Block 10 Flashcards
Surely not Perkins!
This is all a mistake!
This is all a mistake! (Preceding line?)
Surely not Perkins!
That won’t be for hours, the snow is at its peak! (Max throws snow through the window)
It’s not true, I tell you!
It’s not true, I tell you! (Preceding line?)
That won’t be for hours, the snow is at its peak! (Max throws snow through the window)
Of course he did. Cecil found him out and Perkins killed him to keep him quiet.
There must be some misunderstanding! I haven’t killed anyone. But I know who has!
There must be some misunderstanding! I haven’t killed anyone. But I know who has!
(Preceding line?)
Of course he did. Cecil found him out and Perkins killed him to keep him quiet.
R: You know who killed Charles?
I do!
I do! (Preceding line)
R: You know who killed Charles?
All: Who?!
THE INSPECTOR DID! (Point at Robert, then at Chris)
(All gasp)
R: What on earth?
C: Poppycock!
You did! And I know why!
You did! And I know why! (Preceding lines??)
R: What on earth?
C: Poppycock!
Shut your mouth, Perkins!
You did it because Charles knew about the police money you were (Checks hand.) embēzzling.
You did it because Charles knew about the police money you were (Checks hand.) embēzzling.
(Previous line?)
Shut your mouth, Perkins!
You mentioned you had several (Hand check.) rende-voOn with Charles before, at the local police station. You said he was a consultant on a fraud case you were working on.
You mentioned you had several (Hand check.) rende-voOn with Charles before, at the local police station. You said he was a consultant on a fraud case you were working on.
(Previous line?)