling ineffective and unable to control the symptoms).
Anxiety Disorders: May initiate or perpetuate functional gastrointestinal disease symptoms through their associated heightened autonomic arousal (in response to stress) or at the level of the brain, which can interfere with GI sensitivity and motor function
Describe the embryological development of the peritoneum.
Development of the Peritoneum:
- The mesoderm of the trilaminar embryo (week 3) differentiates into the lateral plate mesoderm, which becomes the intraembryonic coelom. This forms a horse-shaped body cavity around the gut tube.
- The intraembryonic coelom separates into three regions, a single pericardial region at the top of the horseshoe, two pleural spaces, and two peritoneal spaces.
- After embryonic folding (in week 4) this all becomes the anterior cavity of the body and is by then divided by the septum transversum into the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities. These spaces are lined with mesodermally-derived serous membranes which both coat the organ (visceral) and line the cavity (parietal).
- Meanwhile, folding has produced a gut tub (derived from the yolk sac) lined with endoderm and coated with mesoderm which develops between the two serous peritoneal sacs.
- The gut tube develops into the foregut, midgut and hindgut as it lengthens, rotates and expands.
- The foregut, midgut and hindgut becomes attached to the abdominal wall posteriorly by a double fold of peritoneum and the foregut also becomes attached to the abdominal wall anteriorly. The posterior attachment is the dorsal mesogastrium and the anterior attachment is the ventral mesogastrium.
- As the foregut rotates, the dorsal and ventral mesogastrium rotate with it. The line of attachment of the ventral mesogastrium swings round to the right as the foregut develops and end up running along the lesser curvature of the stomach and the top of the proximal duodenum. The attachment of the dorsal mesogastrium swings round to the left and ends up running along the greater curve of the stomach and the underside of the proximal duodenum.
- While the foregut develops, so do organs within the mesogastrium. The liver develops in the ventral mesogastrium and the spleen develops in the dorsal mesogastrium.
- The part of the ventral mesogastrium attached from the foregut to the liver becomes the less omentum and the part of the dorsal mesogastrium attached from the foregut to the spleen will grow downwards in front of the transverse colon to become the greater omentum.
Which 4 structures does the Ventral Mesogastrium become?
Which 4 structures does the Dorsal Mesogastrium become?
Ventral Mesogastrium:
- Lesser omentum
- Falciform ligament
- Hepatogastric ligament
- Hepatoduodenal ligament
Dorsal Mesogastrium:
- Greater omentum
- Gastrocolic ligament
- Gastrosplenic ligament
- Gastrophrenic ligament
What is the histology of the large intestine vs. anus?
Histology: Colon has simple columnar epithelium with no villi but many more goblet cells, while anus contains non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium which becomes keratinised at the surface. Submucosa also contains mucous-producing glands.
What is the difference between the internal and external sphincter of the anal canal?
Internal Sphincter: Ring of smooth muscle
External Sphincter: Flat plane of skeletal muscle
What are Taenia Coli?
3 types?
Taenia Coli: Three bands of longitudinal smooth muscle (muscularis externa condensed) which run the length of the organ on the outside of the ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid colon (just below the serosa) and which contract lengthwise to form haustra.
- Omental: A band of longitudinal muscle (the anterior and the largest) where the omental appendages attach
- Free/Lateral: A band of longitudinal muscle where neither the mesocolon or appendices attach, and which can be followed on the surface of the colon
- Mesocolic: A band of longitudinal muscle where the transverse and sigmoid mesocolon attach
What are Epiploic Omental Appendages?
Epiploic Omental Appendages: Small normal outpouchings of peritoneal fat situated along the external surface of colon, most abundant along the transverse and sigmoid colon and absent in the rectum
What are Paracolic Gutters?
Paracolic Gutters: Spaces between the colon and abdominal wall that runs lateral to the ascending and descending colons (sometimes there are medial gutters too). They provide a ready pathway for bile or infection escaping from lower or upper gut perforations to track up or down the abdominal cavity very quickly, and in supine subjects are a collecting point for such pleasant materials.
What are Haustrations?
Haustrations: Sacculations of the colon formed by lengthwise contractions of the taenia coli. The haustra stay in formation for long periods, which helps store the chyme as it is dehydrated and made into faeces.
What is the blood supply of the Large intestine and anorectal area?
Superior Mesenteric Artery (Midgut): Supplies distal half of duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, appendix, ascending colon and proximal two-thirds of transverse colon
Inferior Mesenteric Artery (Hindgut): Supplies distal one-third of transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum and superior portion of anal canal
Systemic Venous Drainage: Drains blood from the inferior part of the rectum and anal canal to the IVC
Portal Venous Drainage: Superior and inferior mesenteric veins drain blood from midgut and hindgut to the hepatic portal vein and liver
Lymphatic drainage of the large intestine?
Lymphatic Drainage:
Midgut: Superior mesenteric LNs
Hindgut: Inferior mesenteric LNs
Nerve supply of the large intestine?
