BL horse Flashcards
BL points for horse
1,2, 10-28, 35-40, 53,54, 60, 62, 67
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL1 horse
Indentation at the medial canthus of the eye.
Eye problems, conjunctivitis, uveitis
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 2 horse
1 cun dorsal to BL-2, at the level of the hair whorl on the up- per eyelid
Eye problems, conjunctivitis, uveitis
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 10 horse
In a depression just caudal to the wings of the atlas, 2 cun from the dorsal midline
Wind-cold, nasal congestion and discharge, cervical stiffnes
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 11 horse
Cranial to the withers (at the 2nd thoracic vertebral space), 1.5 cun lateral to the dorsal midline
withers at T3,4,5
BL 11- T2
12- T4(withers T3,T4,T5)
13- 8th intercostal
14: 9th intercostal
15- 10th intercostal
16- 11th intercostal
17- 12th intercostal
18- 13th and 14th intercostal
19- 15th intercostal
20- 17th intercostal
21- curve of last rib
22- L1
23- straight up last rib (L2)
24- L4
25- L5
26- L6 ( lateral to bai-hui)
Influential point for bone (arthritis/IVDD); cough, heaves, fever, cervical stiffness, forelimb lameness
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 11- T2
12- T4 (withers T3,T4,T5) 1 cun
13- 8th intercostal- 3 cun
14: 9th intercostal
15- 10th intercostal
16- 11th intercostal
17- 12th intercostal
18- 13th and 14th intercostal
19- 15th intercostal
20- 17th intercostal
21- curve of last rib
22- L1-L2
23- straight up last rib (L2-L3)
24- L4-L5
25- L5-L6
26- L6-SI ( lateral to bai-hui)
27: S1-S2
28: S2-S3
Ventral to the highest point of the withers (fourth thoracic vertebral space), 1 cun lateral to the dorsal midline (BL-41 is 5 cun lateral to BL-12)
Influential point for wind and trachea; Wind-Cold, Wind- Heat, skin itching, cervical stiffness, cough
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 13 horse
BL 11- T2
12- T4** (withers T3,T4,T5)**
13- 8th intercostal
14: 9th intercostal
15- 10th intercostal
16- 11th intercostal
17- 12th intercostal
18- 13th and 14th intercostal
19- 15th intercostal
20- 17th intercostal
21- curve of last rib
22- L1
23- straight up last rib (L2)
24- L4
25- L5
26- L6 ( lateral to bai-hui)
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 14
BL 11- T2
12- T4** (withers T3,T4,T5)**
13- 8th intercostal
14: 9th intercostal
15- 10th intercostal
16- 11th intercostal
17- 12th intercostal
18- 13th and 14th intercostal
19- 15th intercostal
20- 17th intercostal
21- curve of last rib
22- L1
23- straight up last rib (L2)
24- L4
25- L5
26- L6 ( lateral to bai-hui)
Back-shu association point for PC (traditional association point for LU); cough, chest pain, shen disturbance
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL15 horse
BL 11- T2
12- T4** (withers T3,T4,T5)**
13- 8th intercostal
14: 9th intercostal
15- 10th intercostal
16- 11th intercostal
17- 12th intercostal
18- 13th and 14th intercostal
19- 15th intercostal
20- 17th intercostal
21- curve of last rib
22- L1
23- straight up last rib (L2)
24- L4
25- L5
26- L6 ( lateral to bai-hui)
Back-shu association point for HT; chest pain, palpitation, insomnia, heart failure, sweating, seizure
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
Bl16 horse
BL 11- T2
12- T4** (withers T3,T4,T5)**
13- 8th intercostal
14: 9th intercostal
15- 10th intercostal
16- 11th intercostal
17- 12th intercostal
18- 13th and 14th intercostal
19- 15th intercostal
20- 17th intercostal
21- curve of last rib
22- L1
23- straight up last rib (L2)
24- L4
25- L5
26- L6 ( lateral to bai-hui)
Back-shu association point for GV (traditional association point for GB); chest pain, colic, fever, Shao-yang pattern, heaves
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 17 horse
BL 11- T2
12- T4** (withers T3,T4,T5)**
13- 8th intercostal
14: 9th intercostal
15- 10th intercostal
16- 11th intercostal
17- 12th intercostal
18- 13th and 14th intercostal
19- 15th intercostal
20- 17th intercostal
21- curve of last rib
22- L1
23- straight up last rib (L2)
24- L4
25- L5
26- L6 ( lateral to bai-hui)
Influential point for blood, back-shu association point for the diaphragm (traditional association point for ST); vomiting, nausea, heaves, cough, tidal fever, sweating
