Blanche Flashcards
Blanche’s directions to the Kowalski’s apartment
They told me to take a street-car named Desire, and transfer to one called Cemeteries, and ride six blocks and get off at—Elysian Fields!
Blanche greeting her sister
Stella, oh, Stella, Stella! Stella for Star!
Blanche defending her loss of Belle Reve to Stella
Sit there and stare at me, thinking I let the place go? I let the place go? Where were you! In bed with your–Polack!
Blanche’s witty comment about charm
After all, a woman’s charm is fifty percent illusion.
Blanche describing Stanley and perfume
Oh, I guess he’s just not the type that goes for jasmine perfume, but maybe he’s what we need to mix with our blood now that we’ve lost Belle Reve.
Blanche conveying her pet peeves to Mitch
I can’t stand a naked light bulb, any more than I can a rude remark or a vulgar action.
Blanche condemning Stella and Stanley’s relationship
What you are talking about is brutal desire–just–Desire!–the name of that rattle-trap street-car that bangs through the Quarter.
Blanche condemning Stanley as sub human
There’s even something–sub-human–something not quite to the stage of humanity yet!
Blanche’s warning to Stella
Don’t–don’t hang back with the brutes!
Blanche’s fears of losing her attractiveness with age
I never was hard or self-sufficient enough. When people are soft–soft people have got to shimmer and glow–they’ve got to put on soft colors, the colors of butterfly wings, and put a–paper lantern over the light…It isn’t enough to be soft. You’ve got to be soft and attractive. And I–I’m fading now!
Blanche speaking to the Evening Star boy
Young man! Young, young, young man! Has anyone ever told you that you look like a young Prince out of the Arabian Nights?
Blanche’s fantasy with Mitch
We are going to be very Bohemian. We are going to pretend that we are sitting in a little artists’ café on the Left Bank in Paris!
Blanche speaking about her husband’s suicide
And then the searchlight which had been turned on the world was turned off again and never for one moment since has there been any light that’s stronger than this–kitchen–candle…
Stanley telling Blanche he knows about her past
The Flamingo is used to all kinds of goings-on. But even the Flamingo was impressed by Dame Blanche!
Blanche singing in the bath
It’s only a paper moon, Just as phony as it can be–But it wouldn’t be make-believe If you believed in me!
Blanche explaining what she wants to Mitch
I don’t want realism. I want magic!
Blanche speaking to the poker players as they stand up for her exit
Please don’t get up. I’m only passing through.
Stanley’s final words to Blanche
You left nothing here but spilt talcum and old empty perfume bottles–unless it’s the paper lantern you want to take with you. You want the lantern?
Blanche speaking to the doctor
Whoever you are—I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.
Stage directions describing Blanche
her delicate beauty must avoid a strong light. there is something about her uncertain manner that suggests a moth
When asked by Stella if she wants Mitch
I want to rest! I want to breathe quietly again! Yes—I want Mitch… very badly! Just think! If it happens! I can leave here and not be anyone’s problem…
Blanche trying to tell Mitch she was still honest
Never inside, I didn’t lie in my heart
Stella’s description of Blanche as a girl
You didn’t know Blanche as a girl. Nobody, nobody was tender and trusting as she was. But people like you abused her, and forced her to change