Bladder Function and Micturition (B2: W5) Flashcards
What is the function of the renal pelvis?
Renal pelvis is like a funnel that collects urine from the kidney and sends it to the ureter

The renal pelvis is the location of several kinds of kidney cancer
How is urine moved into and along the ureter?
Pyeloureteric peristalsis moves urine into the ureter
- Initiated by pacemaker cells that drive rhythmic electrical and mechanical events from the renal pelvis to the ureter
- Dominant pacemaker is at the pelvi-calyceal border
- Force of contractions is influenced by the rate of urine flow

What is a kidney stone?
- Like a small rock that forms in the kidney
- Forms when certain chemicals precipiate
- Can remain in kidney or travel through urinary tract

What are the main sites where kidney stones get stuck?
- At the ureteric junction of renal pelvis
- As the ureter passes over the iliac vessels
- At the junction of the ureter and the bladder - vesicoureteric junction

What is hydronephrosis and what are the negative effects?
Distension and dilation of the renal pelvis and calyces
- Blocking urine flow increases pressure in the kidney, and can lead to hydronephrosis
- Causes progressive atrophy of the kidney if left untreated
What are the 4 main types of kidney stones?
Calcium-oxalate: eating too much Ca or vitamin D, some medications, genetics, other kidney problems
- Most common
Struvite: having kidny infections
- Women more than men
- More harmful to kidneys
- Uric acid: eating too much animal protein, genetics
Cystine: Cystinuria - a genetic kidney disease
- Very rare

Describe the excitation-contraction coupling of cells in the ureter that cause peristalsis
Pacemaker cells in the most proximal part of the renal pelvis:
- Produce an electrical event - like a depolarization
- Causes activation of calcium channels
- Each event is coupled to a contractile event

What is special about the bladder in regards to filling?
- If you put a quart of water into the bladder, it expands to receive the volume
- The c_ompliance increases_ as it fills with fluid
- Through most of the filling of the bladder, there is no increase in pressure
- When pressure does go up, signal to brain tells you to void
What is released by the urothelium in response to bladder filling?
- ATP finds receptors on sensory neurons within suburothelial tissue
- ATP opens ion channels in these neurons
- Action potentials in central neurons
- Develops a signal that comes from efferent neurons and into the target organ
- Release ACh and ATP to produce contraction and micturition

Describe the neural process involved in the filling phase
- Urine comes into bladder from ureter
- Slight increase in pressure - relaxation caused by hypogastric nerve
- Release NE in the sphincter causing it to contract
- Pudendal nerve innervates skeletal mucle of external sphincter and keeps it contracted
- Sensory neurons through pelvic nerve go to spinal cord gaglia and bring information about the state of things in the bladder
- Send info to sympathetic side to cause relaxation
- Send info to CNS

Which nerve causes relaxation in the bladder in repsonse to an increase in pressure?
Hypogastric nerve
- Inhibits detrusor

Which nerve is responsible for skeletal muscle of external uretheral sphincter?
Pudendal nerve
- Conscious control from CNS helps keep sphincter closed

What causes contraction of the internal urethral sphincter, which is involuntary?
Describe the neural process involved in micturition
- Pelvic nerve senses that bladder is full
- At some point, pressure beings to rise
- Pelvic nerve goes to higher centers and initiates a signal down the spinal cord to the pudendal nerve to turn off
- Excitatory signal through pelvic nerve causes contraction of the detrusor
- NO increases and causes internal sphincter to relax

What causes relaxation of the internal uretheral sphincter?
Nitric Oxide