BLEACH Flashcards
Describe how the 25cm^3 sample of the original bleach solution was diluted to exactly 500cm^3
pipette into 500 cm3 volumetric flask
add deionised water until near calibration mark and then add dropwise
until bottom of meniscus up to mark at eye-level
stopper and invert several times to ensure solution is homogeneous
What colour developed when the potassium iodide and the sulfuric acid reacted with the diluted bleach in the conical flask
Give two reasons why excess potassium iodide was used
- > so that all bleach [hypochlorite] has reacted
- > to keep iodine in solution
What was the purpose of standing the conical flask on a white tile during the titrations
Colour change is clearer
Name the indicator used in the titration and state the colour change observed at the end point
Why was it necessary to dilute the bleach?
Household bleach which is used is too concentrated. If the bleach were not diluted, excessive amounts of potassium iodide and sodium thiosulfate would be needed in the experiment to get a reasonable titration figure
Why is it particularly important in the experiment to use a pipette filler when placing the household bleach in the volumetric flask
Since bleach is a harmful substance, it should never be pipetted by mouth in case some of it is accidently swallowed
Why was dilute sulfuric acid added to the bleach solution in the conical flask
To supply H+ ions and ensure the reduction of ClO- to Cl- occurs
Explain why hydrochloric acid should not be used when acidifying the bleach
Chlorine gas could be produced
What colour is observed in the conical flask after the addition of the dilute sulfuric acid and the potassium iodide solution to the bleach solution
Reddish/Brown colour - iodine liberated
Why is the indicator not added until the solution in the conical flask becomes a pale yellow
If the starch is added at an early stage of the titration, the iodine present may become strongly absorbed onto the starch and this makes the titrations less accurate. In addition, when the pale yellow colour is observed in the conical flask, it tells us that the end point is quite near. Therefore, when the starch is added at this stage, adding the thiosulfate drop by drop from this stage onwards helps to obtain an accurate titration figure
What sequence of colours were observed in the conical flask from the start of the titration until the end point was reached and explain
Red-Brown -> I2 liberated in conical flask
Straw Yellow -> addition of Na2S2O3
Blue-Black -> addition of starch indicator to form a starch-iodine complex
Colourless -> at end point
Outline three operations involving the conical flask and its contents during the titration
Swirling action - ensure homogenous solution
Wash down sides of flask with deionised water - ensure everything is being reacted
Flask on white tile (See colour change clearer)
What is in the burette and pipette?
Burette - Sodium thiosulfate solution
Pipette - Diluted bleach solution
What is in the conical flask during the titration
Diluted bleach + dilute sulfuric acid + potassium iodide
Why could you not use hydrochloric acid when acidifying the bleach
HCL would react with hypochlorite to liberate chlorine gas
Why are some bleaches such as domestos not suitable?
When diluted it forms suds which makes it difficult to accurately make up the diluted solution