Block 2-Reymann (Coag) Flashcards
- Is cessation of blood loss from a DAMAGED vessel
- Vascular spasm
- Platelet plug formation (primary)
- Blood coag (secondary)
- Dissolution of fibrin clot (tertiary)
- _2 major systems down reg coag _
- Firbrin inhibition (limit coag)
- Plasma has protease inhibitors that inactivate coag proteins
- Fibrinolysis (antagonize coag)
- Inactive plasminogen is converted to proteolytic plasmin <u><strong>(DIGESTS fibrin)</strong></u>
Drugs for disorders in Coag
- Inhibit coag (-):
- Platelet aggregation inhibitors
- Anticoag
- Thrombolytics
- Restore or promote coag (+):
- Plasminogen activation inhibitors
- Protamine sulfate
- VIt k
- serine protease inhibitors
- Plasma fractions
Platelet aggregation inhibitors (Aspirin)
- Decrease synthesis/action of mols that promote aggregation
- Cyclooxigenase inhibitor
- Thromboxane A2=Platelet degranulate & aggregate
- Aspirin antagonize <u><strong>(inhibits)</strong></u> this pathway=PROLONGED BLEEDING TIME
- Mech-Inhibits TXA2 synthesis by irrever acetylation of enzyme COX
- Takes 10 days for new COX synthesize
- 81Mg = Anti-platelet (no SEs)
- Preventive treatment-cerebral ischemia & POST MI (ischemic coronary)
- 600-1000Mg-Analgesic/anti-inflammatory/Anti-fever
- CI: before surgery due to <u><strong>INCREASE BLEEDING TIME</strong></u>
Platelet aggregation inhibitors (ADP receptor blockers)
- 1st gen=Ticlopidine
- 2nd gen=Clopidogrel
- 3rd gen=Prausgral
- PK:
- All above are PRODRUGS
- Slow onset of action - LOADING dose may be required
- PD:
- Irreversible inhibitors of P2Y12 (ADP receptor on platelet surface)
- Use:
- Pts intolerant to aspirin
Platelet aggregation inhibitors (Phosphodiesterase inhibitors)
- Dipyridamole
- PD:
- Elevation of cAMP lvls by inhibition of phosphodiesterase
- Blockade of adenosine uptake-ACTS on A2 receptors ACTIVATES platelet adenylyl cyclase
- Use:
- Preventive combo antiplatelet w/aspirin or warfarin
- “prosthetic heart valve”
- Test coronary reserve (opens coronary arteries)
- NO USE as anti-anginal drug - can PROVOKE coronary steal
Platelet aggregation inhibitors (Phosphodiesterase inhibitors)
- Cilostazol
- Newer drug
- Promotes vasodialation & inhibition of platelet aggregation
- Use:
- Primarily in treatment of <u><strong>INTERMITTENT CLAUDICATION </strong></u>or “window shopping disease”
- Signs of artheroscelrosis in lower extermities
Platelet aggregation inhibitors (Block G2B/3A)
- Use in pts w/acute coronary syndromes
- The 2B/3A complex receptor for fibronogen, vitronectin, firbonectin, & VWF
- Activation of this receptor is Final part of Common pathway <u><strong>(Factor 7)</strong></u>
- AbcixMAB: monoclonal Ab against human G2b/3a receptor. Reversible w/thrombo-infusion ONLY = Restore coag cascade
- Eptifibatide: Peptide reversible antagonist of GP2B/3A receptor
- Tirofiban: Non-peptide reversible antagonist of GP2B/3A receptor
- Uses:
- Unstable angina
- High-risk percutaneous coronary interventions <u><strong>(Treating stenosis)</strong></u>
Anticoags (Heparin)
- Water sol Injectible RAPID acting anti-coag & <u><strong>SAFE IN PREGERS</strong></u>
- Used to acutely interfere w/formation of THROMBI
- Mixture of straight chain anionic glycosaminoglycans w/a MEAN MW=15,000
- PD:
- Anti-throm 3 is Alpha-glob that inhibits <u><strong>(serine proteases & several clotting factors-thrombin)</strong></u>
- Absence of heparin=Anti-throm 3 interacts w/thrombin VERY SLOWLY
- Heparin allows Antithrombin 3 to RAPIDLY inhibit thrombin <u><strong>(DOES NOT EFFECT ALREADY BOUND FIBRIN)</strong></u>
Anticoags (LMWH)
- Low-Mol weight Heparin
- Heterogeneous compounds produced by chemical or enzymatic depolymerization of unfractionated heparin <u><strong>(UFH)</strong></u>
- LWMH inhibit activated factor 10 BUT has less effect on thrombin than regular Heparin
- Has LITTLE acceleration & less likely to <u><strong>INDUCE HYPERSENSITIVITY</strong></u>
- Danaparoid: LMWP from pork gut
- Contains Hep sulfate, dermatan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate
- Mainly inhibits Factor 10 w/LESS EFFECT on thrombin
- Use:
- For DVTs in hip replacement surgeries
- Treatment of HIT <u>(Type 2 Hypersen)</u>
Anticoags (Heparin)
- Monitoring effects:
- Preformed by **PTT of activated factors **
