bleh bleh bleh Flashcards
What were the side effects of putting the crystals right on the tongue?
Terrible pain, fingers twitching with every heartbeat, falling to the ground semiconscious
What diluted the crystals?
Dissolved in alcohol and diluted in water
How were the lives of the four testers saved?
He caused them to vomit by giving them vinegar (acetate aromatic)
What had this person extracted for the first time in history?
The essence of opium
What was the disease of biblical proportions?
The small pox virus.
What is the video about?
The men who abolished pain.
What does the commentator push through his hand?
A needle
What was the prime ingredient for centuries to relieve pain?
What did the Sumerians call opium plants?
The “joy plant”
In the beginning of the 19th century, what was opium marketed as when dissolved in alcohol?
Liquid Laudanum
How long was the process experimented with until the way to extract was refined?
2 years
What class of drug is morphium?
Class A drug
Opium resins come from the sap of what plant?
The sap of the poppy.
What was the standard solvent of the time?
Who was it said that laudanum was good for?
Squawking/crying babies
Was the first substance extracted acidic or alkaline and that was tried on for no effect?
Zentner did what no one else had done. What was it?
He extracted an alkaline.
What date did Zentner get his sludgy alkaline precipitate?
What happened when these crystals were given to a dog?
It became sleepy/lethargic
What was the name of the chemicals they wee now getting out of plants?
The alkaloids
What was the single most important event in drug history?
The isolation of morphine
Why are many herbal remedies effective?
Alkaloids are the reason many herbal remedies are effective.
What was the commentators favourite drug of abuse?
How does codeine work?
By modulating the way the brain deceives pain
What are the side effects of opiates?
Constipation, addiction, vomiting and depressing breathing towards death
What was the South American plant another pain reducing drug was produced from its leaves?
The cocoa plant
What was cocaine added to and promoted by the pope?
What was Dr Kola’s main profession?
An eye surgeon (ophthalmologist)
How did they test the use of cocaine in eye surgery?
He first tested it on a dog and a frog and they seemed to be fine. So Kola then dissolved it in water and dropped it onto his eye. He tried to then stick a needle into his eye to test the pain.
What does anaesthetic mean?
Anaesthetic means “without sensation”.
What was the eye surgeon’s nickname?
Koca Kola
Before this time, what was thought to be good for you during surgery?
Pain was thought to be good for you.
What profession changed this by a chance discovery?
How were the new gases tested?
They tested it on themselves
What was the name of the gas the dentist Humphrey Davey discovered/created?
Nitrous Oxide (a.k.a laughing gas)
What was the advantage of breathing in this gas?
The advantage was pain relief
Where was the gas (nitrous oxide) mostly used?
During “laughing gas” parties.
In what year was a demonstration made using the gas in Boston?
In the year of 1845
What was the ‘ridicule of deadly insult’ that was given to the dentist and his partner?
Humbug; A person or object that behaves in a deceptive or dishonest way, often as a hoax or in jest.
What was the next substance tested?
Sweet oil of vitriol. The gas released from this test was ether.
What did the first patient operated on under ether say he felt?
He felt no more than a mere scratch.
At the time, how long did it take the news of ether to spread around the world?
It took within a time span of six months for the news to spread.
What was the next key substance investigated? Hint: black liquid.
Coal tar
A series of what started the next step in chemistry of drugs?
A series of mistakes.
When attempting to make quinine from coal tar, what was made?
Mauve dye
What was coal tar extracts being used for?
Internal wounds
What is the substance used for today?
Moth balls
After eating the substance, what was the effect?
Fever went down.
What was the mistake?
Was not naphthalene.
Acetylsalicylic acid is used now for what?
Used now to burn off warts
What were the two drugs the Bayer company investigated?
Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) and diamorphine (heroin).
What drug was rejected because it was believed to be dangerous?
Aspirin, which was believed to be more dangerous than heroin.
What report came back from the dentist who used morphine?
The toothache eased and it gave pain relief.
What did aspirin become?
One of the world’s most successful drugs.
How many aspirin tablets are eaten every year?
Forty-billion (40,000,000,000)
What plant was used to test the effects of aspirin by the commentator?
Stinging nettles
What is the prime cause of headache and muscle ache?
What was the next new phase of drug creation?
The creation of synthetic drugs.
When had the hyperaemic needle been invented?
In the 1840’s
What was the name of the next chemical tested for anaesthesia by injection into the blood?
Chloral hydrate
What was the pill that came from chloral hydrate?
The sleeping pill or sedative drug
What was the name of the bar owner who added this drug to drinks?
Mickey Finn
What chemical was the successor to Chloral Hydrate?
Sodium thiopental