Birds Flashcards
Link the temperature and metabolic rate of birds.
- Birds are endothermic and homeothermic so they generate heat to maintain a core body temperature within a narrow range.
- This is in the range of 39-42˚C and generally higher than in comparable mammals. So birds have a higher resting metabolic rate.
Describe the metabolic rates of flying birds.
Most birds that fly, especially small passerines/song birds carry a much smaller energy reserve in the form of adipose tissue than mammals do, because of the energetic costs of the extra weight for flying.
Describe the metabolic rates of waterfowl.
When flying through water rather than air, fat can be advantageous by increasing buoyancy, so many waterfowl and marine birds have greater amounts of fat, which also has important function of insulation in cold environment.
Describe the metabolic rates of bird chicks.
Bird chicks have a much higher growth rate than mammals, with 3-4 times the energy requirement. This has led to biparental care in many bird species to meet the high rate of food provision for their chicks.
What is the role of the feathers in thermoregulation?
Have feathers as an insulating layer to retain heat rather than fur so care must be taken during plucking for surgery to minimize feather loss and think about thermoregulatory requirements.
What is the role of shivering in thermoregulation?
Shivering, like mammals, is an important mechanism to generate heat. But birds do not possess brown adipose tissue for thermogenesis, but they do have a similar capability for non-shivering thermogenesis in their muscle tissue.
How does wind affect metabolic rates in birds?
The same basic principles of thermoregulation apply to birds and mammals, seeking shelter from the cold and especially the wind, which can cause rapid loss of heat by convection. Increasing the insulating layer of trapped air by raising the feathers and decreasing the surface area exposed to the environment by buddling together and for some birds hiding their head under their wing, as the bill a major site for heat loss.
What is the role of the tibiotarsal retes in temperature?
- So birds that live in cold environments such as penguins have a counter current heat exchange arrangement via the tibiotarsal retes that cools arterial blood supplying the lower leg and warming the returning venous blood.
- This establishes a gradient of decreasing temperature down the legs that reduces heat loss from the feet.
What is gular fluttering?
- Birds do not have sweat glands. They will lose some heat by insensible water loss via the skin but this is via thermal panting – known as gular fluttering, which is similar to the mechanism in reptiles and panting in dogs.
- They increase the frequency and decrease the tidal volume of ventilation by rapid movement of muscles in the throat.
- This moves air rapidly in and out of the upper airway, providing evaporative cooling at the expense of water loss.
Why is the avian respiratory system 10 times more efficient than the mammalian respiratory system?
- Air sacs act like bellows, pushing the large volume of air in a unidirectional flow across the lungs.
- As the air sacs are doing the contracting and expanding the lungs can be a fixed volume.
- Without the need for elastic and connective tissue, the diffusion barrier between the air and blood is extremely thin and the total surface area for gas exchange is far greater.
- The expansivity of the air sacs enables a much greater tidal volume in birds, which in turn means that they’ve got a lower respiratory frequency than an equivalent mammal.
Describe avian ventilation in the 2 functional groups of air sacs.
Cranial or anterior air sacs (including the clavicular and cranial thoracic air sacs) have partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide that are similar to those of the expired air.
Caudal or posterior air sacs, (including the abdominal and caudal thoracic) contain air that is more similar to the partial pressures found in inspired air.
The inspired air firstly flows into the caudal air sac, then across the gas exchange surface into the cranial air sacs before being expired.
Describe how a single bolus of air takes 2 complete cycles of inspiration and expiration to flow through the avian system.
- During the first cycle, the movement of the sternum down during inspiration increases the volume of the air sacs, and the air flows from the trachea into the caudal sacs, bypassing the cranial air sacs.
- On expiration, the decreased volume of the air sacs pushes the air from the caudal air sacs into the parabronchi of the lungs where gas exchange occurs.
- During the second cycle, inspiration increases the volume of the air, and the air is drawn from the parabronchi into the cranial air sacs.
- On expiration, this air is then forced out of the cranial air sacs in the expired air.
Is respiration unidirectional or bidirectional in birds?
So air is continually flowing into and out of the both caudal and cranial air sacs, but there is a unidirectional flow in the parabronchi of the lung during each respiratory cycle.
Describe counter current flow in the avian lung.
Air entering the parabronchus has a high PO2 and low PCO2.
