blah Flashcards
what is ethology
the scientific and objective study of animal behaviour under natural conditions
what is behaviourism
study of the influence of external stimuli on behaviour
observable and quantifiable stimuli and response
what are tinebergen 4 questions
what is it for
how did it evolve in the history of the species
how does it work
how did it develop in the animal
why is group selection flawed
assumes differential survival of populations not individuals
populations is regulated by social behaviours which role is to benefit the group
evolutionary unstable
what i anthropomorphism
giving a human quality/behaviour to something
what is ad libitum sampling
record in or group behaviour with no reference to well defined methods
good for initial observation and question formation
focal animal sampling
obs one animal record wither all behaviours or all occurence of one behaviour in set time
all occurences sampling
record whether did did not occur in ind or group in set time
loss of lot of info
scan sampling
record instantaneous activity or behaviour
state of all animals in group at pre determined time interval
what does superb bird of paradise show
sexual selection (visual/sound)
what does sexual selection favour when there is variance in male fitness
evolution of alternative male mating tactics
types of sexual selection
pre copulatory - intrasexual
post copulatory -cryptic male choice
sperm competition
what increases male fitness (Drosophila)
increase number of mates
what increase female fitnesss dros
no of mates doesnt = allow choosiness
what sexual selection do elephant seals show
intrasexual - male fight for social dominance so can mate more
what can male male competition lead to
amplification of characters
secondary sexual characters/dimorphism
example of intersexual selection
female choice - get gifts from male
what scoripion fly and example of and explain
intersexual sel
male give female a fly, perhaps to preove theri quality?
evidence that larger prey given=longer copulation=more sperm transfer
what are the two hypothesis for evolution of female choice
- sexy son hypo, male chose female based on producing sone which will have the best chance of reproducing
- zahavis handicap principle, female choose male as he able to survive with costly trait
what is widow tailed bird and example of
runaway sexual selection - cut off experiment etc
found that did have cost to condition
example of ways males deal with sperm competition
- mate guarding eg blue milkweed beetle
- removal of sperm during mating eg odonata comple male genital remove rival spem and then guard
- testes size eg northern giant lemur testes 5.5% body volume but not found to be relation to amount of sperm ejaculated
- sperm number, strategically allocate in a way to make max reproductive success eg red jungle fowl, male ejeculate more when see another male has, but when multiple males have do less. also increase amount of sperm with new female
descirbe an example of cryptic female choice
female use physical or chemical mechanism to control a males success in inseminating her eggs eg eject more spem when a subordinate male
regulate egg laying
what is bluegill sunfish an eg of
sneaker male, sneak into territory and steal fertilisation
look like females as gen polymorph, also mature more quickly than parental male
also seen in plainfish midshipman
when there is a lot of female in soay sheep what happens to sexual selection
less selection for bodysize and horns as males are unable to use these traits to control access to females
what occurs when one sex limiting
as one sex limiting factor for other results in increase in intrasexual competition among members of available sex for access to mates of limiting sex
what affect can ecology have on mating system
uneven resource = pot for increase mate as some better able to control increase chance polygamy
different forms polygyny
resource defense polygyny -female choose by the quality of male and the reosurces under his control but this only happen if this beenfit outweighs no p care