(Midgut/Hindgut/External Anal Sphincter)
Nerve Supply:
Midgut: Superior mesenteric plexus (sympathetic) and vagus nerve (parasympathetic)
Hindgut: Inferior mesenteric plexus (sympathetic) and pelvic splanchnic nerve (parasympathetic)
External Anal Sphincter: Somatic nerve control
What are Plain Abdominal X-rays used for?
- How are they taken?
- Indications?
- Interpretation?
- Structures visible?
Plain Abdominal Films: Still used primarily to assess intestinal perforation (intraperitoneal air), bowel obstruction or assessment for catheter placement.
- Normally AP supine (standard) and AP erect (gases and fluid line)
- Indications for plain AXR differ depending on the availability of CT or USS, which give considerably more information.
- Abdominal X-rays are useful for certain defined pathology such as abnormal gases, masses, bones and stones. Also for foreign bodies, suspected bowel obstruction and toxic megacolon (greater than 6cm).
- BBC: Bowel and organs, Bones and Calcification
- BOMBS: Bones, Organs, Masses, Bloating (Gas) and Stones
- Structures Visible on Plain Abdominal Film: Small bowel, large bowel, lungs (bases may be visible), liver, kidneys (and renal stones), spleen, gallbladder (rare except for stones), stomach (variable amount of air), psoas muscle, bladder (variable based on fullness), ribs, lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx, pelvis and proximal femur
List 8 factors involved in absorption, their function and an example of when they go wrong.
1) Large Mucosal Surface Area → Increase the absorptive function of the small intestine
- Example: Short bowel syndrome (after bowel resection) can disturb the normal absorption of nutrients and electrolytes, depending on areas removed.
- 2) Circular Folds → Deep, permanent folds of the mucosa and submucosa that force chyme to spiral through the lumen, slowing its movement and allowing time for full nutrient absorption.
3) Intestinal Villi → Fingerlike projections of the mucosa that increase the surface area for absorption.
- Example: Giardia trophozoites can adhere to the intestinal mucosa via ventral adhesive discs and cause flattening of the villi, partial/full villous atrophy and shortening of microvilli, reducing absorption.
4) Intestinal Microvilli → Long slender projections from the surface of some cells that increase the surface area for absorption
- Example: Coeliac disease involves the blunting of microvilli and villous atrophy, reducing the absorptive function of the intestine.
- 5) Enterocytes → Simple columnar absorptive cells which are primarily responsible for the absorbtion of nutrients and electrolytes.
6) Brush Border Enzymes and Transporters → Complete the digestion of carbohydrates and proteins in the small intestine, and facilitate transport of electrolytes and nutrients across apical and basolateral cell membranes into paracellular space and the bloodstream.
- Example: Lactase deficiency can prevent the absorption of lactose (dairy products).
7) Co-Factors → A non-protein chemical compound or metallic ion that is required for an enzyme’s activity.
- Example: Intrinsic factor is required for B12 absorption, and deficiency can cause reduced B12 absorption.
8) Intestinal Motility Rate of segmentation and peristalsis (intestinal motility) can affect rate of absorption.
- Example: Increased motility can reduce absorption and cause diarrhoea
What are 5 Consequences of Impaired Absorption?
Impaired Absorption Consequences:
- Nutritional deficiency
- Vitamin deficiency
- Malnourishment
- Diarrhoea
- Weight loss
What is the difference between Gastroenteritis and Dysentry?
What are the 4 principle microbiological causes?
Gastroenteritis: Inflammation (usually infection) of the digestive tract marked by diarrhoea, cramps, nausea, vomiting and fever
Dysentery: Painful, bloody, small-volume diarrhea due to inflammation of the intestines
Principle Microbiological Causes: Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella and Escherichia Coli
What are 7 Non-Invasive Bacteria (Toxins) that cause Gastroenteritis and Dysentry?
- Mode of transmission?
- Impact on mucosa?
Principle Microbiological Causes of Dysentry - Non-Invasive Bacteria (Toxins):
1) Staphylococcusaureus** → Foodborne (produces heat-stable enterotoxin)
- Toxin acts on mucosa
2) Bacilli cereus → Foodborne (spore formation and enterotoxin)
- Toxin acts on the mucosa
3) Clostridium perfringens → Foodborne (spore formation and heat-stable enterotoxin)
- Enterotoxin disrupts ion transport in SI so water enters lumen
4) Clostridium botulinum → Foodborne (spore formation and heat-stable neurotoxin)
- Neurotoxin prevents Ach release at axon endings at the neuromuscular junction, causing flaccid paralysis
5) Escherichia coli (enterotoxigenic) → Foodborne/ waterborne (toxin production)
- Toxin acts on mucosa
6) Vibrio cholerae → Waterborne or some foodborne (seafood) (exotoxin production)
- Toxin acts on mucosa, activates G Protein, adenyl cyclase, cAMP which acts on transporter to increase ion/water efflux
7) Clostridium difficile → Proliferates as other normal flora eliminated (spore formation and produces enterotoxin, cytotoxic)
- Toxin acts on mucosa
What are 4 Invasive Bacteria (Toxins) that cause Gastroenteritis and Dysentry?
- Mode of transmission?
- Impact on mucosa?