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 18 horse
BL 11- T2
12- T4** (withers T3,T4,T5)**
13- 8th intercostal
14: 9th intercostal
15- 10th intercostal
16- 11th intercostal
17- 12th intercostal
18- 13th and 14th intercostal
19- 15th intercostal
20- 17th intercostal
21- curve of last rib
22- L1
23- straight up last rib (L2)
24- L4
25- L5
26- L6 ( lateral to bai-hui)
Back-shu association point for LIV (traditional association point for LIV-13th intercostal space; traditional association point for TH-14th intercostal space); jaundice, eye problems, seizures, back pain
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 19 horse
BL 11- T2
12- T4** (withers T3,T4,T5)**
13- 8th intercostal
14: 9th intercostal
15- 10th intercostal
16- 11th intercostal
17- 12th intercostal
18- 13th and 14th intercostal
19- 15th intercostal
20- 17th intercostal
21- curve of last rib
22- L1
23- straight up last rib (L2)
24- L4
25- L5
26- L6 ( lateral to bai-hui)
Back-shu association point for GB (traditional association point for SP); jaundice, liver Yang rising, tidal fever
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 20 horse
BL 11- T2
12- T4** (withers T3,T4,T5)**
13- 8th intercostal
14: 9th intercostal
15- 10th intercostal
16- 11th intercostal
17- 12th intercostal
18- 13th and 14th intercostal
19- 15th intercostal
20- 17th intercostal
21- curve of last rib
22- L1
23- straight up last rib (L2)
24- L4
25- L5
26- L6 ( lateral to bai-hui)
Back-shu association point for SP (traditional association point for LI); vomiting, diarrhea, edema, back pain, jaundice, abdominal fullness
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 21 horse
BL 11- T2
12- T4** (withers T3,T4,T5)**
13- 8th intercostal
14: 9th intercostal
15- 10th intercostal
16- 11th intercostal
17- 12th intercostal
18- 13th and 14th intercostal
19- 15th intercostal
20- 17th intercostal
21- curve of last rib
22- L1
23- straight up last rib (L2)
24- L4
25- L5
26- L6 ( lateral to bai-hui)
Back-shu association point for ST, promote GI motility, re- lieve colic pain; diarrhea, colic, constipation, vomiting
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 22 horse
BL 11- T2
12- T4** (withers T3,T4,T5)**
13- 8th intercostal
14: 9th intercostal
15- 10th intercostal
16- 11th intercostal
17- 12th intercostal
18- 13th and 14th intercostal
19- 15th intercostal
20- 17th intercostal
21- curve of last rib
22- L1
23- straight up last rib (L2)
24- L4
25- L5
26- L6 ( lateral to bai-hui)
Back-shu association point for TH (traditional association point for SI); vomiting, diarrhea, edema, back pain, abdomi- nal pain
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 23 horse
BL 11- T2
12- T4** (withers T3,T4,T5)**
13- 8th intercostal
14: 9th intercostal
15- 10th intercostal
16- 11th intercostal
17- 12th intercostal
18- 13th and 14th intercostal
19- 15th intercostal
20- 17th intercostal
21- curve of last rib
22- L1
23- straight up last rib (L2)
24- L4
25- L5
26- L6 ( lateral to bai-hui)
Back-shu association point for KI (traditional association point for BL); urinary incontinence, impotence, edema, ear problems, back pain
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
how to find bladder 13-23
BL 11- T2
12- T4** (withers T3,T4,T5)**
13- 8th intercostal
14: 9th intercostal
15- 10th intercostal
16- 11th intercostal
17- 12th intercostal
18- 13th and 14th intercostal
19- 15th intercostal
20- 17th intercostal
21- curve of last rib
22- L1
23- straight up last rib (L2)
24- L4
25- L5
26- L6 ( lateral to bai-hui)
BL 24 horse
can’t palpate go backwards from BL25(up from tuber coxae)
Fourth lumbar intervertebral space (L4-L5), 3 cun from the midline
Sea of Qi; back pain, abdominal fullness, perianal problems
BL 11- T2
12- T4** (withers T3,T4,T5)**
13- 8th intercostal
14: 9th intercostal
15- 10th intercostal
16- 11th intercostal
17- 12th intercostal
18- 13th and 14th intercostal
19- 15th intercostal
20- 17th intercostal
21- curve of last rib
22- L1
23- straight up last rib (L2)
24- L4
25- L5
26- L6 ( lateral to bai-hui)
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 25 horse
BL 11- T2
12- T4** (withers T3,T4,T5)**
13- 8th intercostal
14: 9th intercostal
15- 10th intercostal
16- 11th intercostal
17- 12th intercostal
18- 13th and 14th intercostal
