Bismarck Flashcards
What were Bismarck’s 4 aims?
Unified Germany, Prussian dominance, limit Catholic powers, establish a dominant position in Europe
Why did Bismarck work with the NL?
They supported constitutional change for democracy and feared Catholic influence
What happened to Bismarck’s influence in the Reichstag after the split of the NL?
Became politically isolated, influence in Reichstag was weakened
What was the Kulturkampf?
Series of anti-Catholic legislation
Why did the Kulturkampf begin?
The Vatican refused to withdraw its support for the Centre Party
What were the May Laws?
Established state control over the Catholic Church, education and the appointment of priests
What were the Breadbasket laws?
Withdrew financial support from priests who didn’t public ally declare support for the German state
What was the result of try Breadbasket Laws?
1800 priests exiled/jailed, 1.6million Reichsmarks worth of Church property seized
Was the Kulturkampf successful?
Strengthened Catholic support for the Centre Party, became the largest party in the Reichstag in 1874
Why did the Kulturkampf end?
Bismarck found it no longer politically helpful, royal family and conservatives opposed it, the new Pope in Rome was more willing to compromise with Germany, realised he needed the support of Centre Party to pass tariff reforms
What was the Syllabus of Errors 1864?
Denounced liberalism and secularism
What was the Declaration of Papal Infallibility 1870
Pope had authority over the Government
What was Appeal to Nationalism?
Attempt to create a Reichsdeutsch
What happened in the Appeal to Nationalism?
Education taught in German, taught nationalism as a subject, taught that 1871 was the fulfilment of a historical destiny, taught obedience to the Kaiser, regular street processions
Positive effects of Nationalism
Threat of Reichsfeinde used to generate patriotism and national support, ethnic minorities interpreted into german society, conscription