Bird Nematodes Flashcards
Nematodes of birds
Strongyloidea (hookworms)- Syngamus trachea
Ascaridoidea- Ascaridia galli, heterakis gallinarum
Trichuroidea (whipworm)- Capillaria sp.
Syngamus trachea (gapeworm)
Host: domestic fowl and game birds
Site: trachea
Adults permanently in copula
Syngamus trachea-routes of infection
1) Ingestion of L3 IN the egg (larvated L3 remains in egg)
2) Can ingest hatched L3
3) can ingest paratenic host (earthworm) containing L3
L3 penetrate SI and migrate in blood to lungs- develop to adults
Syngamus trachea- pathogenesis
Migration of MANY larvae- acute pneumonia and death
Adults cause hemorrhagic tracheitis
Partial airway occlusion “gapes”- if adults are producing eggs.
Syngamus trachea- clinical signs
Most severe in young birds
Dyspneic (pre-patent)
Gasps, head shaking, cough (patent)
Syngamus trachea- diagnosis
Barrel shaped egg with bipolar operculum (85-90 microns)
PM to find adult worms
Clincal signs
Syngamus trachea epidemiology
Disease most common in young birds/adults are carries, but turkeys of all ages are susceptible
Most frequent in outdoor pens
Eggs are VERY resistent
Infection can arise from wild birds.
Ascaridia galli
typical ascarid parasite
Host: chickens and turkeys
Site: SI
Large white worm (~12 cm)
oval egg with a smooth shell
larval stage in egg is infective
NON-migratory (no hepatotracheal migration)
not very pathogenic
Ascaridia galli epidemiology
mostly a problem in young birds
older animals tend to be resistant or can be asymptomatic carriers
Deep litter housing or outdoor runs faciliate survival of eggs
Ascaridia galli diagnosis
Egg difficult to distinguish from Heterakis gallinarium
Eggs are thick shelled and VERY resistant
Necropsy for adult worms
Heterakis gallinarium
Ascarid but in LARGE intestine
Small white worm (~1.5cm)
Host: domestic and wild birds
Site: LI
eggs similar to ascaridia galli
not pathogenic
Heterakis gallinarum- why it’s important
Not pathogenic in itself, but it is a vector of histomonas meleagridis (protozoan)
Causes blackhead in turkeys
Histomonas transmitted from bird to bird in heterakis egg.
Capillaria species
Several different species with different life cycles
Different species have different prediliction sites: crop and oseophagus, or SI
Can be important parasites of poultry
Similar to trichuris species (same superfamily)
Pathogenesis of capillaria
anterior end buried in mucosa
cause diphtheritic inflammation- sloughing off of top layer of cells
for species in SI, can be diarrhea
can have very high mortality
reduced weight gain/ egg laying.
Diagnosis of capillaria
young bird most susceptible
older birds are carriers
non-specific clinical signs can appear before eggs in feces
necropsy: examine for worms
eggs in feces
parallel sides, bi-polar plus (50 microns long)- similar but smaller to trichuris egg.