- Along the parabronchus, oxygen diffuses into the air capillaries and then diffuse into the blood and CO2 will diffuse in the other direction, from the blood into the air capillaries and then into the parabronchial air.
- So by the time that the air leaves parabronchus it has a low PO2 and a high PCO2.
- Although the PO2 in the air leaving the parabronchus has a low PO2, there is still a small partial pressure gradient allowing the blood in the capillary at this end to still load up with a small amount of oxygen.
- The blood exchanging air capillaries further upstream in the parabronchus is able to load up with more and more oxygen, as the partial pressure increases.
- When the blood from all of these capillaries is mixed, as it leaves the lung, the pooled blood has a higher PO2 than the expired air.
What is the difference between the counter current flow in the fish and bird?
The pattern of blood supply, which split into capillaries that exchange gases with the air capillaries along the length of the parabronchus. The blood flow is effectively flowing across the direction of the airflow in the parabronchus at right angles. The blood from the different capillaries is then mixed together as it leaves the lungs.
How do birds control respiration without a diaphragm?
- Both inspiration and expiration are active processes with no elastic recoil, due to the high compliance of their sacs.
- Inspiration depends on the increase in thoracic volume as the sternum moves down and out.
How is ventilation rate controlled in birds?
Increased partial pressure of CO2 in the blood is the main driver to increase ventilation rate, via both central , hind brain chemoreceptor and peripheral carotid body chemoreceptors. The carotid body chemoreceptors also increase firing in response to low paO2 similar to mammals.
Where are the avian stretch receptors that are involved in control of ventilation?
As avian lungs do not change volume, there are no pulmonary stretch receptors. Instead, there are stretch receptors in the air sacs that help to control the switch from inspiration to expiration.
Describe the role of avian pulmonary stretch receptors.
- Not present in mammals.
- They are tonically active and inhibit the cardiorespiratory control centre in the brain.
- Activity of these is inhibited by increased PCO2 in the parabronchial air, disinhibiting the cardiorespiratory control centre to drive increased ventilation.
What urine does an avian kidney produce?
Avian kidney is able to produce hyperosmotic urine but is not able to produce as concentrated urine as mammals.
Describe the nephron types in the avian kidney.
- Mixture of reptilian type nephrons that lack a loop of Henle, with islands of mammalian type nephrons that have a loop of Henle forming medullary cones.
- The mammalian type nephrons are therefore able to generate high interstitial osmolarity locally in the islands of medullary tissue, enabling water reabsorption form the collecting ducts, as in mammals.
What do the avian collecting ducts have in place of mammalian ADH?
Posterior pituitary peptide hormone arginine vasotocin that causes vasoconstriction of the afferent renal arteriole. This decreases GFR by the reptilian type tubules but doesn’t affect the mammalian type tubules and so effectively increases the concentrating ability of the kidney.
What is the supply of the reptilian like nephrons?
Reptilian like nephrons are associated with the peritubular network that receives blood from the renal portal vein.
Describe the proportion of uric acid that is excreted and secreted in chickens.
Only about 10% of the nitrogenous waste of a chicken is excreted via ultrafiltration at the glomerulus. This means that 90% of the uric acid secretion is via secretion from the peritubular network of capillaries and the blood flow from the renal portal vein accounts for about 60% of the uric excreted by chickens.
How does gout arise in birds?
Reduction of overall GFR by arginine vasotocin can decrease water loss via the kidney without greatly affecting its ability to eliminate nitrogenous waste. But excreting nitrogenous waste as uric acid can lead to problems with crystals or uric acid causing gout.
Particularly common in budgies, parrots, cockatoos and other psittacines, especially if they are dehydrated, have too much protein the diet or kidney damage.
Why do birds need post renal modification?
- If birds and reptiles were to absorb too much water from the collecting ducts as that would lead to precipitate of the uric acid out of solution, potentially blocking the collecting ducts.
- So instead, reptiles and birds predominantly rely on post renal modification of the urine to conserve water and electrolytes.
Describe post renal modification.
- Without a urinary bladder, the urine passes form the ureter directly into the urodeum of the cloaca.
- Reverse peristalsis then transports urine into the colon, which is ideally adapted not only to reabsorb large quantities of water and sodium and potassium ions, but also to handle the solid uric acid that precipitates out.