Principle Microbiological Causes of Dysentry - Invasive Bacteria (Toxins):
1) Salmonella → Foodborne and waterborne
- Adhere to intestinal M cells, invasion and internalisation into vesicles, then enter into macrophages
2) Shigella → Person-Person (fingers and faeces), food and flies
- Invades, replicates, and disseminates within the colonic mucosa (intracellular motility)
3) Escherichia coli (enterohemorrhagic) → Foodborne, animals, faeces (produces Shiga-like toxin)
- Translocate across the intestinal epithelium via M-cells
4) Campylobacter jejuni → Foodborne, waterborne or milk-borne or from animals (chickens)
- Penetrates the mucus and colonises the intestinal crypts and reside in membrane- bound compartments
What are 2 Viruses that cause Gastroenteritis and Dysentry?
- Mode of transmission?
- Impact on mucosa?
Principle Microbiological Causes of Dysentry - Viruses:
1) Rotavirus → Foodborne, waterborne and person- person (faecal-oral)
- Invade epithelial cells, shedding of coat, replication with host machinery, budding from cell
2) Norovirus → Foodborne, waterborne (swimming)
- Invade epithelial cells, shedding of coat, replication with host machinery, budding from cell
What is Diarrhoea? 5 Types?
Diarrhoea: Defined as an increase in stool mass, frequency, or fluidity, typically greater than 200 gm per day
What is the Pathophysiology and 4 Causes of Dysmotility Diarrhoea?
Pathophysiology of Diarrhoea (DOMES):
Dysmotility: Rapid intestinal passage due to increased bowel movements which decrease absorption.
- Hyperthyroidism
- Diabetes
- Carcinoma
- Drugs (erythromycin).
What is the Pathophysiology and 6 Causes of Osmotic Diarrhoea?
Pathophysiology of Diarrhoea (DOMES):
Osmotic: Water is drawn into the intestinal lumen due to the excessive osmotic forces exerted by unabsorbed luminal solutes. The diarrhea fluid is more than 50mOsm more concentrated than plasma and abates with fasting.
- Laxatives
- Lactose intolerance
- Malabsorption
- Epson salts (MgSO4)
- Some antacids (MgOH2)
- Mannitol or sorbitol.
What is the Pathophysiology and 6 Causes of Malabsorptive Diarrhoea?
Pathophysiology of Diarrhoea (DOMES):
Malabsorptive: Inability to absorb certain substances resulting in the osmotic movement of water into the lumen. Follows generalised failure of nutrient absorption, is associated with steatorrhea, and is relieved by fasting (low volume diarrhoea).
- Coeliac disease
- Lactose intolerance
- Crohn’s disease
- Giardia
- Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
- Hepatic insufficiency or other malabsorption disorders.
What is the Pathophysiology and 5 Causes of Exudative Diarrhoea?
Pathophysiology of Diarrhoea (DOMES):
Exudative: Destruction of the intestinal epithelium which results in exudation of serum and blood into the lumen and destruction of absorptive epithelium. Due to inflammatory disease and is characterised by purulent, bloody stools that continue during fasting.
- Viral infection (rotaviruses, coronaviruses, parvoviruses (canine and feline) or norovirus)
- Bacterial infection (Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli or Campylobacter)
- Parasite infection (Cryptosporidium or Giardia)
- Ulcerative colitis
- Crohn’s disease.
What is the Pathophysiology and Causes of Secretory Diarrhoea?
Pathophysiology of Diarrhoea (DOMES):
Secretory: Active secretion of water into the intestinal lumen via inhibition/activation of enzymes (for example, ↑ cAMP activity). Secretion of water into the intestinal lumen exceeds absorption. Characterised by isotonic stool and persists during fasting (high volume diarrhoea).
Causes: Bacterial infection such as vibrio cholerae where the enterotoxin acts on enterocytes to activate adenyl cyclase, activating cAMP and stimulating Cl- ion channels to open, resulting in efflux of Cl- ions into the lumen and subsequent water secretion.
Other agents can also induce intestinal water secretion including laxatives, drugs (some types of asthma medications, antidepressants, cardiac drugs) and certain metals, organic toxins, and plant products (arsenic, insecticides, mushroom toxins, caffeine).
Discuss how the choice of therapy for diarrhoea depends upon the underlying cause of the disease.
- Primary therapy?
- *Primary Therapy:** Rehydration!
- *Main Treatment of Diarrhoea:** Dependent on underlying cause
Dysmotility: Treat cause of increased motility i.e. hyperthyroidism or carcinoma
Osmotic: Prevent reasons for osmotic drive i.e. remove poorly absorbed foods and drugs from diet
Malabsorptive: Treat or manage cause of malabsorption i.e. giardia or pancreatic/hepatic insufficiencies or remove poorly absorbed foods or intolerances from diet such as gluten and lactose
Exudative: Treat underlying infection i.e. viral, bacterial or parasitic or manage underlying inflammatory condition i.e. inflammatory bowel disease
Secretory: Treat underlying infection i.e. cholera or remove causative agents from diet i.e. caffeine, drugs and toxins
Describe the histopathological features of the small intestine in malabsorption states:
Cystic Fibrosis? (2)
Histopathological Features
- Intestinal obstruction (mucus plug and maldigestion) but unharmed enterocytes
- Formation of pancreatic intraductal concretions and low-grade chronic autodigestion of the pancreas
Describe the histopathological features of the small intestine in malabsorption states:
Coeliac Disease? (3)
Histopathological Features of Coeliac Disease
- Enterocyte damage, most damage done to distal duodenum and proximal jejunum due to highest exposure to gluten.