- aPTT test integrity of <u><strong>INTRINSIC & COMMON </strong></u>pathways
- LMW Hep:
- Has higher therapeutic index that its Big brother - in Prevention care
- NOT necessary to monitor LMW Hep
- SE:
- Bleeding-USE of protamine sulphate acts as antagonism of Hep
- Hypersensivity Rxn <u><strong>(HIT type 2)</strong></u>
- Thrombosis-w/long term admin of hep=reduction of Anti-thrombin 3 activity
- This decrease of coag factors=<u><strong>HIGHER risk of thrombosis</strong></u>
- Minimize risk w/Low doses
Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT)
- Ab recognize complexes of heparin & platelet factor 4 on platelet membrane
- through IgG binds to PF4/Hep complex = <u><strong>IMMUNE COMPLEX</strong></u>
- Leads to to platelet aggregation & release of platelet contents
- Result is thrombocytopenia & thrombosis
- Treatment: Sub Hep w/a DTI or Fondaparinux (LMW HeP)
- DTIs=exert anticoag effect by direct binding to active site of thrombin
Anticoags (Factor X active inhibitors)
- Fondaparinux-Synthetic pentasaccharide
- Sequence of 5 carbs necessary for BINDING to anti-thrombin 3
- Binding induces conformational change in anti-thrombin required for Factor 10
- SPECIFIC inhibitor of 10A
- Negligible ANTI-thrombin activity
- Approved for prevention treatment of DVTs
- Use as INJECTION once a day
Anticoags (DTIs)
- Exert anti-coag effect directly binding to active site on thrombin
- Lepirudin, Desirudin, Bivalrudin, Argatroban
- Hirudin powerful & specific thrombin inhibitor from leech
- Recombinant form peptide =<u><strong> LEPIRUDIN</strong></u>
- Action independent from Anti-thrombin 3=reach inactivate fibrin bound thrombin in <u><strong>THROMBI</strong></u>
- Given parenterally
- Monitor by aPTT
- Bivalirdin=Thrombotic Anticoag
- Argatroban=Small mol thrombin activator
Anticoag (Coumarin)
- Warfarin & Dicumarol
- Unlike Hep they are Lipid sol and given <u><strong>ORAL</strong></u>
- _PD: _
- Inhibit VIT K **epoxide reductase **
- Use:
- Treating inactive clotting factors DUE to LACK of gamma-carboxyglutamyl side chains
- Take 8-12 hours for onset
- Anticoag effects can be overcome with VitK <u><strong>TAKES 24 HRS</strong></u>
Anticoag (warfarin)
- Monitoring LVLS:
- Has narrow TI & participates in MANY drug to drug interactions
- Effects must be monitored <u><strong>every 2-4 weeks</strong></u>
- Preformed by PT <u><strong>(extrinsic & common)</strong></u>
- Prolongs PT decreases amount of functional Factor 7
- SE:
- Hemmorrhage
- Skin necrosis related w/reduced activity of protein C <u><strong>(Occurs 1st weeks of therapy)</strong></u>
- Crosses placenta <u><strong>(lipid sol)</strong></u> can cause <u><strong>hemorrhagic disorder in fetus (ANACEPHALY)</strong></u>
- Antibiotics mess w/flora = LOW VIT K
- Anti-bile reabsorb-Mess with Vit K
Anticoag (Fibrinolytics)
- Lyse thrombi by catalyzing conversion of plasminogen into PLASMIN
- Reduce mortality of ACUTE MI <u><strong>(dissolve thrombus to save Myocaridal tissue)</strong></u>
- Used in situations where angoplasty(balloon catheter) <u><strong>NOT AVAILABLE</strong></u>
- Streptokinase
- Urokinase
- Anistrepeplase
- Alteplase
Drugs for bleeding disorders
- Plasminogen activation inhibitors <u><strong>(OPPOSITE of THROMBOLYSIS)</strong></u>
- Protamine sulfate
- Plasma factors
Drugs for bleeding disorders (Plasminogen A Inhibitors)
- Aminocaporic acid & tranexamic acid
- Inhibit plasminogen activation
- Decrease plasmin LVLS
- Down-reg of fibrinolysis
- Down Reg of fibronogen breakdown
Drugs for bleeding disorders (Protamine sulfate)
- Antagonizes <u><strong>(inhibits)</strong></u> Heparin
- HIGH in arginine-Cationic protein interacts w/anionic Hep
- Forms complex w/<u><strong>NO ANTICOAG activity</strong></u>
- Dose dep has immediate effect
Drugs for bleeding disorders (VIT K)
- Stop bleeding due to oral-anticoag <u><strong>(warfarin)</strong></u>
- Effect delayed 6-12 hours w/complete penetrance by 24hours
- NOT for use in ACUTE bleeds <u><strong>(USE FROZEN FRESH PLASMA or BLOOD TRANSFUSION)</strong></u>
Plasma Fractions Def.
- Def in plasma coag factors can cause bleeding
- Spont bleeding occurs when factor activity is less 5-10% of normal
- Factor 8 (Hemo A)
- Factor 9 (Hemo B or Christmas)