Biostats Flashcards
Post test probability
Pre test prob is 10%
liklihood ratio is 16
Post test probability
10% pre test porbablity = 1:9 odds
16 is lilihood ratio
16/25= post test proabiliy
Minors <18 yrs old excpetions to needing parental consent
- married
- preggo
- finacially indpendent
- riaisng kid
- living by theirself
- in the army
- OCPs or Pregnancy Tx
- Psych illness
*need parental consent for abortions
difference in comeptency vs capaacity
Competent= legal by court
-permanent is dementia and someone appointed b court ot make decisions, dleirum is temporary
capacity = medical by me
break of confidentiality (2)
- hurt themselves or others
2. Abuse
termnally ill patients make sure you prescribe
LOTS of opiods
Make sure to rpeort HIV aids, syph, measles all the good stuff
withdrawal of care anf amily disagrees with patient?
seek out ethics comittee
High sensitivity but low spec= False ____
High spec but low sens= False____
95% sens 95% spec Low prevalence of disease 1% 10% 50% 90%
1- not helpful
2- Kinda helpful, negative result reduces lieklihood and positve test says it needs more tests
3- Very helpful
4- not helpful- positive adds ntohign and negative is a false negative
Disease present Disease absent
+/exposure A B
-/no exp C D
Know it
Specificity Equation
D/ D+B
PPV equation
A/ A+B - liklihoood a positive result is positive
High prevelance== higher PPV\
Need cohort study not case control- incidence needs to reflect he population
NPV equation
D/ C+D - liekly hoood the negaitve result is disease free
Lower pevelance = higher NPV
Need cohort study not case control- incidence needs to reflect he population
Incidence define
new cases per year
prevalence define
total number of existing cases in a population at certin snap shot of time
Absolute risk define
PROBABILTY of n event occuring over a time frame
1% chnce of getting Disease X in 5 years
Relative risk define
COHORT porspective studies comapring groups exposed to a risk factor or not
RR<1 in event less liekly in exposed group
RR>1 exposed group more likely to have event
Odds ratio defined
it compares rate of epxosure to those with and without disease. Less accruate than OR
Relative rate equation
a/a+b /// c/c+d
Odds ratio equation
Absolute risk reduction define and equation
Risk from exposure to something + Background of disease.
Absolute risk (adverse events) in placebo group - absolute risk in treated patients
Absolute risk reduction define and equation
Risk from exposure to something + Background of disease.
Absolute risk (adverse events) in placebo group - absolute risk in treated patients
ratio between 2 risks
Ratio and can look deceptively large
event rate in control - event rate in experimental patients /// event rate in control
Or Unexposed-exposed///unexposed
Example of ARR AND RRR
reduction of adverse event is 0.01% to 0.004%
ARR 0.01-0.004 = 0.006%
RRR 0.01-0.004///0.01= 0.6 or 60%!!!
NNT define and equation
number of patients ot be treated to prevent 1 adverse event
p value defined
less than 5% chance that is was by chance or there is a5% chance the null hypothesis that there is no association holds true
CI defined
Like p value, is this real or is it by chance. It says that there is a 95% chance that the observed risk will fall between a certain range.
It uses OR and RR
If CI includeds 1 it is not cliniclaly significant
if it is 1.9 but CI is .8-3 it is not significant
RR is 2 and CI is 1.2-3.5 then there is OBSERVED 2x risk for smoking to cause cancer but in reality the ACUTAL risk is somewhere between 1.2-3.5 X the risk if you were to smoke
Prospective studies
future outcomes
control for biases
past events
less reliable
cohort study
population observed overtime grouped on basis of exposure to a factor and watching for a psecifci outcome *NOT good for rare conditions **USE RR to intepret results either pro or retro can work
Case ocntrol study
Retorspective study
look at ppl with a disease and without the disease and look fro exposure to risk factors
*Good for rare diseases
**USE OR to intepret resutls
Randomized contorl trials
prospective study to randomly assign ppl to treatment or placebo group to see if tx made a difference
DBL blindi s gold standard
Crude mortality rate
Deaths/total population
Cause specifc mortalty rate
Disease related deaths/total population
Case fatality
Deaths/#ppl with disease
Standard mortality ratio
Observed deaths over expected detahs. If it is 2 then the partcualr group is twice is high as the genreal population
Crude birth rate
Live births/Total population size
Maternal mortlaity rate
Deaths/live births (not fetal losses)
DO suicidie contracts work?
No get guns out of the home
Alcohol abuse, anemia, old due, MCV low, no Abd pain- first step colonsicpopy or EGD?
Colonoscopy- cancer first then EGD if negative
WHat is an Anylsis of variance used for>?
MEan comparison between 3 groups. Itgivee F statisitc for variation between the groups
Mcnemar test
difference between 2 paired proportions - the patients serve as their own control (success/failure before and after the treatment in the same subjects)
pearson chi square
association between categorical variables
Success/failure in MAle/feamle
fischers exact test
small sample size for pearson chi squared
success/failure in <20 patients etc
paired t test between 2 means- patients as own control
Ex- mean BP before and after treatment
Correlation coefficiant
-1 to 1 and 0 is null
NO causality
Weak association the closer it gets to 0
Difference between ARR and RRR and RR
RRR is proportion or percentage
ARR is difference
RR is the increased likelihood of the risk in (un)exposed
.0018 and .0013
ARR is .5
RR is 1.38 or 38% more liekly
RRR is 28%