Black Majority - Peter Wood Flashcards
Takes Place
Southern Colony in South Carolina
What type of Colony?
Proprietary Colony which means that the king of England decided to grant a track of land to 8 men who were all planters and politicians that had supported the king or people he owed monetary/debts to
Connection between South Carolina and Barbados
a lot of people were fleeing from Barbados because of unrest, droughts, hurricanes, and the economy and going to South Carolina/ Barbados was a sugar colony
Who made the decision to import slaves into SC?
Proprietors, bc they are the leaders of the colony, they are trying to bring the most heads into SC and replicate a plantation economy and economic success in Barbados
What other kind of labor was used in the beginning?
other Europeans(lazy, indentured servants weren’t permanent), and Indians (disease and could kill you)
Slavery was a choice
conscious choice that people make to have or not have slavery anymore, want to use slave labor bc other sources are unreliable
When do blacks become a majority?
By the second generation blacks are…
a majority and continue to be the majority and reaches its peak at 60%; also in the second generation SC chooses African Labor as a main source of labor for staple crops economy, with rice at the center
Had SC not become a staple crop economy…
they would have become a cattle, and logging, fur, indigo colony
Before rice becomes a staple crop…
slaves are tending to caring for the cattle and logging etc. The slaves came with these skills prior to coming
Fishing industry
doesn’t take long for Africans to become masters of waterways, pilot ships, and displace Indians as the main fishermen; ex: could apply background with crocodiles, were drugging water to put fish in a daze and scooping
Africans do better than whites when put in the field because
they were already exposed to malaria and yellow fever so they had some immunity, sickle cell trait responsible for that
Africans also did sanitation jobs like
cleaning streets and waste jobs, some were working in the house as cooks, maids, etc. and manual labor,
slaves worked in skilled trades like
barrel makers, carpenters, skills they picked up or their masters taught them
slaves being used to protect the colony
against indians and fear of spanish, used in every skirmish not officially members of militia but fight with masters and other white
tensions that slaves bring to the colony/forms of resistance
arson bc it was hard to prove who did it, punishment was getting burned alive, poisoning was also hard to prove, conspiracy (disrespect), running away (most troublesome)
Running away
problem on every single plantation: “stole themselves”; very difficult to escape, indians could either kill the slave or capture them, going south to the Spanish in St. Augustine where they would help them and issed an edict that if they reached there they would be free
white anxieties
large number of Africans caused nervousness; passed laws to take away freedoms, in the early times they were pioneers doing what they wanted there werent enough white to patrol, inter relations, after rice planters are only focused on making the most money, and bring in as many slaves as possible, lots coming from Angola, scares whites
Tighten slave laws
even tried to restrict leisure time and ways blacks could make money