Blake_Physio_Exam 2 Review Flashcards
Bipolar LImb Leads
I (-) right arm, (+) left arm 0º
II (-) right arm, (+) left leg 60º
III (-) left arm, (+) left leg 120º
Normally in the ventricles, current flows from _________________
negative to positive
base to apex
abnormal sinus rhythms
tachycardia - endogenously vs pathologically mediated
Brady cardia - athletic heart, over-parasympathetic
Heart signal blocks
sinoatrial block
atroventricular block: incomplete/complete
partial intraventricular block
describe ventricular fibrillation and the effect of electroshock defibrillation:
basis: circus movements cause premature contractions
Velocity of blood flow
Rate of blood flow to each tissue of the body is almost always precisely controlled in relation to :
tissue need
Micro vessels monitor tissue needs: O2 or needs, CO2 or wastes
cardiac output is controlled by:
sum of all local tissue flows
Arterial pressure regulation is _____ of either local blood flow control or cardiac output controll
If arteriall pressure ____ ____ 100mmHg Nervous reflexes do the following 4 things:
falls below
- increase force of heart pumping
- constrict large venous reservoirs
- constrict most arterioles throughout the body
- kidneys function over periods of days/weeks
explain the interrelationships of pressure, flow, and resisstance:
- overall blood flow of an adult at rest:
- =5000ml/min = cardiac output
Laminar flow vs Turbulent Flow
poiseuille’s law
Hematocrit of men and women
Viscosity of whole blood at normal
Viscosity of blood plasma
measure of resistance to flow\
men ~42 women ~38
normal viscosity ~3
plasma ~1.5
vascular distensibility