female defense polygyny - eg ring necked pheasant femlale asynchrony allow single male to control and sinsem all female
dominance polygyny - lek
what do american jacana show
resource defense polyandry females have super territpry encompassing several male nests
what do pipefish and seahorse show
male post zygotic care of offsrping
reversal of sex sel and sex dimorph
male have complete pat cert
2nd gamete release
what are phalropidae and what do they show
bird species polyandrous male brood and care have reversal of sex dimorph/sex sel
female fight for males
what is communication
the transmission of info from sender to receiver, the receiver responds appropriately
inc pheromones
a social acitvity
example of pheromone communication
kangaroo male taste wee of female - see repr state
lion jacobson organ - flehmen response
what visual communication of 3 spined stickleback
red region for maels = aggressive for female = mate
descirbe drosophila courtship
male give specific signal of wing song
male orient to female follows and vibrate wing wft pheromone
female has pheromone surrounding male lick chem rec on his feet
quality of male vibration by female pheromone
describe bee waggle dance
only certain ind in ceretain scenario
angle = angle wrt sun
duration = distance
diff dialect diff population
bee brain integrate info and change during day
mechanical bee show sound and waggle both needed
also release hydrocarbon
what is an honest signal
a signal thatt comes with social cost
example of honest signal
black patch on house sparrow
vervets alarm call
what is aprental care
behaviour that increases the fitness of offspring
what is parental invetment
behaviour that increases the offspring fitness at the cost of a parent’s ability to reproduce in the future
young mature
young immature
what are the benefits and cost of p care
b = improve chance of offspring survival
c = increase adult predation risk
eg tamarin lose 11% weight (Invest time and E)
why care hypothesis
parental investment - sex invest less in gemete/embryo care less after, comp among small gamete sex
low reliability of paternity - male less sure offspring theirs
order of gamete release - if female left with fert egg male can desert inc pipefish and seahorse
association with young eg if carried explains why live bearing and internal fert is common
what can dirve parental shift
mortality and egg maturation, ecology?
exmple of paternal care
bluegill sunfish (adjust on pat cert)
shore birds
what does common elder show
why adotion occur and problems may arise
gain experience at no fitness coat but may kick out offspring
example of parent-pffspring conflict
what do parasitoid wasp and hyena show
sibling conflict
wasp - more eggs = less food /wasp fight eat eachother
hyena - siblicide 25% of brood
what do sandpiper shrak show
intrauterine cannibalism largest embryo eats other
what is brice effect
spontaneous abortion eg rodent and babboon
when new male take over
what do wattled jacana show
independent of sex
male care, female defend territories polyandrous
when remove female new female evicts/kills 3 of 4 exiting broods sexually solicits 4 of 5 usurped male
what is learnign
change in behaviour following experience
what is habituation
diminishing or innate response following frequent repeated stimulus
example of habituation
aplysia gill withdrawl reflex stimulus to siphon or mantle decrease respoinse synapse strucutre change less Ca
what is adaptation
filter out unimportant stimuli
what is sensitisation
non associative learning processor where repeated administrations of a stimulus result in progressively increased response
example of sensitisation
rats and pup
change in latency to pick up pups after birth
as sensitisation to pup odour
what is associative learning
learning an assocation between a behaviour and a stimulus
exampe of associative learning
horrdige preparation
2 legs from boddy, pin to wood
1st both recieve shocks if one A lowers leg beyond point
next test alternate who get shock if either put leg beyond point.