- Experiments have exteriorised the ureters of chickens so that post renal modification cannot occur and without this mechanism the chickens drank and excreted 40% more water.
What is the purpose of salt glands?
Marin birds drink seawater and eat marine invertebrates that have a hypertonic iconic composition similar to that of seawater.
Able to secrete this salt load via a specialised salt gland found just above the orbit of the eye and that secretes a highly concentrated salt solution via the nasal cavity.
Describe how the salt gland achieves this function.
- Salt gland is normally inactive but is turned on by osmoreceptors detecting the higher osmolarity both centrally and peripherally via the vagus nerve.
- They have a similar secretory mechanism to a salivary gland on which parasympathetic secretomotor fibres stimulate both secretion and vasodilation of the blood supply to the gland.
What are the species differences in salt glands?
Not all birds have salt glands. They are absent or at least very small and non-functional in passerines. Therefore, they will not be able to handle as much salt in their diet, such as from bread. But Anseriformes, such as ducks and geese, do not possess salt glands and they will enlarge if fed on a slaty duet, so presumably are functional to some extent.
What is the difference between egg laying in wild birds and jungle fowl
Wild birds rarely ovulate and lay eggs in the absence of a mate. It is a waste of energy.
But 1000 years ago, the jungle fowl Gallus gallus was found to have the tendency to lay infertile eggs and was domesticated and bred for laying.
How does seasonal breeding affect birds?
The activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis activates gametogenesis, which leads to a 1500 times change in the size of the testicles of male starlings during the breeding season. Photoperiodism is not based on the melatonin signal from the pineal gland that is used in mammals.
Instead photoperiodism is mediated by a direct light sensitivity of deep photoreceptors in the thalamus and hypothalamus that switch on GnRH release.
How is avian spermatogenesis different to mammals?
- Testes are non-scrotal.
- Located in the coelom at normal body temperature, which is above 40˚C in birds.
- This temperature would cause spermatogenesis to cease in scrotal mammals.
- Not clear how bird spermatogenesis differs
- Possible that the testes could be held in skin folds closer to the surface or spermatogenesis may be more active during a night torpor if 1 occurs.
- Sperm matures by the initial stages of the epididymis and the transit time through the whole reproductive tract is much shorter and normally under 3 days.
- Little sperm storage but is in the deferent duct rather than the epididymis.
What is the consequence of males having no accessory sex glands?
- There is only a small volume of seminal plasma from the testis along with some lymph like fluid that make up typically as little as 0.5ml of semen.
- Coitus is brief and involves cloacal kissing.
- Male presses his cloacal opening against the vent of the female.
- Sperm is transferred directly to the female, with the aid of lymph-engorged ridges in cockerels that help to direct the sperm.
What is the species differences in avian phalluses?
- Around 3% of birds have a full intromittent organ.
- These include anseriforms such as ducks and geese and ratites, such as ostriches.
- But unlike the mammalian penis, erection does not rely on changes in blood flow to erectile tissue.
- Instead, it is more like the eversion of the hemipene in a reptile that depends engorgement with lymph to cause the hydrostatic pressure required. The speed at which this can occur is surprising.
Describe sperm storage in birds.
- Sperm storage occurs in modified glands that nourish the sperm, as indicated by the blue stained spermatozoa in the tissue sections.
- The main storage sites at the uterovaginal junctions can store sperm for months, so fertile eggs can still be laid up to 35 days after mating in fowl and as long as 70 days in turkeys.
- Sperm storage ducts in the distal infundibulum may control the release of the sperm to help prevent polyspermy.
Describe hierarchal follicles.
- Instead of being categorised into preantral and antral stages as in mammals, birds are pre-hierarchal follicles, which appear smaller and white with more protein than lipid content.
- These are then recruited to become hierarchal follicles that rapidly increase in size and appear yellow with a greater lipid than protein content.
- The big increase in follicle size of hierarchal follicles is due to accumulation of yolk lipoprotein.
How is yolk lipoprotein is produced?
- In the liver stimulated by the production of oestrogen and is then accumulated from the circulation by diffusion through the perivitelline membrane and accumulated in the perivitelline space around the oocyte.
- The function of the yolk lipoprotein is to provide the main energy source for the development of the embryo in the egg.
- Other constituents of the yolk include carotenoids as an antioxidant preservative and antibodies to combat infectious agents.
How do ovarian hormones develop the egg?
