*Birth Anomalies Flashcards
Types of congenital abnormalities
Chromosomal abnormalities
Mitochondrial DNA disorders
Single gene defect
Teratogenic causes
Multifactorial causes
Unknown causes
Examples of chromosomal abnormalities
- Achondroplasia - Dwarfism
- Trismony 21 - Down Syndrom
- Trisomy 18 - Edward’s Syndrome
- Trisomy 13 - Patau Syndrome
- Turner Syndrome (XO)
Example of teratogenic anomalies
Fetal alcohol syndrome - mental and physical defects (e.g. IUGR, microcephaly - small head), flat facies, close-set eyes, epichanthal folds, small upturned nose, thin upper lip, low set ears, learning difficulties
Postnatally: acute withdrawal symptoms and approrpiate supportive therapies (NAS scoring and GDLs), support and counselling for parents, collaboration with social services
Teratogenic causes
Any agent that raises the incidence of congenital abnormality
Preparations with large doses of Vit A
Drugs e.g. heroin, alcohol, nicotine
Environmental factors e.g. radiation, chemicals like pesticides
Infective agains e.g. rubella, cytomegalovirus
Maternal disease e.g. diabetes
When breaking the news to partents …
MW tell both parents sensitvely but honestly that there are concerns
Show them any obvious abnormality
Skin to skin
Paed review - MW to be present with parents
* MW can then clarigy or repeat any points not fully understood
* Follow up consult with Paed should be offered as and when parents desire
Counselling and commuication skills