a get shock less as associative learning knows if put in saline that what gives shock
what is dunce mutation
no short term memory
what is rutabage
no short term memory
what is amnesiac
no short - mid tem memory
what is creb mutant
no long lasting long term memory
radish mut
no anasthesia resistant memory
what is classical conditioning
a learnign process wen two stimuli repeatedly paried
eg pavalovv dog bell saliva dinner
what is blue gourami experiment an example of and descirbe
classical conditioning
male defend territories
condition males y announcign arrival of female, results in them attckacking female less
show fitness advantage to learnign as allow quicler repr
what is operant conditioning
strength of behaviour is modified by its consequences such as reward/puniahment
the behav is controlled by antecedents called discriminative stimuli which come to signal consequences
eg of operant conditioning
wash sweet potatoes which had been left by scientists on beach
get sand off
now wash all food
social behav spread rapidly through young
example of insight learning
chimp boxes to get bananas
problem with insight learning
clever hans
pigeon can show behaviour but been taught
Jay species learning
nutcracker hide food - good at remembering
but isnt good at non spatial task of where kept food = context specific learning ability
feature of play
not fully functional
repeated at certain dev phase
cost of play
fur seal 84% of 26 pup due to pllay
cheetah mothers kill
benefit play
enhanced motor physiological dev integrate sensory systems experience adult like role dominance status communication skill learn about conspecific/object beural dev
what is welfare
animal subjective emotional experience
physical health biological functioning
extent animal able to live as natural species would
why might play be important in welfare
contagious play
need further ev of pleasure from play
what animals show mirror recognition
1 asian elephant
which animals do not show mirror recognition
manta ray
what scrubjay/chimp/crow all show
tool use
what is a theory of mind
assuming individuals have emotioins and knwo everything we know
what animals do / do not show theory of mind
do -chimp rhesus monley
do not tamarin
what ecology od dominance hierarchy
resource holding potential
what ecology of contest competition
resource scarce eg baboon macaque
what ecology of scramble competition
salad bowl eg howler monkey
what do baboons show about dominance and health
in dominant stress low and submissive stress high
what do macaque show about dominance and stress
lowest and highest no stress
middle lot of stress
what are mating systems
the way that animals populations are structured in relation to reproductive /sexual behaviour
factors shape mating system
differential investment between sexes - sex invest more limiting resource
dependence of young and impact of care -degree p care help shows whether better to have one or multiple mates
certainty of paternity - male more certain more p care
ecological - resource/number of mates
monogamy hypothesis
mate guarding -
mate assistance
female enforced - eg burying beetle
comment on social vs sexual
polygyny hypothesis
female defense eg elephant seal, zebra
resource defense - cichlid shells beetle dung for egg lay
scramble competition - when femlae and reosurce not defendable eg lined ground squirrel move a lot to find female
what are leks
aggregation of male perform to female
eg of lek species
sage grouse
prairie chicken
hypothesis for elk
hotspot - place where female go
hotshot - eg europeansandpiper remove dom male all disperse
female preference hypothesis
what sort of conditions in c. capitata lek
only males with sufficient nutritional resources
what is problem with cooperation
n sel favours genes that increase individual fitness how does cooperation?
what can the benefits fromm cooperation be
direct - increase success of cooperator
indirect - increase fitness of individual sharing the cooperators genes
what us direct reciprocity
increase tje fitness of the cooperating individual and the recipient of the behaviour but requires repeated interactions
what are altruisitc behaviours
benefit only recipient
explain altruistic behaviour
repeated interaction
what do vampire bat show
regurgitate blood to ind who didnt get any
norm between buddy pairs = repeated interactions but dispute on direct evidence of this
what is indirect reciprocity
apparant altruistic behaviour but reward later
kin selection
traits favoured because of their beneficial effects on fitness of relatives
what do tiger salamander show
hamilton rule - cannibalism occured later in kin
what do shoaling guppies show
full sibling spend more time shaling and swarn closer together than half siblings
example of kin recognition
eg long tailed tits - song learnt in resting period not is but who should be
phenotype/self referent matching eg golden hamsters investigate non kin sooner = self referent mech even though never seen kin before
what is cooperative breeding
a social system where individuals provide care for offspring that are not their own
eg of cooperative breeeding
meerkat no of helpers correlate with no of litter/ year naked mole rat - sterile workers dwarf mongoose long tailed tit african bee eater
how does cooperative breeding evolve
kin selection life history constraints (sexually mature at late age ) ecological constraints (eg African bee eater, superb fairy wren young disply dispersal if limited no of mates, seychelles warbler cooperative breeding when all territories taken)
why helpers do it
indirect benefit - help relatives eg bell mminers adjust amount of helping dependent on relatedness eg long tailed tit 94% of failed breeders choose kin nest
direct - practice(seychelle warbler helper goes onto have better breeding succes)/group membership (when remove work hard to let back in = pay to stay)./ territory inheritance(clownfish example ) /participation in repr
what do acorn woodpecker show
reproductive concession breeder allow repr to get helper to stay