- Stimulated by FSH of granulosa cells.
- LH on theca cells is maintaining low levels of steroid hormone production with small amounts of both androgen production by theca interna and aromatisation to oestradiol by theca externa cells.
- Recruit a single follicle every day to the hierarchal follicle pool.
- This drives steroid synthesis in the granulosa cells that start producing increasing amounts of progesterone, some of which enters steroid synthesis pathway in theca cells enhancing their production of androgens and oestrogens.
How does the timescale hormonal changes during the ovulatory cycle looks different in mammals?
- There is no separation of the cycle into follicular and luteal phase.
- Instead, ovulation occurs roughly once a day.
- Ovulation is triggered by an LH surge, as it is in mammals, but it is the rise in plasma progesterone produced by the granulosa cells of the hierarchal follicles that feeds back positively on the hypothalamus to trigger the LH surge, which peaks 6 hours before ovulation.
- Although oestrogen is at lower levels than progesterone, it stimulates many important processes including oviduct secretions that are vital in egg formation, as well as calcium ion mobilisation and liver metabolism.
What do birds produce instead of oxytocin?
Bird pituitary does not produce any oxytocin, but a peptide hormone of similar structure called mesotocin. Despite similarity, the role of mesotocin is unclear.
Describe the action of vasotocin and mesotocin.
- Contractions of the uterus/shell gland during oviposition are stimulated by release of arginine vasotocin. This stimulated local production of prostaglandins form the shell gland.
- Arginine vasotocin production in turn is stimulated by prostaglandin F2-alpha.
- Mesotocin facilitates the action of arginine vasotocin on the uterus.
- Mesotocin may be involved in regulating the parental behaviours of broodiness during incubation and boding to chucks after hatching.
What happens upon failure of the egg being captured by the infundibulum?
Internal laying in which the oocyte and associated yolk are released into the coelom and will take about 3 days to be reabsorbed. If this process occurs repeatedly, the capability of the body to reabsorb the internally laid eggs can be overwhelmed and cause egg yolk peritonitis.
What happens at the infundibulum?
- Unlike in mammals, the infundibulum is the site of fertilisation.
- This happens within 15 minutes of ovulation, as other wise the layers of albumin in the infundibulum will prevent the sperm from reaching the egg.
- Some species have specialised sperm storage organs that provide a local source of sperm and may also control the number of sperm being released to prevent polyspermy.
What is the chalaze?
- The distal infundibulum secretes albumin protein and, as the egg is rotated during its passage through the oviduct this dense albumin is twisted for form the chalazae.
- The function of the chalazae is to support the yolk and the developing embryo in the centre of the egg where it is safer from the thermal changes, physical shock and bacterial invasion.
Describe the avian magnum.
- The egg spends about 3 hours in the magnum, during in which the majority of the albumin protein is added.
- Longest part of the oviduct, highly glandular and vascularised.
What are the functions of ovalbumin?
- High biological value, meaning that is contains all the essential amino acids and inorganic ions necessary for embryonic development.
- Important role as a microbial barrier against bacterial invasion of the yolk and developing embryo. Its microbial barrier function is aided by the presence of antibacterial proteins such as lysozyme, which are also secreted by the magnum.
Describe the structure of the avian isthmus.
- Region between the magnum ad uterus, although not present in all species.
- It is not as glandular as the magnum
What is the function of the avian isthmus?
The 2 shell membranes are secreted over a period of 1-2 hours in hens.
The shell membranes consist of fibrous proteins similar to collagen that play the vital roles of helping to restrict water loss form the egg and to provide another barrier against microbial invasion.
What is the shell gland?
Uterus. Spends longest time here, 18-26 hours here
Describe the structure of the shell gland.
- Has a well developed layer of longitudinal muscle that along with the secretory activity pf the oviduct is maintained by circulating oestrogen levels.
- Highly vascular, which allows for the high blood supply that is necessary for the delivery of the large amounts of water and calcium.
What is plumping that occurs in the shell gland?
- A large volume of water is delivered to hydrate the albumin.
- Results in albumin swelling to contain 90% water and 10% albumin.
- Main source of water for the developing embryo
- Provides physical protection by acting as a shock absorber
- Thermal buffering to help retain heat when the mother is not incubating the eggs
- Towards the end of plumping, shell formation occurs in which the calcified protein matrix crystalises around projections of the outer shell membrane.