- Increased numbers of intraepithelial CD8+ T lymphocytes (intraepithelial lymphocytosis), crypt hyperplasia, villous atrophy, loss of mucosal and brush- border surface area (flattened mucosa) and chronic inflammation.
- Increased numbers of plasma cells, mast cells, and eosinophils, especially within the upper part of the lamina propria.
Describe the histopathological features of the small intestine in malabsorption states:
Environmental Enteropathy (aka Tropical Sprue)
Environmental Enteropathy (aka Tropical Sprue)
• No accepted histopathological criteria that allows for diagnosis • Similar to severe celiac disease
Describe the histopathological features of the small intestine in malabsorption states:
Lactase (Disaccharide) Deficiency (2)
Histopathological Features of Lactase (Disaccharide) Deficiency
- Normal intestinal architecture
- Down-regulation of lactase gene expression and activity (acquired deficiency) at brush border
Describe the histopathological features of the small intestine in malabsorption states:
Giardia or Tapeworm (3)
Histopathological Features of Giardia or Tapeworm
- Evidence of tapeworm or giardia trophozoites
- Tapeworm obstructs lumen and absorptive surface
- Trophozoites adhere to intestinal epithelium via large ventral discs and cause microvilli (brush border) shortening and retraction, villous atrophy and disruption of intestinal epithelial tight junctions and permeability
What is Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)?
2 Types?
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Inappropriate mucosal immune activation
Ulcerative Colitis: Limited to the colon and rectum and extends only into the mucosa and submucosa
Crohn Disease: Has also been referred to as regional enteritis (because of frequent ileal involvement) and may involve any area of the GI tract and is typically transmural
How does the pathology of Crohn’s Disease compare to that of Ulcerative Colitis?
How does the histology of Crohn’s Disease compare to that of Ulcerative Colitis?
Compare Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis in terms of:
Describe the Gross pathology of Crohn’s disease.
Describe the microscopic pathology of Crohn disease.
Describe the gross pathology of ulcerative colitis
Describe the histopathology of ulcerative colitis
What is an example of a Congenital Large Intestine Diseases and its Pathological Features?
Hirschsprung’s Disease: Defective relaxation and peristalsis of rectum and distal sigmoid colon, associated with Down syndrome. Due to congenital failure of ganglion cells (neural crest-derived) to descend into myenteric and submucosal plexus. Clinical features are based on obstruction such as failure to pass meconium, empty rectal vault on digital rectal exam and massive dilatation (megacolon) of bowel proximal to obstruction with risk for rupture.
Describe the pathogenesis of infectious large bowel diarrhoea
Describe the pathogenesis of infectious small bowel diarrhoea
Describe the pathogenesis of infectious food poisoning
What are the clinical findings of ulcerative colitis?
What are the complications of celiac disease?
What are the distinguishing features between diverticulosis and diverticulitis
What are 4 causes of Acquired Intestinal Obstruction?
Acquired Intestinal Obstruction: Mechanical obstruction of the intestinal lumen due to…
- Hernias: Protrusion of a serosa-lined pouch of peritoneum through a weakened/defective abdominal wall area, most frequent cause of intestinal obstruction and risk of strangulation
- Intestinal Adhesions: Adhesions between bowel segments, abdominal wall or operative sites due to surgical procedures, infection, or other causes of peritoneal inflammation such as endometriosis
- Intussusception: When a proximal segment of the intestine, constricted by a wave of peristalsis, telescopes into the immediately distal segment, resulting in obstruction and disruption of blood supply with infarction. Most common cause of intestinal obstruction in children younger than 2 years of age.
- Volvulus: Twisting of bowel along its mesentery which results in obstruction and disruption of the blood supply with infarction. Most common locations are sigmoid colon due to large degree of mobility (elderly, coffee bean appearance of abdominal xray) and cecum (young adults).
Clinical findings in Crohn’s Disease?
Pathogenesis and Clinical features of acquired indirect + direct inguinal hernias?
What are 6 Acquired Inflammation Diseases of the Large Intestine?
Acquired Inflammation:
- Ischaemic Bowel Disease
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Infectious Enterocolitis → Inflammation of the digestive tract caused by microbial infections such as with campylobacter, E.coli, salmonella and shigella
- Pseudomembranous Colitis → Generally caused by C. difficile resulting in formation of tan pseudomembranes composed of neutrophils, dead epithelial cells, and inflammatory debris. Also referred to as antibiotic-associated colitis or antibiotic-associated diarrhea.
- Diversion Colitis → An inflammation of the colon which can occur as a complication of ileostomy or colostomy, often occurring within the year following the surgery.
