Birth Flashcards
Describe the first 1st stage of labor
Onset of regular uterine contractions to full effacement and dilatation of cervic
Describe Latent phase of 1st stage of labor
Starts w/ beginning of regular contractions(mild). Women is talkative, excitement is high. Mild contraction may be mild and lasts 30sec w/ a frequency of 10 to 30min and progress to 30-40sec every 5-7min.
Describe the Active phase of 1st stage of labor
Anxiety tends to increase as contraction/pain tensify. Cervix dilates from 4cm to 7cm. Fetal descent is progressive. Cervical dilation averages 1.2cm/hr in nulliparas and 1.5cm/hr in multiparas.
Describe Transition phase of 1st stage of labor
Contraction of a frequency of about every 1.5 to 2 mins; duration of 60-90 sec; strongly intensify. Hyperventilation, increased irritability, frustration, bloody show, shaking/cramps in legs, sensitivity to touch, n/v, increase rectal pressure/ urge to bear down, and requests for medication
When does the Second stage of labor begin and end?
Begins with complete cervical dilation and ends with birth of the baby
Describe the Latent/passive phase of 2nd stage of labor
Iniatially experience urge to push. Passive fetal decent occurs d/t uterine contractions
What are some Nursing interventions for latent phase of stage 2
Assessing the effectiveness of pushing efforts, provide encouragement, obtain adequate pushing effort, asses fetal response to pushing, continue fetal assessment measures
Describe the Active pushing phase of second stage of labor
Occurs once the urge to push has been established and women begins to actively push with her contractions
Nursing intervention of active pushing stage
Assess position, ability to push, FHR how their partner is doing.
When is the 3rd stage of labor?
Placental delivery, Bp, pulse, and respirations every 5 min. Palpate uterine contractions intermittently to assess signs of placenta separation
When is the 4th stage of labor and what should the nurse do during this stage ?
Time, 1-4hrs after birth, which readjustment of mothers body begins. Asses vital signs: BP, temp, pulse and respirations every 5-15mins for 1st hour. Assess fundus, lochia, perineum, laceration/episiotomy site, bladder distention, and rectum every 15min.
Nursing care during 1st stage of labor
Emotional support, comfort measures, info and advice, advocacy, support of the partner
Nursing care during latent phase of 1st stage of labor
Monitor maternal temp every 4hrs unless temp is over 99.6 (every hr). Monitor Bp, pulse & respirations every hr. If BP is over 120/80 and pulse more than 100 notify physician and check frequently
Nursing care during active phase of 1st stage of labor
Palpate contractions every 15-30min. As contractions intensify, vaginal exams are done only when needed to asses cervical dilation, effacement, & fetal station/position.
Nursing care during transition phase of 1st stage of labor
Encourage women to rest between contractions. If analgesics have been administered, quiet environment enhances quality of rest
Nursing care during 2nd stage of labor
When time to bear down and push, nurse should encourage women and help w/ positioning. Massage, cool clothes to face/forehead with help cool pt down
Pharamachological pain: EPIDURAL BLOCK
Where does the epidural act?
Eliminates pain from umbilicus to the thighs, relieving discomfort from contractions, fetal decent and stretching of perinuem.
What are nurse intervention for epidural block?
Assess for orthostatic hypotension, assess fhr continuously, assess bladder for distention, help position into sitting or side lying sims