Birth Defects Flashcards
Child with low set ears, micrognathia, wide set eyes, flattened nasal bridge, oliguria
Potter’s sequence, malfunctioning kidney causing oligohydramnios
Downs syndrome screening
Incr Inhibin A
Incr BhCG
Decr AFP
Edwards syndrome
PRINCE Prominent forehead Rocker bottom feet Intellectual disability Non disjunction Clenched fists Ears low
Patau Syndrome
5 Ps: Palate/ cleft lip HoloProsencephaly Polydactily PKD!! Coloboma
DiGeorge Syndrome
CATCH - 22
Conotruncal abnormalities (truncus arteriosus #1, interrupted aortic arch, TOF)
Abnormal facies
Thymic aplasia/ hypoplasia
Craniofacial abnormalities (cleft lip etc)
Hypocalcemia/ hypoparathyroidism
DiGeorge syndrome suspected, next step?
Echocardiography, serum calcium levels (esp tremulous infant)
Thymic aplasia= fungal/ virus infections recurrent
Low t cells in blood.
Turner’s Syndrome cardiac defects + urinary
Coarctation of aorta
BICUSPID aortic valve
Horseshoe kidney
*think wide spaced nipples- aorta is WIDEST vessel of heart