- Graft vs Host Disease → Occurs following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation where donor T cells target antigens on the recipient’s GI epithelial cells.
What is Ischaemic Bowel Disease?
Ischaemic Bowel Disease
Acute compromise of any major vessel (celiac, superior mesenteric and inferior mesenteric arteries) causing infarction of intestine. Damage can range from mucosal infarction extending no deeper than the muscularis mucosae, to mural infarction of mucosa and submucosa, to transmural infarction involving all three wall layers. Typically presents with sudden onset of cramping, left lower abdominal pain, a desire to defecate, and passage of blood or bloody diarrhea. Most common in patients older than 70 years of age, and occurs slightly more often in women. Frequently associated with coexisting cardiac or vascular disease ischemia as well as therapeutic vasoconstrictors, some illicit drugs (cocaine), endothelial damage and small vessel occlusion after CMV or E. coli infection, strangulated hernia, or vascular compromise due to prior surgery.
What are 4 Large Intestine Diseases of Acquired Degeneration?
- Colonic Diverticula: Outpouchings of mucosa and submucosa through the muscularis propria (false diverticulum). Unlike true diverticula (Meckel diverticulum) they are not invested by all three layers of the colonic wall. Most often occurs at sigmoid colon.
- Angiodysplasia: Acquired malformation of submucosal and mucosal blood vessels, occurs most often in the cecum or right colon and usually presents after the age of 60 years old. Lesions are characterised by ectatic nests of tortuous veins, venules and capillaries. Risk of rupture and hemorrhage.
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Abnormal functioning of the GI tract where symptoms cannot be explained by the presence of a currently identifiable structural, biochemical or tissue abnormality. Characterised by chronic, relapsing abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits. Gross and microscopic evaluation is normal in most patients.
- Rectal Prolapse: A condition that occurs when part of the large intestine slips outside the anus. Typically occurs in older women, but it can occur in men and women of any age. Risk factors include multiple births, vaginal delivery and straining during constipation .
What are 6 Types of Colonic Polyps?
Colonic Polyps: Raised protrusions of colonic mucosa
- Hyperplastic Polyps: Due to hyperplasia of glands which classically show a ‘serrated’ appearance on microscopy. Most common type of polyp and usually arise in the left colon (rectosigmoid). Benign, with no malignant potential.
- Adenomatous Polyps: Due to neoplastic proliferation of glands. Second most common type of colonic polyp. Benign, but premalignant as may progress to adenocarcinoma.
- Hamartomatous Polyps: Disorganised growth of tissue indigenous to the site.
- Juvenile Polyp: Sporadic, hamartomatous (benign) polyp that arises in children (< 5 years). Usually presents as a solitary rectal polyp that prolapses and bleeds.
- Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome: Hamartomatous (benign) polyps throughout GI tract and mucocutaneous hyperpigmentation (freckle-like spots) on lips, oral mucosa, and genital skin caused by autosomal dominant disorder.
- Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP): Autosomal dominant disorder characterized by 100s to 1000s of adenomatous colonic polyps. Due to inherited APC mutation on chromosome 5.
What is Colorectal Carcinoma? Most common type? Peak incidence age?
Colorectal Carcinoma:
- Carcinoma arising from colonic or rectal mucosa which is the third most common site of cancer and third most common cause of cancer-related death.
- Most commonly adenocarcinoma.
- Peak incidence is 60-70 years of age.
What are the intestinal symptoms of Crohn’s vs. Ulcerative Colitis?
What are the Extra-Intestinal Symptoms of Crohn Disease & Ulcerative Colitis?
- General?
- Joints?
- Eye?
- Liver/Bile Ducts?
- Dermatologic?
Extra-Intestinal Symptoms of Crohn Disease & Ulcerative Colitis
- General: Fatigue and fever
- Joints: Enteropathic arthritis (sacroiliitis, arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis)
- Eye: Iritis, episcleritis, uveitis
- Liver/Bile Ducts: Primary sclerosing cholangitis (less common than in UC)
- Dermatologic: Erythema nodosum acrodermatitis enteropathica (bullous skin abrasions due to zinc deficiency), pyoderma gangrenosum (very painful, rapidly progressive, red spots that can change into purulent pustules or deep, ulcerated lesions with central necrosis) and pyostomatitis vegetans (oral aphthae)
What are the 12 General Principles of IBD Management?
General Principles of IBD Management:
- Rehydration
- Diet modification such as FODMAPs and modified Mediterranean
- Probiotics
- Supplementation of nutritional and vitamin deficiencies
- Avoid nicotine (risk factor Crohn disease BUT protective and anti-inflammatory in ulcerative colitis)
- Anti-diarrhoeal agents for symptomatic relief
- Anti-inflammatories (i.e. 5-ASA) to induce and maintain remission in mild-moderate disease (note, in contrast to ulcerative colitis, 5-aminosalicylates has a limited role in Crohn disease)
- Corticosteroids (i.e. prednisolone) to induce remission in acute disease
- Immunomodulatory therapy (i.e. methotrexate) to maintain remission and used for corticosteroid-sparing effect
- Biologics such as TNF-alpha inhibitors (i.e. infliximab) to induce and maintain remission in moderate-severe disease
- Surgical intervention such as bowel re-section for severe cases (NB: surgical intervention alone cannot cure
- Crohn disease) and complications
Pharmacological Management of IBD?
