Biote Test Questions Flashcards
Symptom reduction over time with pellets for both men and women
Men: 4-5 months
Women: 3-4 months
What should PSA be to pellet (unless had urology work up)
PSA must be <2.5 ng/mL
Does testosterone therapy affect PSA in normal prostate?
Minimally (<0.1)
What 3 hormones do we balance
Testosterone and thyroid
If female is on estrogen cream and getting a biote lab work up what should be done
If on cream, hold cream in the AM of lab draw
After first round of pelleting what should be the follow up labs for women
FSH, estradiol, and total testosterone
*6 weeks of doing well
4 weeks if non responder
*if thyroid labs only, can be done at 4 weeks
What should FSH levels be at the follow up labs (after 1st pellet)
FSH should decrease by 50% or <23 if given replacement does E2 (not 6mg)
*because FSH will not change in testosterone only and will not change with E2 6mg
What should total testosterone levels at 6 weeks be for women
What about premenopausal E2 dosing for women
Premenopausal women make their own E2 AND progesterone so they do not need that.
Premenopausal women ONLY get E2 if they have menstrual migraines and the dose is 6mg!
Biote initial work up in men
PSA (age 55-69)
TSH, Free T4, Free T3, TPO
Testosterone- total and feee
25-OH vit D and vit B12
Prolactin if she <40 and if T <300
Consider semen alalysis if no children
Sleep study?
For initial work up for men, what should be held prior to blood draw
If on shots, test on day 4 or 5 (post injection)
If on creams, hold cream AM of lab draw
Biote follow up labs for men
Free and total testosterone AND estradiol
Thyroid if on meds
*4 weeks
What should be the total testosterone in males with follow up labs
At 4 weeks
Total testosterone 900-1100
Free testosterone (upper end of range over the median)
What is the normal total testosterone ranges
300-900 is what most labs use for total testosterone
900-1100 is “optimal” level at which most men feel their best
<500 symptoms appear
<300 patient has significant symptoms
What is the normal PSA in men currently on 5a reduxtase inhibitor for BPH or balding
If male testosterone is very low for age and no illegal anabolic steroids use, what lab test would be important to get
If make testosterone is very low for age and no anabolic steroid use, what clinical condition should be ruled out
Sleep apnea
What are the 6 estradiol pearls
NOT recommended in women with epilepsy
NEVER given to men
Do NOT give men aromatase inhibitors based on pre pellet lab results
do NOT give estradiol to breast cancer survivors
Maximum E2 given to women with uterus on FIRST dose is 12.5mg
FSH should go down by half or <23 if women gets replacement dose E2
What is a boost
Extra amount of either E2, T or both
When should a boost be given
<8 weeks (but not before 4 weeks)
Does the client get charged for a boost
No charge to patient or to clinic
Is estrogen given when there is a history of breast cancer
Is progesterone given with a history of breast cancer
If female is needing a testosterone boost what is it typically
Boost if needed before 8 weeks