What happens before oviposition?
A waxy cuticle is added in many species, which helps to further reduce water loss and provides an additional barrier to microbial infection.
What are the species differences in avian vaginas?
- In some species, the egg spends some additional time in the vagina for hardening begore laying and in some species, muscular contraction of the vagina long with the shell gland produce the characteristic egg-shaped shape.
- This shape is more exaggerated in species that nest in exposed sites, suggesting that the shape is important for ensuring the eggs do not roll too far from the sting site.
What is the time course of egg production in chickens?
- 30 minutes in the infundibulum.
- 3 hours for the albumin to be laid down in the magnum.
- 1.5 hours for the shell membrane to be laid down in the isthmus.
- 7 hours for egg plumping in the shell gland.
- 14 hours of calcification
Whole process of egg formation = 24-28 hours
Describe the series of egg production in chickens.
- First egg in early morning
- Variable lag15-75 minutes before next ovulation and 4-28 hours for passage through the reproductive tract.
- Continues until layering occurs in the early afternoon, which will be the last egg in the sequence.
- Ovulatory day in which ovulation does not occur and the cycle resets.
- Hens with the shortest lag between laying and ovulation will lay the greatest number of eggs.
Describe the composition of egg shell.
- 97% of the eggshell is crystalline calcium carbonate, which is deposited on a protein matrix.
- Without the calcium carbonate, the shell would soft and give insufficient physical protection.
- Without the underlying protein matrix, the shell would be hard but brittle and crack easily.
- Up to 80% of calcium ions in the shell will ultimately be absorbed by the developing embryo to mineralise its own skeletal system.
What causes weak shells?
Drugs such as sulphonamide antibiotics can cause weak shells, possibly due to the inhibition of carbonic anhydrase.
What causes thin egg shells?
If hens overheat and start hyperventilating to cool down, this can blow off too much CO2 and lead to a respiratory alkalosis and reduce plasma bicarbonate levels and lead to thin egg shells.
How do androgens and oestrogens affect shells?
Both androgens and oestrogens increase calcium absorption in the gut and oestrogen also stimulates the synthesis of calcium binding proteins that increases the total calcium carrying capacity of the blood.
Describe eggs as complex life support systems.
- They must allow gas exchange while restricting water loss.
- Achieved by tough impermeable shell that only allows gas exchange to occur via the narrow pores which are imperfections in the crystalline structure of the shell.
- Oxygen diffusion through the 2 shell membranes before oxygenating the blood in the underlying chorioallantois, with CO2 diffusing out of the circulating in the other direction.
- During incubation, blood vessels form in the yolk sac to gain its nutrients and within the chorioallantois, closely opposed to the inner shell membrane to maximise the surface area and minimise the diffusion distance for gas exchange.
How do eggs excrete nitrogenous waste?
- Uric acid precipitates out of solution readily and is effectively stored in the bird’s egg in the chorioallantois.
- In sold form, uric acid has low toxicity compared to ammonia and urea and importantly does not contribute to the osmolarity of the fluid in the egg.
When does a chick hatch?
- When the rate of gas exchange via the chorioallantois is not sufficient to meet the metabolic needs of the developing chick.
- Pips through the shell membrane and into the airspace.
- Relatively high PO2 in the air space allows the chick to increase the area available for gas exchange as both the chorioallantois and the lungs are now involved.
- As a chick continues to grow and its metabolic rate increases, the rate of oxygen diffusion via the shell pores becomes limiting.
- Hypoxia and hypercapnia in the chick and results in a stress response in which the chick uses its shell tooth to pip through the weakened shell in external pipping to take its first breath of fresh air.
What is the energy supply of new born chicks?
Do not feed during their first couple of days after hatching, as the residual yolk from the egg is withdrawn into the coelom to act as an energy supply over the first few days of independent living, while they get used to eating.
Describe imprinting.
- So birds and especially precocial species (chickens, ducks, geese) imprint of moving objects during a sensitive period of a few hours following hatching.
- The result of imprinting is that young develop a social preference to stay close to the object they have imprinted on.
- The chicks have a natural predisposition to imprint on an object with the morphological species-specific features of their mother and this imprinting is enhanced by their mother calling.
- But if the mother is not around, they can imprint onto all sorts of animate and inanimate objects.