What are the 5 Main Functions of Terminal Ileum?
What are the 6 Other Functions of Terminal Ileum?
Issues with surgical removal of the terminal ileum?
Main Functions of Terminal Ileum:
- Absorption of cobalamin (vitamin B12, requires intrinsic factor from stomach)
- Absorption of bile salts/acids and lipids via specialised Na+ co-transport proteins (hepatoenteric circulation)
- Absorption of products left over from jejunum
- Immunological function with Peyer’s Patches and MALT (monitor intestinal bacteria and prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria)
- Absorption of vitamin C and fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E and K)
Other Functions of Terminal Ileum:
- Low absorption of carbohydrates, protein and lipids (mainly done in duodenum)
- Low absorption of calcium
- Low absorption of sodium (via SGLT1, amino acid transporters or parallel Na+/H+ NHE3 and Cl-/HCO3 exchangers transporter)
- Low absorption of potassium (via paracellular solvent drag, pulled along by bulk water movement)
- Low/Moderate chloride absorption (via passive ion channels (low), Cl-/HCO3 exchanger and parallel Na+/H+ and Cl-/HCO3 exchangers)
- Water absorption (via paracellular osmotic movement)
NB: Surgical removal of the terminal ileum causes multiple problems, including loss of both bile recycling and vitamin B12 absorption. In this circumstance, bile production by the liver is upregulated, but production is not sufficient for absorption of fat contained in a normal meal, and some steatorrhea may result.
Describe the site of absorption and mechanism of absorption of vitamins?
Outline the anatomical and physiological factors affecting fluid exchange in the gastrointestinal tract.
Demonstrate basic skills in rectal examination.
Describe the Presentation and Causes of Gastrointestinal Bleeding?
- Haematemesis
- Malena
- Haematochezia
Haematemesis → Vomiting blood. Indicates that site of bleeding is proximal to, or within, the duodenum.
- Causes: Oesophagitis, Oesophageal Varices, Mallory-Weiss Tear, Peptic Ulcer Disease, Gastritis
Melaena → Passage of jet-black tarry stools. Indicates bleeding from the oesophagus, stomach or duodenum, though right-sided colonic and small bowel lesions can sometimes be responsible. Due to the presence of blood digested by gastric acid and colonic bacteria.
- Causes: Upper GI, Bleeding Oesophagitis, Oesophageal Varices, Mallory-Weiss Tear, Peptic Ulcer Disease, Gastritis
Haematochezia → Passage of bright-red blood per rectum usually due to hemorrhage from left colon or rectum. The blood is usually mixed in with the bowel motion (occult) if it comes from above the anorectum, but if blood appears on the surface of the stool or only on the toilet paper this suggests, but does not guarantee, that bleeding is from a local rectal cause. Darker (maroon) blood suggests it has come from a more proximal site of the GI tract whereas frank red blood comes from a more distal site.
- Causes: Haemorrhoids (not-mixed), Fissures and Fistulas (not-mixed), Inflammatory Bowel Disease (mixed), Colitis (mixed), Diverticulitis (mixed), Angiodysplasia (mixed), Neoplasm (mixed), Colonic Polyp (mixed)
What are 8 Investigation of Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding?
Investigation of Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding:
- Vital signs to assess haemodynamic stability
- Abdominal examination, specifically looking for anaemia, masses, tenderness or organomegaly
- Digital Rectal Examination and Proctoscopy
- FBC including iron studies, Hb, WCC, platelet count, ESR and CRP
- Stool culture and microscopy
- Endoscopy, specifically colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy
- CT angiography
- Abdominal CT scan
Management of Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding? (5)
Management of Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding:
- Consider IV fluid resuscitation and blood transfusion in haemodynamically unstable patients
- Consider oral or IV iron infusion dependent on state of anaemia
- Endoscopic therapy
- Surgical intervention
- Treat underlying condition i.e. IBD maintenance therapy or peptic ulcer disease
Outline the procedure of, indications for and complications of rectal examination.
Rectal Examination:
Procedure: Examination of the anus, rectum, prostate and anal sphincter tone where a doctor uses their finger to assess for any masses, bleeding or abnormalities.
Indications: Rectal bleeding or altered bowel movements, or when hemorrhoids, anorectal diseases (i.e. fissures/fistulas), colorectal cancer, prostate disorders or nervous system disorders are suspected. It should be considered in all patients with bowel symptoms admitted to hospital and who are aged 40 or older, unless the examiner has no fingers, the patient no anus or acute illness such as myocardial infarction presents a temporary contraindication. DRE often completes an abdominal examination.
Complications: Patient discomfort and potentially pain, rectal irritation and rectal bleeding (i.e. if patient has anal fissures).
