BLAW Exam 1 Flashcards
Federal Government
Applies to all states
State Government
Applies to that one state
Local Government
Applies to that city or county
U.S. Constitution
Supreme law of the land
Bill of Rights
The first 10 amendments, also limits government interference
1st Amendment
Right to free speech and religion
2nd Amendment
Right to bare arms
4th Amendment
Protects from search and seizure
5th Amendment
The right to remain silent
6th Amendment
The right to a fair trial
What does the constitution only do?
Regulates the government, does not regulate private employers / entities
What do State Constitutions do?
Governs state entities, each state has one
What is sovereign immunity?
You cannot sue the state in her own courts
What are Statutes?
Laws passed by legislative bodies
Example of Federal Statutes
Congress, Title VII
State legislative
Only applies to that state
Administrative Law
Regulations passed by agencies- these agencies were created by legislative bodies
What is an example Federal agencies
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
What is an example of State level agencies?
Arkansas Game and Fish (AGFC)
Common Law
One common and uniform law, judges began to write down decisions, those decisions followed later similar cases
Civil VS Criminal Law
Violation against society as a whole
Criminal charges
Can only be filed by the government, through the prosecutor
The prosecutor
Has unlimited discretion on which, if any, criminal charges will be filed
Criminal case
The burden of proof is on prosecution to prove defendant (the accused) is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
During a criminal case, how many jurors have to agree?
12/12, unanimous
Civil Law
Regulates interactions between individuals, assesses fault or liability, the burden of proof is on the plaintiff (person bringing the lawsuit)
During a civil case, how many jurors have to agree?
51% sure, as few as 9/12 jurors can reach a verdict
Who is the plaintiff?
The person who is bringing the lawsuit
Who is the defendant?
The person who is being sued
What is ethics?
Something that can be legal, but not necessarily ethical
What are the rules of the Standard Corporate Ethics?
No conflicts of interest. No Nepotism. No kickbacks. Do not misuse confidential information.
What are the ethical tools?
Religion, Kantian ethics, and utilitarianism
What does Kantian ethics intel?
“What if everyone acted this way?”
What does Utiliarianism intel?
What does the greatest good for the greatest number of people?
Abandoned property
Property that the owner has intentionally thrown away, belongs to the finder