Block 1: Foundations of medicine Flashcards
Describe cell structure and function in terms of their macromolecules, membranes and organelles
Outline the relationship between nutrition, body requirements and metabolic pathways
(PBL links: Ji-Won Park, Jean Marion)
Describe genetics at the levels of both gene action and common patterns of inheritance
(PBL links: Abena Naylor).
Describe different tissues (epithelial, connective/skeletal, nervous, muscle) in terms of cellular
organisation and embryological origin (PBL links: Rachel Wilson).
Explain in outline homeostatic mechanisms of fluid balance in the tissues and the responses to
infection/wounding (PBL links: Martin Taylor).
Distinguish the main types of infectious agent and summarise the types of body defence mechanism
against them (PBL links: Martin Taylor, Elaine Truman)
Outline signalling processes in the body (including hormones and the motor sensory and autonomic
parts of the nervous system) and the way signals are received by cells (PBL links: Martin Taylor,
Jane Shale; also covered in Block 5 Martin Taylor, Jean Marion, Jonathan Reid).
Begin to understand the processes governing the pharmacodynamics and pharmokinetics of drugs
(PBL links: Jane Shale)
Explain the terms used in a laboratory report form for common diagnostic blood tests (full blood
count, electrolytes) (PBL links: Martin Taylor; also covered in Block 3 Shirley Cosby and Block 4
Sofia Papandreou)
Explain by reference to cell signalling mechanisms the typical ways drugs act at the molecular level
(agonist, antagonist, enzyme inhibitor) (PBL links: Jane Shale).
Describe the components of a good consultation.
Understand what is meant by medical communication.
Describe the difference between the patient and biomedical perspective.
Explain the importance of exploring the patient’s agenda.
Explain what is meant by person-centred care.