Block 1 Review Flashcards
MATS ACC > Glossary
An automated or manual function that matches ATS surveillance data with flight plan data.
ATS Surveillance Failure or Degradation
MATS ACC > ATS Surveillance > ATS Surveillance Equipment > ATS Surveillance Failure or Degradation
If you are not satisfied that the displayed ATS surveillance information is adequate:[4]
* Inform the supervisor or delegated authority.
* Base subsequent control actions on direction provided in ATS directives supplemented by direction from your supervisor or delegated authority. If such direction is not available, base your actions on your assessment of the equipment.
Transponder Non-Discrete Codes
MATS ACC > ATS Surveillance > SSRs and Aircraft Codes > Code Assignment
Assign an aircraft a discrete code in preference to a non-discrete code.
You may assign a non‑discrete code to either of the following:
Transponder Non-Discrete Codes
MATS ACC > ATS Surveillance > SSRs and Aircraft Codes > Code Assignment
You may assign a non‑discrete code to either of the following:
* An aircraft that has canceled or closed its IFR flight plan and is not requesting further ATS surveillance service
* A VFR aircraft for which ATS surveillance service is being terminated
Display and monitor:
Situation Display
MATS ACC > ATS Surveillance > ATS Surveillance Equipment > Situation Display
Display and monitor:
* Unlinked targets
* CJSs
* Coast list in a full format showing all pertinent information (to enable prompt detection of newly de-linked aircraft)
* Altitude readouts (mode C)
* Current weather data and history, as necessary, for the provision of severe weather information[3]
* Appropriate geographic map
* Other features of the system may be used at your discretion.
What must tag types include?
Data Tags Minima
MATS ACC > ATS Surveillance > ATS Surveillance Equipment > Situation Display
When using a CSiT situation display, ensure that the following settings are applied:
* PPS brightness is at least one level higher than other elements on the display.
* Data tags include minima as indicated in the following table.
Alpha: WAS AVG, Bravo: CAV, VFR/Unlinked: AV
Same Track
MATS ACC > Glossary
In the application of separation, expression used by ATC to indicate identical tracks or tracks that converge or diverge at an angle of 1° to 44° inclusive.
Flight Priority
MATS ACC > Service Fundamentals > Control Service > Flight Priority
Provide air traffic services to aircraft on a “first come, first served” basis, and give priority as indicated in the following sections.[2]
Exceptions to “first come, first served” are permitted when they increase overall efficiency and reduce the average delay.
[2] Factors that could affect traffic sequence include:
* The type of approach intended
* The types of aircraft and their relative performance
* Any specified minimum departure interval between takeoffs
* The routes to be followed after takeoff
* Wake turbulence separation minima
* Aircraft subject to ATFM
Flow A.W.A.R.D.
Vectoring Into Class G Airspace
MATS ACC > ATS Surveillance > Vectoring > Vectoring into Class G Airspace
You may vector an aircraft into Class G airspace if you inform the pilot and obtain the pilot’s approval.
When vectoring, ensure the following:
Obstruction Clearance
MATS ACC > ATS Surveillance > Vectoring > Obstruction Clearance
When vectoring, ensure the following:
* Provide aircraft with adequate terrain clearance by assigning altitudes at or above a minimum IFR altitude specified for the area within which they are being vectored.
* Follow unit procedures to assign cold temperature corrected minimum IFR altitudes, if applicable.
When vectored, pilots may be unable to determine their aircraft’s exact position.
ATS Surveillance Separation From a Prominent Obstruction
MATS ACC > Separation > ATS Surveillance Separation > ATS Surveillance Separation From a Prominent Obstruction
When an aircraft is at an established minimum vectoring altitude that does not provide adequate clearance above a prominent obstruction, vector the aircraft by one of the following minima:
* 5 miles, if the position of the obstruction is indicated on CSiT or NARDS
* 3 miles, if the following apply:
◦ You provide terminal control service.
◦ The ATS surveillance sources include MLAT/WAM, DND-NG, or RSE but do not include DND-NWS.
◦ CSiT or NARDS displays a maximum range of 120 miles from left to right.
◦ The obstruction is enclosed within a circular buffer that is indicated on CSiT or NARDS. (Vectoring an Aircraft Past an Obstruction)
The buffer must be displayed at the required TS surveillance separation distance from the obstruction.
Navigational Assitance
The provision of position information, vectors, or track and ground speed checks.
Traffic Information
MATS ACC > Glossary
Information issued by ATS to pilots regarding other known or observed traffic that may be in such proximity to their position or intended route as to warrant their attention.
Traffic Information Format
MATS ACC > Traffic Management > Traffic Information > Traffic Information Format
When issuing traffic information to aircraft, as appropriate, include:[1]
1. Position of aircraft
2. Direction of flight
3. Type of aircraft or relative speed
4. Altitude of aircraft
5. Reporting point and time
6. Other information
Phrases such as TCAS TRAFFIC or TRAFFIC FOR YOUR TCAS are not acceptable phraseology.
Traffic Information & Class of Airspace
MATS ACC > Traffic Management > Traffic Information
Provide traffic information to pilots of aircraft in Class C and Class D airspace.[5]
Provide traffic information to pilots of aircraft in Class E airspace, unless workload[6], equipment limitations[7], or higher priority duties[8] prevent you from doing so.
6 In this context, workload means traffic volume, traffic complexity, radio frequency congestion, coordination, or other control-related duties. It does not include system limitations created by on-the-job training, staffing, employee periods of relief, or other workplace constraints.
7 Limitations can occur when communications or ATS surveillance equipment becomes degraded or unserviceable.
Provide traffic information to all concerned aircraft if…
Traffic Information
MATS ACC > Traffic Management > Traffic Information
Provide traffic information to all concerned aircraft if any of the following apply:[1]
* You clear an aircraft to maintain at least 1000 feet on top.[2]
* You clear an IFR aircraft to fly in accordance with VFR.[3]
* Multiple aircraft are holding at the same fix and are separated by the vertical separation minimum.
TRAFFIC (aircraft type) HOLDING AT (fix) MAINTAINING (altitude).
* A pilot requests it.
* A pilot acknowledges an avoidance instruction.[4]
* You consider it necessary.
If the target of an identified IFR or CVFR aircraft appears…
Traffic Information
MATS ACC > Traffic Management > Traffic Information
If the target of an identified IFR or CVFR aircraft appears likely to come in proximity to another observed target to warrant the pilot’s attention, provide ATS surveillance traffic information, unless one of the following applies:
* The aircraft are known to be separated by more than the appropriate vertical separation minimum.
* The aircraft are established in a holding pattern.[9]