19- 15th intercostal
20- 17th intercostal
21- curve of last rib
22- L1
23- straight up last rib (L2)
24- L4
25- L5
26- L6 ( lateral to bai-hui)
Back-shu association point for LI; diarrhea, constipation, back pain, abdominal pain
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 26 horse
Lumbosacral space (L6-S1), 3 cun lateral to the dorsal midline (Bai hui)
BL 11- T2
12- T4** (withers T3,T4,T5)**
13- 8th intercostal
14: 9th intercostal
15- 10th intercostal
16- 11th intercostal
17- 12th intercostal
18- 13th and 14th intercostal
19- 15th intercostal
20- 17th intercostal
21- curve of last rib
22- L1
23- straight up last rib (L2)
24- L4
25- L5
26- L6 ( lateral to bai-hui)
Gates of Yuan-source Qi; impotence, urinary incontinence, diarrhea, abdominal pain
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 27 horse
First sacral intervertebral space (S1-S2), 3 cun lateral to the dorsal midline
Back-shu association point for SI; colic, diarrhea, urinary in- continence, hematuria, back pain
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 28
Second sacral intervertebral space (S2-S3), 3 cun lateral to the dorsal midline
estimate space can not feel
Back-shu association point for BL; stranguria or inconti- nence, diarrhea, constipation, back pain
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 35 horse
In the muscle groove between the biceps femoris and semi- tendinosis mm, at its most proximal extent (2 cun craniolat- eral to the root of the tail)
Diagnostic point for the hock. Diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, pe- rianal problems
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 36 horse
In the groove between the biceps femoris and the semitendi- nosis mm, at the level of the center of anus
Lumbosacral pain, perianal problems
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL37 horse
In groove between the biceps femoris and the semitendinosis mm, at the level of the tuber ischii
Lameness associated with the hip, stifle, and hock; muscular atrophy; pelvic limb paralysis
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 38 horse
In the muscular groove between the biceps femoris and semi- tendinosis mm, 2.33 cun distal to BL-37
Lameness associated with the hip, stifle, and hock; muscular atrophy; pelvic limb paralysis
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 39 horse
At the ventral extent of the groove between the biceps femoris and the semitendinosis mm, at the level of the stifle
Lower He-sea point for TH meridian; diagnostic point for the hock; edema, dysuria, hock pain
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 40 horse
Midpoint of the transverse crease of the popliteal fossa
Master point for caudal back and hips, He-sea point (earth); dysuria, urinary incontinence, hip and back pain
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 53 horse
In the depression 2 cun caudal to the tuber coxae
inch worm from tuber coxae toward butt (1 hand 53, 2 hand 54)
INDICATION Hip performance diagnostic and treatment point
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 54 horse
inch worm from tuber coxae toward butt (1 hand 53, 2 hand 54)
Midway on a line connecting Bai-hui (the dorsal midline at the lumbosacral space) and the greater trochanter of the femur
Hip pain and arthritis, hind limb lameness, muscle atrophy, bladder disorders, immune-mediated disorders
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 60 horse
Between the lateral malleolus of the tibia and the calcaneal tuber (opposite KID-3)
Jing-river (Fire) “Aspirin point”; headache, cervical stiffness, epistaxis, seizure, promotion of parturition
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 62 horse
In a depression distal to the lateral malleolus (opposite to KID-6)
in the divet
Confluent point with Yang-qiao extraordinary channel; ataxia, EPM, Wobbler syndrome, insomnia
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL
BL 67 horse
Caudolateral aspect of hind hoof, proximal to coronary band
Jing-well point (metal), mother point; nasal congestion and discharge, epistaxis, eye problems, headache, promotion of parturition, laminitis
BL 1-67: middle canthus eye up over ear down back to butt, jump back to back to butt down back of HL to pinky of HL