Outline the procedures of, indications for and complications of proctoscopy
Procedure: A common medical procedure in which an instrument called a proctoscope is used to examine the anal cavity, rectum, or sigmoid colon to look for any masses, bleeding or abnormalities. It also allows for biopsies to be taken.
Indications: Rectal bleeding, or when anorectal diseases, anorectal cancer, hemorrhoids or polyps are suspected. Also used if sample of anorectal tissue is needed for biopsy, to remove anorectal polyps or abnormal growths or to monitor rectal cancer.
Complications: Patient discomfort and potentially pain, rectal irritation and rectal bleeding (i.e. if patient has anal fissures). Less common complications include infection, belly pain or rectal tear.
What is the pathogenesis and clinical findings of hemorrhoids?
What is the pathogenesis and clinical findings of hemorrhoids?
What is the pathogenesis and risk factors for a lower GI bleed?
Describe the anatomy of the portal venous system.
- What are the Portal Systems?
- What is the function of the Hepatic Portl Venous System?
- 1st Capillary beds?
- 2nd Capillary beds?
Portal Systems: A series of vessels in which two separate capillary beds lie between the arterial supply and the final venous drainage. Occur when a capillary bed pools into another capillary bed through veins, without first going through the heart.
Hepatic Portal Venous System:
- Function: Carries nutrient-rich blood (which may also contain toxins and microorganisms) from digestive organs to the liver where it can be treated before it reaches the rest of the body. Portal vein supplies 75% of blood flow to the liver (partially deoxygenated blood), supplying 50% of the liver’s oxygen needs.
- First Capillary Beds: Stomach and intestines which drain into the hepatic portal vein
- Second Capillary Bed: Liver which drains into hepatic vein and inferior vena cava
Anatomy of Hepatic Portal Venous System
- What does the SMV drain?
- What do the splenic veins drain?
- What does the IMV drain?
- Hepatic portal vein?
- Hepatic vein?
Anatomy of Hepatic Portal Venous System:
Superior Mesenteric Vein (Midgut): Drains the entire small intestine, part of the large intestine (ascending and transverse regions), and stomach
Splenic Vein: Collects blood from the spleen, parts of the stomach and pancreas, and then joins the superior mesenteric vein (at about L1) to form the hepatic portal vein
Inferior Mesenteric Vein (Hindgut): Drains the distal portions of the large intestine and rectum and joins the splenic vein just before that vessel unites with the superior mesenteric vein to form the hepatic portal vein
Hepatic Portal Vein: Ascending towards the liver, it passes posterior to the superior part of the duodenum and enters the right margin of the lesser omentum. It is anterior to the omental foramen and posterior to both the bile duct, which is slightly to the right, and the hepatic artery proper, which is slightly to the left. On approaching the liver, the portal vein divides into right and left branches which enter the liver parenchyma. It also receives directly the right and left gastric veins, cystic vein and paraumbilical veins.
Hepatic Vein: Delivers venous blood from liver to the IVC
Outline the changes that occur to the portal venous system with portal hypertension.
- What is Portal Hypertension?
- Mechanisms of Portal Hypertension?
- Prehepatic = 2
- Intrahepatic = 2
- Posthepatic = 2
Portal Hypertension: Increase in portal venous pressure due to the occlusion (fibrosis, scarring and cirrhosis) of the portal vein or hepatic sinusoids. Normal portal venous pressure is 3 to 6 mm Hg but can exceed 12 mm Hg (portal hypertension).
Mechanisms of Portal Hypertension:
- Prehepatic: Obstructed blood flow to the liver e.g. portal vein thrombosis or liver flukes
- Intrahepatic: Obstructed hepatic sinusoidal blood flow e.g. cirrhosis or liver carcinoma
- Posthepatic: Obstructed blood flow from the liver to the heart e.g. right-sided HF or Budd-Chiari syndrome (hepatic vein obstruction)
Changes to Portal Venous System in Portal Hypertension?
Changes to Portal Venous System:
- Formation of portosystemic shunts via anastomotic channels (shunts from portal system to systemic circuit)
- There is a large volume of blood flowing from the portal system to the systemic system at the sites of portal-systemic anastomoses (collaterals)
- Veins become dilated and tortuous veins (varices) and prone to rupture (variceal rupture).
- Tortuous enlargement of the oesophageal and gastric veins (most common) and the duodenum and rectal veins, as the portal venous blood is shunted into the caval system using portosystemic anastomoses.
- In severe cases of portal obstruction, the engorgement of the superficial venous channels in the subcutaneous tissues of the abdominal wall (via the para-umbilical portosystemic route) can appear as a caput medusae (tortuous subcutaneous varices that resemble the snakes of Medusa’s head).
Changes resulting from cirrhosis and portal hypertension?
- Acute?
- Chronic?
- Viral?
- Autoimmune?
Pathologies of the Hepatobiliary System
Hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver
- Acute: Presents as jaundice (mixed CB and UCB) with dark urine (due to CB), fever, malaise, nausea, and elevated liver enzymes (ALT > AST). Inflammation involves lobules of the liver and portal tracts and is characterised by apoptosis of hepatocytes. Symptoms usually last less than 6 months but some cases may be asymptomatic with elevated liver enzymes. Due to diseases causing acute necrosis of hepatocytes associated with inflammation such as with viruses, toxins, abdominal sepsis, septicaemia, biliary disease and malaria.
