Rizal was born on?
June 19, 1861
Rizal was born in?
Calamba, Laguna, Philippines
Rizal births took place on?
Wednesday Night (just before the full moon)
Who is Rizal’s Mother?
Teodora Alonso Realonda
Rizal’s birth was difficult because of
Rizal’s Big Head
His Mother made a vow to take Rizal on a ____________________ as a gesture of thanks for their survival
Pilgrimage to the Virgin of Antipolo
Rizal was baptized on
June 22, 1861
He was baptized by?
Fr. Rufino Collantes (Batangueno Parish Priest)
Who was his Ninong who was also their close family friend?
Fr. Pedro Casanas
Rizal was name Jose in honor of ___________
St. Joseph
During the baptism, Father Collantes, impressed by the baby’s large
head, remarked:
“Take good care of this child, for someday he willbecome a great man.
Rizal’s Father
Rizal’s Father was born in and on?
-Born in: Bian, Laguna
-Born on: May 11, 1818
Rizal’s father died on?
January 05, 1898 on Manila at the age of 80
years old
Characteristics of Francisco Mercado Rizal?
-A man of few words,
-hardy -
-independent - minded man
-strong physique and spirit
Francisco Mercado Rizal Field of Study
Latin and Philosophy at the College of
San Jose in Manila
Short life story of Francisco
During his early manhood, Francisco
moved to Calamba after his parents death and becamea live-in farmer of the Dominican-owned hacienda.
Rizal called his father, “________________” on his student memoir
Model of Fathers
Rizal’s mother was born in and on?
-Born in: Manila
-Born on: November 08, 1826
Rizal’s mother died on?
August 16, 1911 on Manila at the age of 85
Rizal’s mother studied at?
College of Santa Rosa
Teodora Alonso Realonda qualities
-Refined in Culture,
-Literary Talent,
-Business Ability,
-the Fortitude of Spartan Women
Short Life story of Teodora
During her last days, the Philippine government offered her a life pension which she courteously rejected saying that her family was not one that eagerly needs money and suggested that if the government holds
extra funds they should use it to reduce the taxes of the people.
Rizal remarked to her mother lovingly using the words,
“My mother is a woman of more than ordinary culture; She knows literature and speaks Spanish better than I. She corrected my
poems and gave me good advice when I was studying rhetoric. She is a mathematician and has read my books.
The Rizal Family bore _________ children
11 (2 boys, 9 girls)
Eldest of the Rizal children, nicknamed “Neneng”
SATURNINA (1850-1913)
Saturnina is married to?
Manuel T. Hidalgo of Tanawan, Batangas
What are the names of Rizal’s siblings (in order)
- Saturnina
- Paciano
- Narcisa
- Olympia
- Lucia
- Maria
- Jose
- Concepcion
- Josefa
- Trinidad
- Soledad