BL Lesson 2.4 Flashcards
Kur yrà paštas?
Where is the post office?
Kur yrà telefònas?
Where is the telephone?
Kur yrà stotìs?
Where is the station?
Stotìs yrà miesto centrè.
The station is in the center of the town.
Į dešinę.
To the right.
Į kairę.
To the left.
Antramè aukštè.
On the second floor.
Ar čià gyvena ponas Valys?
Does Mr. Valys live here?
Kaip man nuvažiúoti į stotį?
How do I get to the station?
Ar jus manè suprantate?
Do you understand me?
Prašau kalbėti pamažu.
Please speak slowly.
Where is the post office?
Kur yrà paštas?
Where is the telephone?
Kur yrà telefònas?
Where is the station?
Kur yrà stotìs?
The station is in the center of the town.
Stotìs yrà miesto centrè.
To the right.
Į dešinę.
To the left.
Į kairę.
On the second floor.
Antramè aukštè.
Does Mr. Valys live here?
Ar čià gyvena ponas Valys?
How do I get to the station?
Kaip man nuvažiúoti į stotį?
Do you understand me?
Ar jus manè suprantate?
Please speak slowly.
Prašau kalbėti pamažu.