- Chronic: Characterised by symptoms that last greater than 6 months. Hepatic inflammation predominantly involves portal tract. Risk of progression to cirrhosis. Marked by ongoing inflammation, fibrosis and regenerative changes. Due to viral hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, chronic drug hepatitis, Wilson’s disease and alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency.
- Viral: Inflammation of liver parenchyma, usually due to hepatitis virus or other causes such as EBV and CMV (see LO below for more information). In viral hepatitis, fibrosis typically follows many years of slowly accumulating parenchymal injury.
- Autoimmune: A chronic, progressive hepatitis with all the features of autoimmune diseases in general including genetic predisposition, association with other autoimmune diseases, presence of autoantibodies, and therapeutic response to immunosuppression. In autoimmune hepatitis, there is an early phase of severe parenchymal destruction followed rapidly by scarring.
Viral Hepatitis?
Drug or Toxin Induced Liver Injury?
Drug or Toxin Induced Liver Injury: As the major drug metabolising and detoxifying organ in the body, the liver is subject to injury from an enormous array of therapeutic and environmental agents. Hepatotoxins may cause harm from direct cell toxicity, through hepatic conversion of a xenobiotic (foreign chemical substance) to an active toxin, or by immune mechanisms, such as by the drug or a metabolite acting as a hapten to convert a cellular protein into an immunogen. The most common hepatotoxin causing acute liver failure is acetaminophen (paracetamol) and the most common hepatotoxin causing chronic liver disease is alcohol.
Alcohol Liver Disease?
Alcohol Liver Disease: Damage to hepatic parenchyma due to consumption of alcohol. Most common cause of liver disease in the West. There are three distinctive forms of alcoholic liver injury
Hepatic Steatosis (Fatty Liver): The accumulation of fat in hepatocytes after even moderate intake of alcohol. Results in a heavy, greasy liver and resolves with abstinence. Due to alcohol metabolism and increased NADH which shunts substrates away from catabolism and toward lipid biosynthesis, as well as impaired assembly and secretion of lipoproteins, and increased peripheral catabolism of fat.
Alcoholic Hepatitis: Results from chemical injury to hepatocytes, generally seen with binge drinking. Characterised by liver cell necrosis, inflammation, Mallory bodies and fatty change. Presents with painful hepatomegaly and elevated liver enzymes (AST > ALT) and may result in death. Can be resolved with abstinence, but more unlikely as liver damage progresses. Due to toxic by-products of ethanol and its metabolites.
Alcoholic Steatofibrosis/Cirrhosis: Chronic irreversible alcohol-induced liver damage which occurs in 10-20% of alcoholics. It may take 10 to 15 years of drinking for the development of cirrhosis.
Autoimmune Hepatitis?
Cirrhosis: End-stage irreversible liver damage characterised by disruption of the normal hepatic parenchyma by diffuse bands of fibrosis and regenerative nodules of hepatocytes due to chronic liver damage by alcohol, viruses, haemochromatosis or other conditions. Fibrosis is mediated by paracrines from injured hepatocytes stimulating TGF-B from stellate cells which lie in the perisinusoidal space (between sinusoid and hepatocytes) causing the production of collagen. Causes portal hypertension, decreased detoxification and decreased protein synthesis.
Normal Liver vs. Liver Fibrosis
- What is the result of Stellate cell activation?
- What is the result of Kupffer cell activation?
Liver Failure? Acute vs. Chronic?
• Liver Failure: May follow acute injury or chronic injury, but may also occur as an acute insult superimposed on an otherwise well-compensated chronic liver disease (acute on chronic). Up to 80% to 90% of hepatic functional capacity must be lost before hepatic failure ensues and transplantation offers the best hope for survival. Serious and sometimes fatal sequelae of liver failure include coagulopathy, encephalopathy, portal hypertension, bleeding esophageal varices, hepatorenal syndrome, and portopulmonary hypertension. Causes include viral and autoimmune hepatitis, drugs and toxins, metabolic disease or fatty changes.
- Acute Liver Failure: Defined as an acute liver illness associated with encephalopathy and coagulopathy that occurs within 26 weeks of the initial liver injury in the absence of pre-existing liver disease. Manifests first with nausea, vomiting, and jaundice, followed by life-threatening encephalopathy, and coagulation defects.
- Chronic Liver Failure: Most often associated with cirrhosis. About 40% of individuals are asymptomatic until the most advanced stages of the disease. When symptomatic, they present with nonspecific manifestations such as anorexia, weight loss, weakness, and, in advanced disease, symptoms and signs of liver failure (as above). Note, not all cirrhosis leads inexorably to chronic liver failure and not all end- stage chronic liver disease is cirrhotic.
Stimata of Chronic Liver Disease?
4 Metabolic Diseases of the Liver?
Metabolic Diseases of the Liver
- Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver
- Haemochromatosis
- Wilson Disease
- Alpha 1-Antitrypsin Deficiency